Shao Song

: Regarding the updated bankruptcy statement

Regarding the updated bankruptcy statement

After thinking about it, let’s just talk about it... Because there are often pirated book friends in the book review area, I usually don’t read it, but I know what everyone is urging, and what’s more important is myself. There is spectrum.

At the beginning of the book, it was based on the phrase "I write slowly, you read slowly"... From this perspective, it is impossible to go bankrupt.

Later, it was the promise before the shelves... We strived to keep updating before the shelves to ensure that everyone's investment returns... This is done.

Then there is the update after it was put on the shelves. First, 150,000 words per month. This promise was actually fulfilled until June, that is, three months ago, and debts began to appear three months ago.

But in fact, the students who chased the change should have discovered that it was about four months ago. The update was extremely unstable. The 150,000-character promise was also a supplement and comfort to the instability at that time.

But soon, it was difficult to even 150,000 words in these three months.

In the first two months, there were more than 140,000 characters. The difference was a little bit. The shamelessness of rounding and rounding was passed. Then last month, it was directly more than 130,000 characters... At the end of the month, I didn’t carry it. Basically There is no **** to talk about.

This is my fault. Don’t attack management. Management is a reader who is obliged to help. The ecological position is above me. Just come to this chapter and say here to scold me... Don’t kowtow to admit your mistakes, kowtow will be disgusted by another part of the readers.

But you must admit a mistake, and you can no longer avoid this fact, otherwise the editors, management, and readers will not be able to explain it.

Formally apologize to everyone and admit their mistakes.

After acknowledging my mistake, I turned my head. Seriously, I understand everyone’s feelings. I also thought about it directly, four thousand words a day in the future, or just two changes in three days (more than one person suggested me)... But why didn't you say it? Because I dare not say it, because I am afraid that once I say it, I can't even do this.

Still expecting to hang himself with this illusory promise, pretending that he is a good person who is renewing every day.

Let’s go back and take a look at the stage when the update started to slow down three or four months ago... Did I mention to you that I can’t feel any desire or happiness? In this state, I can't concentrate and I can't do anything. Compared with this, the problems of the stomach and elbow joints seem insignificant.

I'm not engaged in public relations for depression... Anyone who knows me knows that I am a person who avoids medical problems and only goes to the emergency department if I have a terrible toothache.

And I hate going out, and I don’t have time to go out... The Luyuan Academy only reported this issue because it was an online class. The ritual of rewriting the national map of the Han Dian Zang has just avoided the kindness of the editor, even the new Xiao Mi hasn’t been there for so long. Time to give her an injection.

But I have to admit that that state does appear more and more.

Then it creates an endless loop...there is a state-delaying the change-pretending that nothing happened, but in fact, I am very anxious and dare not go to the group to communicate with group friends, and dare not open the writer's assistant to watch. The feedback is held here, the work and rest are reversed, and the next chapter is brought out, and then he breathes a sigh of relief.

But in fact, the work and rest are reversed in the middle, psychological anxiety, not to communicate with book friends, will quickly lead to the next delay.

And in this process, occasionally fragmented time to know the idea of ​​writing more than a dozen words, it seems that I am lazy, and then riots in the book review area, making everyone full of hostility, and the writer can only support unconditionally. Supporting their own administrators makes everyone more hostile.

But back to the original question, why not admit it earlier, give up the promise, and lie down and laugh at it?

Because I'm still not reconciled... I still feel that I can overcome this state from the psychological level, and I can still be an individual if I hang myself in a sigh of relief.

I've always thought so until now, to see if I can grit my teeth.

So what does this statement mean now?

I think it’s a 30-year-old person and I can’t play a childish temper... I have to make it clear to everyone... I remember that when I told you the last time, the book was only ordered at 15,000, and now it’s 10,000. Seven thousand and five...In other words, in less than two months of updating the most hip, both have risen by more than two thousand against the trend.

Re-subscription is also stable in the early ten thousand. No matter when it is updated, there will be more than ten thousand genuine subscriptions within 24 hours. You should be able to see this from the activity level mentioned in this chapter.

This kind of achievement can basically be said that every time I write a word, I should have a full sense of accomplishment plus money in return... I am a poor man from a rural area in northern Anhui, don't want to make money? Don't you want to be praised? But I just can't control myself, I really don't know if it is laziness or a real problem with the body.

But at the same time, everyone's love made me feel a little bit ashamed.

This is the current state of contradiction.

So what is the most important thing to do next?

Please give me a chance, and I will also give myself a chance to see if I can come to Shawshank's salvation, get myself out, and get through this hurdle on my own... instead of giving in to excuses and laziness.

Even if that state is really depression or something, I think it is also a psychological problem, there is no reason not to overcome it!

Of course, it really failed. Let's retreat to the Yangtze River again and discuss about 120,000 words in the next month.

But this month, I still hope to make a bankruptcy statement and lose the burden, and work hard to complete 150,000 words. It can be considered as an explanation for everyone and myself. At the same time, I hope that everyone can live with me as a country, accept my previous willfulness and weakness, and maintain a certain tolerance for the frequency of updates, because I write books with emotions, and it is really difficult to divide chapters.

In short, some things still hope to pass through hard work.

As for tonight...I guess it's gone...because I was stimulated to get up from bed by the accusations of my book friends. Now my eyes are drooping and I can't come out to live. You read this article. The status will be known... Go to bed early and I will go to bed too. There should be an update tomorrow morning.

Finally, the new book friend group after being blasted five times: 1090676590

Please answer the questions when joining the group.

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