Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 1: Self-disturbance

Chapter 245

Before the autumn leaves fall, the war has ceased to reignite.

In the late summer and early autumn of the fourth year of Jianyan, the war between Song and Jin was completely over. With Yue Fei’s imperial army escorting a large number of exiled people from Hebei to return to Henan, the front of the two sides also completely returned to the pre-war period. position.

Not only that, as the two armies turned back to their respective security zones, almost invariably, the Song and Jin sides immediately began an orderly decompression on the border.

A large number of field troops were evacuated from the front in an orderly manner. Auxiliary soldiers and civilians were disbanded. Both sides tacitly kept only some of the garrisons in key locations for surveillance and necessary precautions.

The same is true in the rear. Military troops are transferred to the station, and civilian officials begin to dominate the area again.

One reason for such a tacit understanding is that in the past battle, both sides are unavoidable. In addition, both sides have a bunch of internal problems and troubles that can be thought of when you close your eyes to deal with, so they don’t want to deal with it anymore. The second is that after this battle, almost all people of insight realized that the strategic balance of the two sides has officially reversed. Within a period of time, it is impossible for the two countries to cause a fatal blow to each other... The Jin Army has no ability to destroy Zhao Song or seize a large area of ​​Zhao Song territory, and it is unlikely that Zhao Song has been beaten for the first five or six years, and suddenly he was able to switch from defense to offensive... Song who had been screaming for a long time. The strategic confrontation between the two countries across the Yellow River ended here formally.

In this case, only Zhang Rong's imperial naval forces were granted the ‘free movement’ permission. As for the rest, it does not mean that large-scale frictions cannot be involved, but that it is unnecessary.

What's more, there is still the old saying that there is a priority for things, or to say that you must first settle in the outside world. As the strategic balance is achieved, the priority of some things has finally been adjusted.

The fall of the fire in July clearly enters the autumn, but the heat of the heat is still hard to reduce.

On this day, a team of donkey carts and mules arrived in Luoyang’s abandoned city, and then went straight to the ruins of the abandoned city’s old palace... In this regard, many sergeants and their families have long been surprised by the garrison living area built on the city. No wonder, because these days, those who go from Tokyo to Kansai, or from Kansai to Tokyo, but all those who are officials, have no scholarship, and even scholars and merchants in the past, have to go to Wang. Xianggong walked through the place where he was martyred, and then he burned incense and wrote a poem.

And this person who can get so many donkey carts and mules, and attendants, etc., at first glance, knows that he is a serious civil servant, and this is definitely inevitable.

Of course, this is the ignorance of these people, because unlike the passers-by who come to join in the fun and face because of Wang Sang-gong’s reputation, the Manzhang Yushi who hurried past here today is not a rudimentary person, he and Wang Sang-gong He was a real colleague, and even Wang Xianggong could be called his "graciousness"... After the appointment of officials in Nanyang Hall that day, Wan Tuo Yuanzhong walked in the Privy Council, and he was Wang Zhongmu's direct subordinate.

Therefore, during this trip to Luoyang, although Wan Tongmao was extremely tired and had a short journey, he still had to go to the ruins of the Old Palace of the Deserted City to offer incense candles to Wang Xianggong and pay homage to Wang Xianggong.

However, after a few lines of murky tears fell, it is reasonable to say that at this time Wanzuo Yushi should have learned from those visiting scholars and officials, and wrote a poem of mourning on the ruined wall that had just been fanned. I don’t know why. He touched his pen and ink, but he didn't get anything. Instead, he suddenly remembered that the Zhao official's inscription to Luoyang in the past is "Remaining Que", as the saying goes, "All the palaces have made land, prospered, and the people are suffering; death, the people are suffering." , Can only abandon the pen to cover the tears and leave.

Not only that, after leaving the abandoned city of Luoyang, Wan Qianmao continued to travel westward, walking along the ancient road, passing through Shanzhou, entering Tongguan, and traveling along the Weishui River without stopping, but he was always depressed, and this depression made him feel unbearable. .

Let’s also say, what a transparent person Wan Cheng Yuanzhong is, his thoughts are clearly understood by himself: the so-called depression is caused by what he saw and heard before and after the war, first he crossed the river with the army in front of the imperial camp, and saw the "thousand villages in Hebei". Enxiang behaved like this, after the sacrifice, he was naturally depressed; it was embarrassing, but he was always upset that he could not get out of this emotion.

You have to know that I miss him in his middle age, and rely on Nanyang speculation to gradually get an official position. What I want is to be an official and be a high official. I usually don't shy away from the name of the front or back... this It's not that you can't have this kind of depression, after all, who can be ruthless if people are not plants? But the problem is that, for some reason, the officials became bigger and bigger again and again, but this kind of meaningless emotions became more and more likely to appear. This time, it became more obvious.

This was so unbearable.

Of course, what kind of character is Yuanzhong Wanzuo? Feeling unbearable, but never showing up on the face. And that night when I came to the post house outside Linwei City, I heard that someone was visiting, knowing that he was going to do something big this time, so he immediately assumed a posture not to come near:

"No matter who it is, let me tell people from outside that I am an attendant in the palace, a court official, an official and a close minister, and I will go west this time. Before I come to the Sage, I will not have any private dealings with anyone..."

The attendants who were retired veterans of the former army of the imperial camp naturally went out to inform them properly.

However, after a while, the attendant turned back again.

"Anyone who calls himself an old man from northern Shaanxi?" Wan Tumo hesitated for a while. "Civilian or military general?"

"Without an attendant, I look like a civil official, but he has a majestic figure, and he is riding an extremely majestic horse, and he speaks a little bit of yin and yang..." Only after the war did he follow Wan Hao's attendant, one hundred fifty and ten. Come, as if you don't recognize the person.

But before finishing talking, this Wanzu Yuanzhong simply laughed, and then went out to meet him in person.

Sure enough, the person who came was no one else. It was the ‘Old Man from Northern Shaanxi’ of Wantong Yushi, who made a special twist in the battle of Yaoshan not long ago.

When the two met, Qu Duan opened his mouth and kept poking his lips: "Will Yushi Wanzuo come to Kansai this time, do you have to learn from Yang Zhen and be a gentleman of the Four Knowledges? You don't look for a bronze mirror to look at yourself. I really think you can mix. How about three generations and three males?"

Wan Qianmao didn’t say a word to his face, and turned back to the small courtyard where he was staying, before he sneered, “It doesn’t matter if he knows four or five knowledges. At the moment, this joint is due to you. I turned into a civilian job and dared to find me, I just yelled that there was a thief in public..."

The two pierced each other's mouths before they sat down in the courtyard, and Qu Duan started to look upright: "If this is the case, Wanzu Yushi does not taboo military commanders at this time, but instead he taboos civil servants? What's the reason?"

"What's the point?" The fire in July, the heat in the daytime, but gradually got some cold air in the evening, Wan Cheng sat with his hands together, and didn't hide it. "After this battle, which of the officers did not hold your hands? The official wants to rectify the western army here. Liu Xi reprimanded. There are three big army officers, one of you is big. , Wu Da, and Liu Er, don't you really dare to break it?"

"In the system of this dynasty, the emperor can handle the general at will." Qu Duan sighed, shaking his head. "It's just that this time the official can shoot arrows immediately, so it's particularly conspicuous... But if you say that, why don't you avoid the generals? First, the whole army, tens of thousands of Western troops will be transferred to the imperial camp. , The soldiers and horses are configured, and tens of thousands of soldiers are in control, and then go to the Guanzhong Xiantian rewards. Who dares to make trouble? Who can make trouble?"

Wan Hao snorted without saying a word.

Qu Duan was taken aback for a moment, and then he woke up, but he also sneered: "I understand... Wang Xianggong died of the country, Lu Xianggong has just been promoted to the public minister, and both the province and the Privy Council have vacated serious positions. The envoys and elders are like black-eyed chickens, you are dead in your heart to be a minister, and you never want to be made a fair person."

Wan Haomao shook his head more than just: "Qu Da, Qu Da, you are so capable of literary and military skills, you are indeed a talent, but unfortunately you have a long mouth."

"What if I have a mouth, this imperial cavalry is still under my control." Qu Duan confronted with an arrogant attitude. "The decree came down a few days ago!"

"Really?" Wan Chengmao was startled slightly, then shook his head. "Then what are you doing here? Are you really looking for me to quarrel?"

"It's really something." Qu Duan only got serious at this time. "I filed a lawsuit...Does Yushi Manjo know about Guo Cheng?"

"Old General Guo Cheng, I naturally know that he was already a famous general when the Shenzong dynasty fought Xixia." Wan Tu was thoughtful. "For many years, I have been in Huanqing and Jingyuan, that is, in northern Shaanxi... and northern Shaanxi is also where you and the Wu brothers started. There is a lawsuit between you. I can think of it even if I don’t say it, nothing more. You robbed others of their military power, or were your descendants squeezed out by you?"

"At that time, if you can't gather the soldiers and horses from these wastes, how can you do something?" Qu Duan frowned and simply admitted it.

"Then you just tell the officials like this is..." Wan Chengmao didn't take it seriously. "Since the official has been appointed, I still value you in my heart."

"The key is that Guo Cheng is dying." Qu Duan frowned. "This is an veteran of the Four Dynasties. He has always had military exploits. After the arrival of Old Taiwei Yang, he was even the most senior person in the Western Army. However, he has been in poor health over the years, and he only fought in Huanqing Luwu Fort. Waiting for death, I had been fighting with his son Guo Hao for many years. I took advantage of the chaos in the first two years, and it was mostly because he didn’t make a big deal on the face of the old general, but I didn’t think I suddenly appeared in person today. ...... Two days after the appointment of me as the imperial cavalry army, Guo Chengcheng was still recovering from his wounds and waiting for his death in the Wubao on the border of Jingyuan Road, but Zhazi had already been sent to the impeachment of the impeachment. Ten major sins in northern Shaanxi."

"Only ten major sins?"

"Actually, I was more than 20 serious sins, but what's the point?" Qu Duan disapproved. "I really want to talk about sin, that poem, and Wang Shu's thing is enough to kill me, where is Guo Cheng and Guo Hao's turn?"

"That's true, then what are you afraid of?"

"Isn't it because the official is about to change the entire western army into the imperial army? And if the army is to be reorganized, it is logical to give the western army a little comfort. If the official wants to give the veteran general who is about to die For the sake of face, what about the uniformity of my imperial cavalry?" Qu Duan finally said the key. "And I won't hide it from you. Guo Cheng, Guo Hao, father and son, and Wu brothers are from the same hometown. I'm also afraid that the two thieves of Wu Da and Wu are also involved in this matter. I was in a state of irritation and happened to hear you coming. , So I personally galloped the iron elephant over to welcome you, but also wanted to ask you to be an inquiry about this matter."

Wan Tongmao finally smiled again: "You are careless and messy..."

"How do you say?" Qu Da finally cheered up.

"I'm asking you." Wan Chun Yuan Zhong Nian must face each other. "Guo Cheng, who is dying, why should he impeach you before he died? Doesn't he know that you are the official candidate? Aren't you afraid that you will wait for him to retaliate against his son? Such a senior veteran, he fights his last decent and his son's future , Is it just to breathe out a bad breath? Instead of you being Guo Cheng, would you do that?"

Qu grinned for a while: "I will do it naturally."

Wan Hao turned black for a while.

But Qu Duan continued to smile and said: "But I also understand what you mean... This is because Guo Hao has not done anything this time. He saw that the Western Army was about to reorganize, so his father gave up his face. It was to remind the officials. Don't forget that they have been loyal to the Guo family for two generations and four dynasties, and want the officials to see him and give his son a future...Such things, as long as Guo Hao is allowed a position, it will disappear."

"That's exactly what I meant." Wan Chengmao finally twisted his beard and nodded again, but asked curiously. "But Guo Hao was a serious military post on Huanqing Road back then. Why didn't he make some military achievements in this battle?"

"Because I was the one who sent troops to the walled city to the north of Huanqing Road, and I always thought this bird was upset, so I only called his soldiers, but left him to look after his father." Qu Duan casually took care of him. A swing, as if saying that the iron elephant was matched once and for all yesterday.

"Let's be a good individual!" Wan Tsui grabbed his beard, short of breath.

"If I'm as good as Wu Da, how can I get involved with you?" Qu Duan still didn't care. "Wu Da is also your old friend from northern Shaanxi. Did you come to look for you today? Don’t you know, Wu Da now looks right with Liu Ziyu, plus Hu Jinglue's exaltation in the past, Zhang, Hu, Liu, Wu, almost It is necessary to keep everything in Kansai clean, even Owen Sanggong is just empty..."

Wan Hao was silent immediately.

Besides, fish find fish and shrimps find shrimps, turtles find bastards... This is vulgar words, but some things are really the same.

Wan Chengyuan Zhongqing knew that he was born inadequate, so he was determined to be a minister, and after doing things several times, he actually faintly attracted the attention of the decent ministers in the central government... In this case, if there is a decent way to go. Who will entangle with him? Before, I finally found a way for Wang Shuzhan and Zhao Huangshu. As a result, I met Yiyou Mentogu without death. After this incident, Zhao Huangshu was destined to do nothing politically, and Wang Shuzhan and his sons also failed to do so. Less embarrassing, and really a long mouth, Qu Da is regarded as his biggest political companion at this time.

However, after being angry for a while, Wan Zuo Yuanzhong changed his mind, but laughed again...because no matter what, Qu Duan came over this time and said so straightforwardly that the meaning of partnering as a companion was already obvious.

Although both of them are of different kinds, they can support each other in the same palace as the Yushi, and the same as the imperial cavalry.

Even, what kind of lawsuit, with the cleverness of this ‘being able to speak, can’t be said to have a clear heart, just as an excuse to see myself.

In contrast, it is meaningless to be asked for some lip service.

At this point, Wan Tong sighed and sighed, but it was rare to be a lot more honest: "I can see that it is not the Guo father and son that you care about, but the Wu brothers..."

"Could it be that you don't care about Liu Ziyu, Hu Yin, and Zhang Jun?" Qu Duan faced each other coldly. "This group of people are gathered together, left and right. The world's officials and the handsome ministers are almost one. Where can we live? Kansai is saying that when the official family returned to Tokyo, it was Zhang Junxuan. day!"

"You're still insightful." Wan Tongmao became more frank. "It's possible for Zhang Jun to be the boss, but whether we can survive or not depends on the officials, not them. To take a step back, it is this group of people who have gained power and will embarrass us. We just stay away for a while, because although they Occupy the upper reaches for a while, but it is impossible to occupy the upper reaches forever..."

"How to say?"

"Two sayings... One is to be together for a long time, and the other is to spend a hundred days without red." Wan Hao's heart is really confided today. "The so-called harmony must be divided, it means that although these people are now one, it is only because of the presence of senior ministers before. They appear to be one. It is their turn to deal with major national affairs. They will inevitably be disliked by their age, political views, background and habits When you get up, you will inevitably divide the situation; and the flower will not be red for a hundred days. It means that the official family is rich and powerful, and the days to come will be long, and there will be more things to do. These people may not have enough talents or bad temperaments. Can you always keep up with such a martial arts official?"

Qu Duan raised his eyebrows, and then blurted out: "They can't keep up, can we keep up?"

Wan Yumao shook his head and felt inexplicable: "Why can't you keep up? In this troubled world, when this is the master, you and I will do your best to do something and accomplishments. I am afraid that the name behind will be better than those. Isn't the Taiping Prime Minister taller? Don't even say that we, those who died before, are worthless for a lifetime? Why must we seek the most upstream?"

However, as soon as this remark came out, Wan Tsui himself was a little dazed, while Qu Duan wanted to ridicule, but finally didn't say anything.

In this way, not to mention how a treacherous official and a domineering general connected in private, only to say that early the next morning, Wan Chengmao continued to go west and entered Chang'an the next day. When he saw the official house, he was ordered to take advantage of the autumn harvest as a servant in the palace. Check the ownership of the fields around the Jingzhao Mansion on the Yongxing Army Road in order to prepare for the granting of the fields after the reorganization of the Western Army’s merits... This was originally an important task as expected. Some other important ministers who have rushed to the army either went to reorganize the army or go. Dutian, Kansai did not have the third major event.

Therefore, of course Wan Hao has nothing to say.

Only after he was ordered, he was about to leave, but he was called out by the Zhao official family: "Kanxi has been raided by the Lou room many times, and the war has been in chaos for several years. Among them, Jingzhao is the most powerful and the strongest. Wan Tuqing must know it in his heart."

Of course there are countless people...The officials are not reminding me that there is a fort in Kansai. How dare to fart under the nose of tens of thousands of troops? This is because the officials are asking him to be stricter. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, it’s best to take the big landlords and disperse some of the big landlords together, and allocate the land around Jingzhao, which may be the most fertile land in the world, properly... How did he? Maybe not counted?

Seeing Wan Cheng Yuan Zhong repeatedly arched his hands in response, Zhao Jiu knew that the other party was a'Chen Chen' who knew what he wanted. He was naturally satisfied, but then suddenly seemed to think of something. Fu continued to laugh and asked, "I heard that Qu Duan is looking for you? "


Wan Hao was calm. "The minister and Qu Dutong used to have a saying in northern Shaanxi... His subordinates first locked the minister, and the minister later escorted him to Tokyo. It was a rare friendship."

"It's really a kind of friendship." Zhao Jiu became more and more unhappy. "He is looking for you just to retell the past?"

"Not so. After he went, he first asked the minister how to deal with Guo Cheng's impeachment... The minister said that he should be more generous and recommend Guo Hao's future." At this point, Wan Tuomao obviously hesitated, but After glancing at the two of Hu Yin and Kobayashi who were standing by one side, he continued. "Later, he told the truth, because he was worried that the Wu brothers, Liu Chengzhi, Hu Jinglue, Zhang Zhuan and others would be linked up and down and left and right, and they would oppress him in the future... Therefore, the minister comforted him by a few more words, let him Do things with peace of mind."

Zhao Jiu smiled and nodded, without expressing any unnecessary opinions: "I know, Qin Fenglu will have to work hard for Qin Fenglu to regain the fields... But don't worry, I am here to support you and wait for this. It's done, let's go back to Tokyo together."

Wan Chengmao didn't dare to say much, so he bid farewell.

After Wan Tuo left, Zhao Jiu looked directly at Hu Yin on one side: "Ming Zhong, Qu Da said you are in a party, do you have something to say?"

Hu Mingzhong calmly went out and said: "Qu Daping has nothing to To save others by oneself, so mediocre people disturb themselves!"

Zhao Jiu nodded, and then continued to ask calmly: "Then let's not talk about this, I will ask you again, have you ever thought of going back to Tokyo to be a prime minister?"

Hu Yin was visibly taken aback, but then he shook his head straightly: "The prime minister, the ruler of the world, the minister's aura and ability are not enough to serve as the world's minister, and the minister takes the liberty to still ask himself to stay in Kansai as a place of office."

Zhao Jiu nodded again and continued to inquire at will: "Then do you think Zhang Deyuan can be the prime minister?"

Hu Yin finally fell silent.

Zhao Jiu looked at each other for a while, woke up, and nodded three times.

PS: Thanks to the 104th cute, Erdan is right...Who is this?

105th cute, student Lian Yun... Thank you for your tolerance.

Then sacrifice a new book-"My Brother Is a Sword Fairy"

(End of this chapter)

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