Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 29: Yuetai (continued)

  Yang Yizhong still knows about the official Zhao family. The appearance of Qin Hui's name in the official bulletin of the Kingdom of Jin is certainly a relief to the official family.

   Actually, after thinking about it, Zhao Jiu has been destined to face certain difficult problems for a long time as a traverser.

The most basic thing is the main task of regaining rivers and mountains against Jin Shaosong. In fact, there is no hesitation. This kind of big right and wrong things can only be hardened. At any rate, he is a person who has received nine years of compulsory education. How can you still'endure the two rivers of the Central Plains'?

   But there are other issues that are more subtle.

   For example, how to deal with and face the two saints? What kind of mentality should you use to treat other members of the abducted royal family? At the beginning, how did you deal with Concubine Pan, who was still Concubine Pan Xianfei, and the emperor's heir, and the so-called Empress Dowager Yuanyou? Or even, how to face Li Gang and Zong Ze?

  It must be known that Zhao Jiu had a somewhat evasive attitude towards Concubine Pan Xianfei and even Zongze at the beginning, and could only be dumbfounded at Li Gang, until he made some achievements and was forced to a corner before daring to respond a little.

   But compared with the final, the key point, these are still a little insignificant... That's how to face Yue Fei and Qin Hui?

  You must know that for Zhao Jiu, Yue Fei is not just Yue Fei, and Qin Hui is not just Qin Hui. The objects represented by the two names Yue Fei and Qin Hui in his mind are not two simple people, but two cultural symbols that are beyond themselves and have more profound meanings formed after nearly a thousand years of cultural brewing. But at the same time, as a so-called Dasong official, Zhao Jiu couldn't face such two living people in reality, and had to maintain a relationship that conforms to the rationale of the times.

  Yue Fei is okay...After all, Zhao Jiu didn't know the big V before crossing. He had to consider **** Yue Fei to save the Zhao Song regime. Only at the beginning, because of the vanity of the angry youth, he was a little jealous of the image of the protagonist in the imaginary era. But this has long since disappeared after he saw the real person with his own eyes and reached a successful cooperation model with the other party.

   In short, Zhao Jiu and Yue Fei are destined to be natural comrades in the same camp. The cultural symbol in the image has never been inevitable conflict with the relationship between the two parties in reality.

   But Qin Hui is hard to say.

The simplest question is that at present, relying on the efforts and sacrifices of so many people, the confrontation between Song and Jin along the Yellow River has been achieved, and the failure of the Jinren seems not so unimaginable in the long run. Then if Qin Hui returns at this time, Moreover, he wants to serve the country and the people like Wan Tuan. At this time, there is no evidence... Then dare to ask the official Zhao's family what to do?

   Is it necessary?

  If there is really no need to have a former Yushi Zhongcheng, Li Gang is estimated to be able to vomit blood in the southeast and die, Zong Ze and Wang Boyan will also crawl out of the grave to write the day for Qin Huizhi. People like Lu Haowen, Zhao Ding, Zhang Jun, Liu Ji, and Chen Gui would all be discouraged, and even Yue Pengju and Han Shizhong would have written a letter for their grievances.

   Then the history books say that the tenth emperor of the Song Dynasty created the largest injustice case in the history of the Zhao Song Dynasty... That is really the toad crawling on the foot, and you can't kill you. You are disgusting.

   But you still can't explain it!

  Explain what?

   Regardless of since ancient times!

In fact, since Zheng Yinian, Zhao Jiu has been touched on this string... and Zheng Yinian may not know whether he is alive or dead. Their brothers separated from the North and the South in turns, just because the officials were jealous of their cousin. Want to borrow him to knock the mountain and shake the tiger?

   But in any case, no matter whether the effect is achieved by knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger, or the three Wushu brothers really need such a person, now Qin Hui has become a standard Jin Guo senior, at least there is no need to worry about this person disgusting himself.

   This also makes Zhao Guanjia feel a little better today.

   But it was only a little better... After a while, Zhao Jiu had to face the serious problem of the imperial cavalry, saying one thousand things and ten thousand, how can he expedition north without a horse?

   "Don't pay attention to the affairs of the Kingdom of Jin for now..." After personally ordering the eight thousand cavalry troops to be transferred to the prepared camp, Zhao Jiu thought about it, and shook his head on the Yuetai to confront the accompanying civil and military officials. "I only ask you, what should I do about the war horse?"

   The group of people around them confronted each other three to five, thoughtfully.

   Obviously, these people don't think that the affairs of the Kingdom of Jin should be'don't pay attention to it for the time being'... What is the purpose of the war horse and even the formation of the imperial cavalry? Isn't it the Northern Expedition? Why is the Northern Expedition, isn't it to deal with the Jinren?

  While the Jinren suffered such a big change, how can they not be manipulated diplomatically?

Don’t forget, many people’s attitudes have been clearly demonstrated in the exquisite drama that Zhao Guan’s family had done in Wende Hall before. Now the Jin Ren’s civil strife has the possibility of sincerity and reconciliation, and these people’s minds are also floating about it. It's normal...except that the Zhao Guanjia's attitude didn't mention it, only that today's stinky face was put on for a long time, and they were not good to talk too much at this time.

   Therefore, after a long period of time, some people handed their hands to each other and said nonsense: "Officials, if you want a war horse, you have to restore horse governance in the long run..."

   "Da Song Ma Zheng?" Zhao Jiu frowned slightly. "There used to be a special war horse official office?"

   "Naturally, there is." The officials below continued to face each other seriously. "When Emperor Song Dynasty founded the country, a herd was set up, and the official horse farm was tens of thousands of hectares. At most, 170,000 horses were stored. If half of the horses can be used for military purposes, there are also seven or eighty thousand horses available..."

   "No need to say more." Zhao Jiu was a little impatient after hearing half of it. "I don’t need to think about it. It’s a civil official who is in charge of Ma Zheng, but he has no knowledge of animal husbandry. Then there is the impertinence of the court and the corruption of the lower-level officials... In a few years, Ma Zheng was ruined, and this group of herds was also there. It has disappeared during the restructuring several times, hasn't it? How many bad things in the Song Dynasty can be separated from these three types of people? Is it not you, we, and them, that is us, that ruined the world? Blame others!"

   The man shut up immediately, but he wanted to say ‘the official sage,’ but he did not dare to say it after all.

   And the official Zhao sighed, helpless, but continued to inquire: "What happened later? The pastor is gone now, and later the war horse was dealt with?"

"In order to let the officials know that when Wang Shu (Wang Anshi) was in power, he once did the "Guarding Horse Law", that is, the court horses were fostered in the homes of the people, and the horse breeders can get their horses to deduct taxes..." Column, like a few treasures.

Zhao Jiu shook his head again: "Wang Shu Wang, I am very respectful, but his new law, as long as it involves the government and the private households, must be suspected of apportionment, and once apportionment, the people will inevitably complain. This method must be the worst in the new law. In one place."

   "Official Mingjian." The bottom immediately responded. "So this law is still abolished, and it is changed back to the original government-run ranch, but it is mainly based on the horses in the border area, and then concentrated on breeding, and can no longer breed by themselves."

   "In other words, no matter how you say it, this Ma Zheng can't escape the three categories... the so-called official self-raising, relying on the people's power, and the border market trade?" Zhao Jiu sighed.


   "In the long run, it is conceivable to restore the herdsmen to official nurturing, but civil servants who do not have knowledge of animal husbandry can no longer participate... The province and the Privy Council will work together to get a report." Zhao Jiu reluctantly ordered.

   "Here." The sages were obviously a little absent-minded.

   is a twist, and at this time he stubbornly handed his hands to each other: "Officials set up a group of pastors, and it can be done in all likelihood."

   "What do you mean?" Zhao Jiu was puzzled. "How to shoot a horse at this time?"

   "The minister is not to shoot a horse, but to speak honestly." Qu Duan answered earnestly. "The minister was in Kansai, and it has always been clear that the reason why horses could not be raised in the imperial gardens of Kansai in previous years was that they all raised sheep. Kansai lamb was tender and tender, and it was used exclusively for the palace and the capital. At that time, tens of thousands of sheep were consumed in the palace every year, and with the frugality of the officials today, at least Kansai could have many more horses!"

Zhao Jiu was stunned for a while, before shook his head and continued saying: "The establishment of herdsmen is to care for the long-term, and the people's support is the most undesirable, so don't say much. Only right now, if you want to solve the urgent need, you still have to go to the sidelines. Trade...Xixia...Is there any envoy in Tokyo in Xixia?"

   "Return to the official...nothing." Qing Zhai Ruwen of Hongyou Temple hurried out.

   "Does anyone know what Xixia is in?" Zhao Jiu frowned.

  As soon as this statement was made, dozens of people stood up almost immediately after Zhao Ding's civil servants and Qu Duan's military ministers.

   Zhao Jiu realized that when he saw this, he realized that the relationship between Song and Xixia is fundamentally knowledgeable, so he simply followed Zhai Ruwen's finger: "For the Qing Dynasty, this is Qing's duty."

   "Officials." Zhai Ruwen gave a slight salute, then raised his head to face. "I don't know what the official wants to ask Xixia?"

   Zhao Jiu was stunned for a while... He had a black eye towards Xi Xia.

However, seeing the cavalry entering the camp, and it was still early today, Zhao Jiu listened to the story happily, and simply asked directly: "Who is the Lord of Xixia? How long has he ascended the throne? What is his reputation in the country? How is the country? Listen to the truth."

Although Zhai Ruwen was surprised that Zhao Guan’s family didn’t know the Lord of Xixia, he immediately responded: “The good instructor knows that the Lord of Xixia is calling Li Ganshun at the age of three. He has been on the throne for forty-five years. This person has a very high prestige in Xixia. These decades have also been the most secure decades in Xixia, which can be called Guotai Min'an."

   This is a bit unexpected.

   However, Zhao Jiu was just a little startled and then continued to ask: "Then what great things have Li Ganshun done since he took the throne? Tell me roughly."

"Return to the officials... Before Li Ganshun was 16 years old, the court was basically controlled by the Liang family. After his grandmother Liang died, his mother was also the Liang family, who still controlled the court. About thirty years ago, his mother Xiao Liang later fought for power with his brothers, destroyed his relatives of the Liang family, and acted arbitrarily. Then he used Li Qianshun, who had not yet grown up, to make trouble, and the whole country came to attack the road to Yanju...After the defeat of Xixia in that battle, Liao The emperor of the Kingdom knew that the Liang clan’s behavior was so bad that he could send people to poison the Liang clan after the war. Since then, Li Ganshun got rid of the Liang clan and succeeded in pro-government."

   Hearing such words, Zhao Jiu didn't change his face and heartbeat...what else do you want? This kind of mischief by the relatives is a traditional East Asian art.

   "In the following several years, Li Ganshunfu married the princess of Liao again, with the aid of Liao, the battle with our emperor and Song was uncertain..."

   "How about the outcome?" Zhao Jiu interrupted suddenly curiously.

Zhai Ruwen obviously hesitated for a while, but still seriously answered: "Zhezong Dynasty Emperor Song wins more and loses less, and Emperor Song Dynasty, the Emperor of the Taoist Emperor, loses less and wins more...The most famous battle was twelve years ago, Tong Guan Yixi Helu Jinglue used Liu Fa (the father of Liu Zhengyan) as a general to fight all the way to Lingzhou City, but unexpectedly, the Xixia people won a battle against the city, and Liu Fa's tribe exhausted their ink."

   Zhao Jiu's complexion did not change, obviously there was no surprise.

   "However, Li Ganshun took advantage of the situation to counterattack. After the victory, he asked to surrender in the name of Liao... Emperor Song was almost forced to promise."

   Zhao Jiu was only slightly moved.

"The officials should all know what happened later. The Jinren went south. As the son-in-law of the Liao Kingdom, Li Ganshun rescued three times before and after. In one of them, the 30,000 army was defeated by the Lou family in the first battle. Xixia then proclaimed his ministers to the Jinmen... and the Queen of Xixia , The princess of the Liao Kingdom, Yelu Nanxian, heard that her homeland was destroyed, but she died on a hunger strike. The prince of Xixia Li Renai has always been filial and died with his mother’s anger and anger.” At this point, Zhai Ruwen added a little. "Li Ganshun has always been deeply affectionate with his queen, and he has a deep love for the eldest son. If he talks about selfishness, he will naturally be against the Jinren, but this man has always been tolerant. After his wife died, he took the national security as the foundation, but he healed the Jinren. Sending docilely...The Lou Shi defeated the Jinning Army the previous year, and the discount was available, that is, he came and went from Xixia at will. Not only that, he discovered that the principal of the Jin Guoxi Road Army was Nianhan, and he was particularly flattering to Nianhan. It is said that he has repeatedly bribed with heavy gold Nianhan, and Nianhan has repeatedly rejected the theory of Vaxixia."

   Zhao Jiu nodded, thoughtfully, and then asked: "Apart from military affairs, what other famous deeds does Li Ganshun have?"

   "Yes." Zhai Ruwen continued casually. "He advocates Buddhism and Confucianism. In the past ten years, Xixia’s decades-long dispute over'Han Li' and'Fan Li' has finally come to an end. Today, Xixia is the scenery of the Han family..."

   Zhao Jiu laughed dumbly, which is expected... Which serious country's serious monarch must not first sort out his ideology before starting work? It is the Jinren. After this coup, isn't it the first time to carry out Sinicization reforms?

   "Anyway, this Li Ganshun is a master of success?" After smiling, Zhao Jiu still faced each other with dignity.

   "The officials thought that Li Ganshun was indeed a defensive and effective." Zhai Ruwen bowed his head to face each other.

However, after hearing this, Zhao Jiu asked again curiously: "Leave aside Li Ganshun, only Xixia, I still have something unclear... Isn’t the core of Xixia a loophole? Even the foundation of the country is Lingzhou and Xing. That part of the state... No matter how beautiful the place is, it’s not as strong as one-fifth of the Kansai area, right? Why did Li Yuanhao set up the country? And then continued the country for nearly a hundred years?"

   Zhai Ruwen wanted to say something but stopped, everyone looked at each other, and they didn't know how to reply.

   "Qu Duan." Zhao Jiu simply called the name. "For you."

   "The minister thought it might be Han Hai!" Qu Duan bit his head and replied. "So that the officials know that if you want to get the land of Xingling, there are no more than three roads, one out of the Xihe River, and down the Yellow River; two out of Jingyuan, go to the Hulu River and then to the Yellow River; three out of the Baima River to connect to the Lingzhou River. …Among the three roads, the closest is the Baimachuan and Lingzhouchuan roads, but there are hundreds of miles of vast expanse of desert to go."

   "Hundreds of miles are hundreds of miles?"

   "Two to three hundred miles at the narrowest point, six to seven hundred miles at the widest point..."

   Zhao Jiu felt more and more absurd: "Hundreds of miles in the desert...what are the Baima River and Lingzhou River in the middle as roads?"


   "Then send 50,000 elite troops, prepare the logistics, and by surprise, go straight to Lingzhou along the way, can't you?" Zhao Jiu spoke seriously. "You don't want to pretend to be confused, just like the national power of Xixia, when it was Li Yuanhao, can there be 50,000 elites?"

   "Officials..." Zhao Ding couldn't help but interject.

   "Say Qu Duan!" Zhao Jiu raised his hand to stop Zhao Ding.

   "Guanjia." Qu Duan faced each other carefully. "It should be done in principle, but there is no certainty about military affairs..."

   "If you don't go to the desert and the what gourd river should you take, can't you use the Yellow River as a food road to stand firm?" Zhao Jiu was obviously a little angry. "I didn't mean that I should hit with a single blow. What I meant was that Xixia was founded nearly a hundred years ago, from Li Yuanhao to Li Ganshun, Da Song always deserved to die a million people in this small country, and lost the army who didn't know how many billions. Capital? Millions of people, divided into 20 times, and then fought along the Yellow River and even Hengshan, and the whole army was wiped out 19 times, should we succeed once?! And I don’t mean that the war was wiped out. Xixia, if you can touch the hinterland of Lingzhou once, won't the overall situation be complete? It is that the fate is not in the Song Dynasty, and it has not been achieved 20 times, but 20 times the army has made progress, Xixia people should be killed? Why? Is it such a situation? Or are people like Di Qing rubbish? The history books I read are all fake? The history books are all Di Qing's son?"

   "The official." Qu Duan finally couldn't bear it, but he held up his head to face each other under the anger of a few mates. "The historians are the sons of Han Qi and Fan Zhongyan. Let Di Qing replace Han Qi and Fan Zhongyan. Xixia would have died long ago."

  A few ministers, plus many ministers, hurriedly went to see the official Zhao's house in desperation, but only saw that the official family looked up and said nothing.

   After half a day, I saw the official in the audience, pressing the corners of the mouth and speaking in anger: "One is Yanyun, two is Xixia, three is Nanyue, four is Dali, a hundred years of misfortune, embarrassing!"

   All the civil and military dared not speak for a while.


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