Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 3: Self-determination

Zhao Ding's superiority is unexpected and reasonable.

The so-called reasonable, refers to Zhao Ding's own qualifications, official position, and age. He is very emboldened. As the oldest of the few people (Zhao Ding, Zhang Jun, Hu Yin) who fled to Taixue in Jingkang in the past, Zhao Yuanzhen As early as in Huai Shang, he was one of the first batch of confidants to be gathered by the Zhao official's family, and he was promoted to the Huainan two-way transit envoy early and became one of the local officials... This position is basically second only to a few envoys.

In fact, considering Lu Yihao’s unbridled behavior and Xu Jingheng’s sudden retirement and Xu Xianggong’s sudden retirement, and Li Gang was once again gently suspended by the officials, before Hu Yin, Liu Ziyu, Xiaolin Xueshi and other officials’ confidants were left in Kansai. At that time, everyone realized that the three Zaifu must have a position for Huainan Zhaoding.

However, the so-called unexpected.

Obviously, Zhao Guan’s family is going to do it for themselves, and the person used must at least be related to the official’s ascension to the throne, that is, the so-called “official confidant”. From this perspective, Zhang Jun’s personal relationship with the official Undoubtedly more intimate than Zhao Ding... Therefore, the previous night, many people thought that Zhang Jun would be the prime minister of the capital, and Zhao Ding would be the privy envoy and even the deputy minister. Zhao Ding, thousands of miles away, topped the list.

Of course, for a clever person like Wan Tusao, even if he didn’t know that Hu Yin, a little brother, intervened a pole between two'too Xue brothers', he still had some guesses—anyway, Officials all need to have a provincial prime minister who can do things and has rich experience at the bottom. Before, it was Xu Jingheng, but now it is naturally Zhao Ding.

As for Liu Ji, frankly speaking, in the abnormal situation before, no one can be sure whether he is a real competent official or a fake one. Besides, in terms of relationship, this Liu Xianggong is a little further away from the official family after all. Relatively speaking, Zhao Ding, who came into the eyes of the officials because he settled the refugees in Huainan, and worked diligently in Huainan for several years, guaranteeing the supply of financial resources, is much more reliable.

And this kind of thing, to put it nicely, is that the official affairs of the Zhao official family is the first, and the appointing people are meritorious, and the ugly thing is that the Zhao official family has no experience and a guilty conscience here!

Of course, it's a good thing after all... If the leader doesn't mess with his confidant, can it be a bad thing?

"Who is the Korean envoy from?"

This time there was no military parade and no ceremony. The last imperial battalion simply stopped at Yuetai in the west of the city, and Zhao Jiu was just the commander of the imperial squad and went straight into the city. It was too late to enter the harem and rest. This official They gathered all the officials in the Wende Hall and asked about related matters in the city.

Lu Haowen was already old and had always had a calm personality. After this time, he didn't know whether he was pretending to be true or not, but he was much calmer than before. He just stood upright and said nothing.

And soon, seeing the public minister Lu Haowen, the new privy envoy Zhang Jun, and the old rules of the Privy Council of Tongzhi were speechless, Zhu Shengfei, the official book of the Ministry of Etiquette, immediately stepped forward and said, "Return to your Majesty, to call Zheng Zhichang, it is The Hanlin scholars in Korea are knowledgeable and have excellent literary talent... I wonder if your Majesty wants to be summoned? When?"

"Not Jin Fushi?" Zhao Jiu frowned slightly in the throne. "Is this person in the Kaikyo squad or the Pyongyang squad in Goryeo? To the gold master and the warlord?"

Zhu Shengfei was speechless for a while. After a moment of silence, he said, "So that the officials will know that this person has always been accompanied by the Shaoqing Wanglunguan of Honghu Temple. The so-called two classes of Kaijing and Pyongyang are not known to the officials, but the former officials The family wins, he hurriedly floated into the sea, but he even wrote poems to praise the official family's martial arts, and the poems are really good... I think he should be the one who fights against the gold master."

This answer is obviously wrong, but as the official book of the Ministry of Etiquette, he understood that this level is already qualified, so Zhao Jiu did not chase after him, but nodded, and then directly said on the throne: "Where is Wang Lun?"

Shaoqing Wang Lun, Shaoqing of Hongtong Temple, who had been prepared for a long time, went out immediately, and then bowed his head to the Lisuo: "My Majesty, this person belongs to the second squad of Xijing, and the monk Miaocheong is a party. He has always been the main battle. Monk Miaocheong is in the Korean court. A serious ally is one of Jin Fushi’s biggest political enemies in Goryeo right now..."

At this point, Wang Lun paused for a while, and then added carefully: "This person and Jin Fushi are not only political enemies, but also rivals in the Korean literary world. Both public and private grievances are deep."

"There's still something wrong." Zhao Jiu frowned: "Last time you said that Jin Fushi was obsessed with big things. Song Qiang followed Song and Jin Qiang followed Jin. If there is a slight repetition, he will wait and see and make adjustments in time. On the contrary, it is the monk of Xijing Miaochen. The one-party brain is not clear, and it intends to use the money to expand the two groups of Xijing and Pyongyang, so it is fighting the gold master... Then this Zheng Zhichang, since the Myocheong monk is a party, why does he come to'big things'?"

"So that the officials will know." Wang Lun explained quickly. "Zheng Zhichang is a civil servant, and Monk Myocheong formed a party because they are based in Korea, Xijing, Pyongyang, and are opposed to the two classes of Kaijing. It is impossible not to have a party, but when it comes to specific opinions, they are still different..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Jiu understands it, but Song Chen, who has gone through the old and new party disputes for decades, is also stunned.

"I understand." Zhao Jiu smiled as expected. "This is a person who is wrapped up in the main battle because of political disputes. He fights only because Jin Fushi is not the main battle... But in this case, this person is both important and the main battle. Isn't it more beneficial to us than Jin Fushi?"

Wang Lun hesitated for a moment, and then cautiously said: "Officials, this person and Jin Fushi are in Goryeo. There has always been a saying..."

Zhao Jiu laughed more and more: "What do you say, what do you mean?"

"It is said that Jin Fushi came up with this name because he admired the Dasu Bachelor, but he is very similar to King Shu when he is an official and doing things, and Zheng Zhichang is fighting with the party, but unlike Sima Wen Gong, he is more like Dasu Bachelor..."

Zhao Jiu laughed three times: "You want to say that this person is a trash politically. If you spin around on him, it might not be useful?"

"The key point is that it is difficult for us to really exert force on Korea at this time..." Seeing that many ministers around him looked sideways, Wang Lun hurriedly skipped this topic.

"How can I really exert force?" Zhao Jiu asked.

"If the land of Qilu can be restored and the sea can be smooth, we will be able to do something more or less." Wang Lun told frankly.

And Zhao Jiu nodded, but made a decision simply: "No matter what, we still have to do something, and we should also spend some time on Goryeo. After all, this is the only country behind Jin Guo that we can contact right now. , And it is a great country of thousands of miles. And about this person, I have some views different from Wang Shaoqing. I think that since this person is related to Jin Fushi in the same way, then exerting force on this person is the same as exerting force on Jin Fushi, in other words, This generation will be confused in the future, and the energy used will be able to earn money from Jin Fushi..."

Many people in the hall nodded one after another. Regarding the domestic situation of Korea, these people may not have Wang Lun men Qing, but when it comes to these political skills, these people are much better than Wang Lun, but at the same time, there are still many people. Frowned.

"Zhu Shengfei, Shangshu of the Ministry of Etiquette, Qing Zhai Ruwen of Hongpu Temple, and Wang Lun Shaoqing of Hongpu Temple." Zhao Jiu sternly ordered. "You Haosheng will entertain this Korean Dasu Bachelor. With super-class treatment, you dignified Daguo Shangshu and Zhengqing will accompany him to write poetry and drink, make him feel at home, and then plainly tell him that I hate Jin Fushi, but If you like Zheng Zhichang’s poems, you have to prepare extra rewards, and finally prepare for a formal banquet. You really have to summon him and reward him in person... Don’t be reluctant to spend money, and don’t feel outrageous, but as long as you can make a few more golden people die, then Or when it came to the Northern Expedition, one or two gold men were dragged down, and they were not exchanged for ten thousand gold. Not to mention that on the day when Huanglong was really hit, you can get back as much money!"

Everyone heard the words with different expressions.

Some nodded, some thoughtful, some did not change their expressions, and some frowned.

In other words, the issue of Goryeo can of course be important, because just like what Zhao Guanjia said, Goryeo is the only big country that can be contacted by the Song Dynasty and can be seen by the naked eye, and can have a substantial containment effect on the Jinren in a certain future.

After six or seven years of war, everyone understands that as long as the Jin Ren is involved, everything is worthwhile.

But the problem is, how can you listen to the words of the Naked "coax", "use" of the Korean messengers, and "get it back" in the future.

Especially at this moment, the civil and military officials are all present in the magnificent, and they are still in the upright Hall of Wende.

Therefore, quite a few moral gentlemen can't help worrying and feel uncomfortable.

In fact, instead of the past, these people have long come out to persuade them, because they are true moral gentlemen, and they really feel wrong, and they are not afraid of the anger of the king... But the problem is that these people think of Feng Hyungyu The big, decent and indecent Taishang Taoist emperor abandoned the country twice and ended up fainted by Virtue. Now this utilitarian emperor who is full of interests and not decent at all is indeed recreating the emperor of Song Dynasty. It would be a little bit of a mouth open, unable to keep up.

If he really came out to persuade him, the official directly slapped the Taishang Daojun emperor, do you think you are uncomfortable?

Therefore, even though Yu Shi Zhong Cheng Li Guang, Ritual Book Shang Shu Zhu Shengfei and others felt awkward, they still endured it forcibly. Zhu Shengfei still had to step forward and take orders to do such indecent things.

"Alright." After Zhao Jiu finished talking about the Korean envoy, he kept asking about another important matter. "What's going on when you get to the big name mansion?"

At this moment, many people in the hall looked at each other, but they shook their heads, and no one could answer.

After waiting for a long while, the stereotypes and responsibilities were still in place, and reluctantly came out and said a few words: "The officials, ministers and other officials do not know where the reality is, and can only speculate roughly..."

"It's okay to guess." Zhao Jiu laughed and spoke. "Such a big event, you can't hang on without even speculation, right?"

"The ministers are discussing." Chen Gui spoke with a slight face when he heard the words. "Nianhan suddenly came to Daming Mansion after his defeat in the Yaoshan War, not to deal with Tokyo, but to control the soldiers and horses of the Daming Mansion to deal with Yanjing, and to deal with Wu Qimai and the grand prince of the Kingdom of Jin in the north. Ordination."

Zhao Jiu nodded, which is actually the result of Kansai civil and military discussions.

You know, in the Yaoshan battle, the Jin Army suffered heavy losses, but because the Wanyan Wushu reinforcements were besieged and annihilated, the losses of the West Route Army, the foundation of which are difficult, may not be as much as the East Route Army... But the problem is that from the highest level. Said that as the prime minister of the country, Nian Han was the top leader of this war and was ultimately responsible for the defeat in this war.

The defeat in this battle and the death of Lou Shi led to the massive loss of his political prestige. This is the most terrible difficulty for this Jin Guozheng official, especially since he also made a play to force the palace before... After Lou Shi's defeat, there were some things. It's no secret. Zhao Song had long learned about the incident from the Korean envoys and the Han refugees in Hebei.

In other words, after this battle, Wanyan Nianhan has lost his dignity in the political game on the table, and had to use the power of the army, which is very effective, but it is exceptionally weak, and even appears to be a bit poor. Means to continue to maintain their authority.

There is a saying that Nianhan suddenly went south to the Daming Mansion, suppressing the cowardly laziness, and seizing the power of the Daming Mansion. From the internal effect, it is indeed a coup, even a magical stroke. However, from an external perspective, there is no doubt that the contradictions within the Kingdom of Jin have been exposed.

"In that case, throw stones to ask for directions...or start a horror!" The officials discussed for a while, they all had similar views, and Zhao Jiu made a decision immediately after a little thought. "Let Zhang Rong take the old route of the Yellow River and directly send the message to the Daming Mansion, asking him to blame Nianhan! Ask him to return the messenger (Han Xiaoxuan) that was previously impounded as soon as possible, and then come down within a time limit! Otherwise, I will turn the Daming Mansion into The second Yaoshan!"

Many people hesitated for a while.

"It's just to startle the snake..." Zhao Jiu quickly explained. "Just tease him, the biggest hope is to add fire to the internal situation of the Kingdom of Jin, not really sending troops."

Chen Gui and others were relieved.

After all, these people can't help but panic. Since ancient times, some of the emperors who have won a battle and lost their lives have all died immediately!

Of course, Zhao Jiu was also aware of this, and inevitably said a few more words: "You needn't worry about it. Although Yaoshan won, it was extremely thrilling. After this battle, instead of underestimating the enemy, I was a little afraid of it, and I was a little bit afraid before the war. It’s my heart to persuade Liu Ziyu, who can’t stick to it, to get rewards and military merits. It’s my heart to turn into a military officer... and I can say it again today. After this battle, I really can’t imagine our soldiers and horses. How to fight the golden cavalry on the Hebei Plain? It is necessary to replenish the energy and keep abreast of the steps before the golden men can be destroyed."

This was completely relieved in the palace.

Besides, after all, Zhao Jiu had travelled a long distance and had just returned. So after asking two questions that could not be delayed, he asked about the process of institutionalization of the Sanshe Method, and after a few words of admonitions to the ministers, he finally announced his dissolution. Time'welcome to drive'.

But everyone dispersed, and the public minister, Lu Haowen, who was not involved in the discussion during the whole process, was invited to the harem alone by the ban Lan Gui.

Regarding this, the officials had nothing to say... after all, it was the public minister, the position was supernatural, and it was not a sensitive period at this time. The position of the chief executive was issued, and there was no single correct allusion to use.

It's nothing more than the official wanting to express their graciousness to the veteran and important ministers, and just ask about it routinely.

Sure enough, everyone dispersed. Zhao Jiu waited in the small pavilion of the harem. When he saw Lu Haowen, he also stood up to greet him, and asked directly outside the pavilion: "Lu Xianggong, why do I always feel that the atmosphere in the temple is wrong today?"

"Returning to the official, the old official thought the incident was due to multiple reasons."

The autumn was high and refreshing, Lu Haowen's gaze shifted from the yellow flowers around the pavilion, and raised his head slightly, but he saw a line of geese walking south on top of his head, and the current minister raised his head and thought about it seriously, but unexpectedly did not perfuse him. . "An official Yaoshan triumphed, shooting an eagle, and returning home, shaking domestically, and the civil and military were appalled. Although it has been a few months, the official has already adapted in Kansai, but for Tokyo civil and military, it is the first post-war period. Once I met an official, I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous..."

It was Zhao Jiu who knew that he shouldn't be overwhelmed, and couldn't help but smile, before nodding.

"The second rule is that the officials have changed the rulers in a big way, and the intention of reforming the political situation has been undoubted. The top and the bottom don't know the wishes of the officials, so they can't help but wait and see." Lu Haowen did not rush and held hands together.

Zhao Jiu thoughtfully, smiled and received a lot.

"Three rules," Lu Haowen sighed slightly. "Officials shouldn't be in the court today to analyze the problems of the Korean envoys with ‘interests’ in’s out of order."

Zhao Jiu finally frowned: "Of course I know that these things are too caressing, but it's a matter of the enemy and me. Isn't it right to use the tactics of the military to act deceit?"

"The minister did not say that the officials' handling of these two things was wrong." Lu Haowen was still calm. "But since it's about the enemy and me, why can't you call the Zaizhi, the Privy Council, and the imperial generals to discuss alone? The officials, the golden men are fierce and barbaric, and no one in the world knows that no one knows. In this extraordinary world, ministers, etc There is no requirement that the official must be a hanging saint, but it is the horse emperor, heavier than Mount Tai, and the outer saint and the inner king are still required... and today it must be equipped with civil and military skills, and the column is located in the Wende Hall!"

Zhao Jiu fell silent, Lu Haowen also stood with his hands, silent, Lan Gui had already started counting his heartbeats, but after the count reached a hundred, Zhao Guanjia finally spoke: "Lu Xianggong said that it is very true, yes. I am too anxious!"

Lu Haowen looked calm, but Lan Gui was obviously relieved.

"Is there anything to do with the officials?" Lu Hao asked, after nodding, continued to inquire.

Zhao Jiu hesitated for a while, but was also frank: "I wanted to tell Lu Xianggong some old things, but as Lu Xianggong reminded me, I was a little too anxious, let's talk about it in two days..."

Lu Haowen finally laughed, but took two steps back and bowed his hands in a salute: "The officials have worked so hard to help Dingjiangshan. After going for half a year, it is time to rest earlier."

Zhao Jiu no longer said much, but directly sent the other party out of the harem category, and let Lan Gui keep up, before he turned around, but saw Feng Yi come and wait early behind him.

"Pan Guifei sent you here?" Zhao Jiu greeted the inquiry.

"Yes." Feng Yi bowed his ears.

"The many chrysanthemums next to the pavilion were also trimmed by Concubine Pan?" Zhao Jiu continued to settle down.

"Lady Pan made it." Feng Yi immediately responded. "However, no public money was used. It was sent by the family members of Yangzhou's repatriated wealthy households and high-ranking officials... They came to the palace to visit Lady Pan. Seeing that this place was dilapidated, they took the initiative to collect the money. UU Reading Send a lot of flowers and furniture into the palace."

Zhao Jiu nodded: "I will go to see Fei Pan now. I will accompany her from now until tomorrow. But tomorrow, before I come out to do something, you must send back all the things you sent back. Whoever dares not to resist, you Bring it to his house personally...understand?"

Feng Yi was taken aback, and immediately nodded.

"That's right." Zhao Jiu turned and walked a few steps, then looked back. "Don’t move the furnishings in Fei Pan’s house...Why don’t you go to Gui Fei Wu’s house to ask for money and give them a discount! Tell Guozhang Wu, I said that I didn’t take his money for nothing. He brewed the “Blue Bridge” at home. "Fengyue" will be the national wine from now on. From the reception of the Korean envoys, I will use all of his wine."

Feng Yi was stunned again. It took a long time before he turned the corner, and then nodded, but Zhao Guanjia had already walked away with his hand.

PS: Lanqiao Fengyue is indeed the brand wine of Wu Yu's family in history... Song Dynasty’s monopoly on wine is the ququ. Anyone can make their own wine after buying the ququ. It was a product of that time to make wine in the homes of dignitaries and to form a brand. A strong proof of economic development... During the Huizong period, the atmosphere was the most prosperous and there were the most wine brands, but they were basically destroyed in Jingkang. After the Southern Song Dynasty, they were rare, but the Lanqiao Fengyue still appeared, which shows the financial and influence of the "Pearl Wu" family.

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