Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 24: Sadly

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On the second day, in the afternoon, the spring sun was shining and dazzling. Zhao Jiu, who changed into a lighter dress, had a lunch snack and was pacing in Houyuan.

At this moment, looking from the back garden where Zhao Guan’s house is located, one can clearly see that a huge spherical object that is completely different from the surrounding landscape painting style is swaying between the south group halls. It was taken from several large vehicles last night. The hot air balloon dragged back by Guoqiao Town. It restarted early today, but this time it was fastened with thick ropes on all sides, firmly tied to the porch in front of Xuande Building... Every time there was insufficient strength and swaying, someone climbed the ladder to add some charcoal. To maintain its "flying" posture.

Under this circumstance, the grand situation in Xuande Building is self-explanatory. In fact, even if it is so far away, in Houyuan, it seems that you can hear the movement there.

In fact, logically, or according to the original plan, yesterday after the experiment, Zhao Guan’s family should have popularized the concept of temperature with those important court officials in the Xuande building after the experiment... This is from the previous article in the Lu Ben Middle School. The three-state change is a systematic result that has been brewing.

The so-called water ice is zero, water is boiled for a hundred, establishing a new weight and measurement, and even reserved a foreshadowing that combines with the previous concept of air pressure in the horse-drawn hemisphere... wherever it is placed, it can be recorded in the history of science and technology.

Moreover, this is also the first time that Zhao Jiu has decided to publish the original research results in his own name, which is of great significance.

But after the gift offering of the stall was revealed yesterday, the official was not in the mood to explain it in person, and only asked the two knives of Lu Benzhong to come forward to propagate the matter.

As for Zhao Jiu, who has something in his mind, now he is dressed in plain clothes, with only a few guards wandering in the secluded part of the harem... Unknowingly, he crossed the fish pond, turned out the northwest corner gate, entered Yanfu Palace, and shot in the morning on weekdays. The target was not able to learn martial arts, but he unknowingly climbed to Xinggang, the commanding height of the harem, and then looked around with his hand on the side of the thatched pavilion on the top of the mountain.

But there is no doubt that his mind is still on the things of yesterday.

Besides, there are many possibilities for what happened yesterday, and it is destined to be a Rashomon who has no definite answer:

Simply think about it. It is very likely that Fei Pan made a botched temptation after secretly establishing a reserve, but she encountered a simple betrayal of a flatterer who made her own cleverness. Cai Mao probably smelled a little scent and learned about the eldest son Hara and his wife. Wu's huge advantage, so he kicked Pan directly away after reaching his official house through Pan's, and chose to take a risk and turn to speculation.

Thinking about things more complicated, it can't be said that it was Cai Maoqi who was a high-ranking player. In this way, he used this method to stimulate his official, to use the strategy of separation, and to make Zhao Jiu have a thorn in his eldest son's heart.

Of course, according to Zhao Jiu, there is a high probability of the former.

Because if it is the latter, then Cai Mao should be regarded as a high-ranking person, but if such a high-ranking person does this, what can he get himself? For such a high-ranking person, doesn't he know that Pan Guifei's son Dezuo still has a slim chance?

What's more, the infant child is when the father-son relationship is the most innocent, how much can the effect of the separation be?

In addition, it can be seen from Lu Benzhong's attitude that Cai Mao himself shouldn't be a high-end person...There are really not many people who can make Lu Benzhong look down on in person.

Of course, there is another possibility, and the probability is even lower... that is that this'Yuan Zuo Mianchang' is at all from Pan Guifei's own instruction, or she knew the truth of this kind of flattery from the beginning, at least knows this. 'Yuan Zuo Mianchang', neither she nor Cai Mao betrayed anyone.

It’s just that, not to mention how low this possibility is. Even if there is a real fear, some people will instigate it. If this is the case, Zhao Jiu will only feel more guilty, because he is very clear in his heart that Pan Fei is today, he has something wrong. Shirk responsibility.

It is his laissez-faire and indifference that caused Fei Pan to be so politically confused.

Besides, compared to Concubine Wu, he has an extra layer of humiliation towards Concubine Pan.


A voice awakened Zhao Jiu from his contemplation, but when he turned around, it was Yang Yizhong.

"How?" Zhao Jiu turned his head back to be correct.

Yang Yizhong glanced at the imperial squad on both sides, and said nothing.

Zhao Jiu woke up and waved his hand. The surrounding Banzhi immediately left the top of the mountain and went down a few dozen steps.

"As said before, the minister is guilty..." As soon as the others left, Yang Yizhong bowed his head in embarrassment. "It's an oversight by the minister."

Zhao Jiu sighed, unexpectedly he didn't condone the other party, but he just responded: "I am more guilty."

In other words, the words of the two seem to be confusing, but in fact there is a reason.

It turned out that before this incident, the connection between Fei Pan and Cai Mao was not a secret thing, and Yang Yizhong and his Imperial Secretary were definitely aware of it.

But the problem is that Yang Yizhong didn't pay much attention to this matter at all, and he didn't report it in detail. Although Zhao Jiu learned a rough relevant message, he didn't respond much.

how so?

The reason can’t be simpler. Don’t forget that when Zhao Jiu was in Nanyang and the early days when he was transferred back to Tokyo, Guifei Pan once lived in Yangzhou, and accompanied the Empress Dowager Yuanyou until the emperor was scared to death. Aiming to return to Tokyo...In other words, Fei Pan and her family should have deep interest in the Queen Mother Yuanyou and the last group of Yangzhou fleeing dignitaries. It doesn't matter if they don't contact them when they come back, it is abnormal.

Therefore, before the Spring Festival, the Empress Dowager Yuanyou arrived in Tokyo, and the last group of old powers and nobles followed. Pan Guifei and her family had contact with these people, which was basically expected and even semi-public...Yang Yi China knew about this, but didn't care about it at all. It was just a general report, which was an ordinary response.

In fact, Zhao Jiu himself was aware of a trace of possible political risks in this general report, and he was prepared in his heart, but he still chose to do nothing, and it can even be said to be a certain indulgence... After all, he always thought it was. At the point of getting a red silk robe, he never expected that there would be an ancient seal that really touched his emotions.

"How does this matter have anything to do with officials?"

Yang Yizhong heard something wrong, and quickly reiterated his responsibility. "It was the minister who was oversight and couldn't see the details, so there was such an omission. In fact, the meeting of Mrs. Cai Mao, Feng Jing's daughter and the imperial concubine at the imperial concubine's house is very obvious. As for the official house, these days have been busy with the flying magic lamp... "

"Is that what's called it outside?" Zhao Jiu interrupted the other party.


"There is no new idea at all." Zhao Jiu sneered, but immediately felt sad. "You don't need to say more about this, it is indeed my responsibility... Zhengfu, there are some things that I can't tell outsiders, because even if they say it, they don't even understand it."

Yang Yizhong was stunned. The words he was going to continue to report reached his throat but swallowed it back. The whole person relaxed, because he suddenly reacted. The officials are not discussing how to deal with this matter now. More I want to find someone to talk to.

"I know what's going on right now. It's because I indulge her time and time again. If I were to be stricter before, or publicly warn those people, where is the situation today?"

Zhao Jiu turned around with his hand, and walked slowly down the apricot tree next to the pavilion.

"But this kind of thing looks like spoiling and indulgence, but in fact it is even more indifferent. People who are interested can even perceive the meaning, and they can't even think that I am'suppressing Yuyan'! "

Yang Yizhong did not speak, but slightly nodded...because he thought so.

"However..." Zhao Jiu didn't go to see Yang Yizhong, nor did he notice the other party's nod, just continued to sigh. "They only thought that I was shameless, but they didn't know that I really thought it would be good for Fei Pan... Zhengfu, do you know that compared to the moment, I was more afraid of Fei Pan and Fei Wu? They all become the kind of empress Cao, empress Gao, and empress-like concubine Ming empress! That would be better than death!"

Yang Yizhong felt a bit of astonishment for an instant, but this astonishment disappeared immediately, replaced by an emotion that was absurd but taken for granted.

From the bottom of his heart, this official has a different view of some things from that of the public.

"Actually, I haven't thought of pulling them to the other side completely, but the problem is that they all feel that the puppet-like results are right, even if it conflicts with their nature, they still vaguely muddy those puppets. As the second place and goal in your heart...because everyone has told them so since they were young."

"And I happen to be a so-called official, every time I move it involves a lot of..."

"So, when things came up, I found out that the more I tried to pull them out, the easier it was to push them over and push them to the position of the'Xian Fei Ming Empress'... The most obvious is Wu Guifei, I In fact, I liked her liveliness when she was in Nanyang, but when she returned to Tokyo, her father, a clever person, brought the family up, but she immediately turned into a puppet. The more opportunities she gave, the faster she became'wise. 'Get up.' At this point, Zhao Jiu shook his head and smiled bitterly. "In the old days in Nanyang, she was tired from work, and she knew to complain secretly so that she wiped her tears at night. When she arrived in Tokyo, she never complained to me... Lessons learned from the past, I had a dilemma with Concubine Pan. It's my selfishness."

Yang Yizhong didn't know how to answer the call.

"Of course." At this point, Zhao Jiu finally stopped, and turned his back to Yang Yizhong to settle down, but his tone became more and more gloomy. "Speaking of breaking the sky, it is also that my mind is not in the harem at all... throughout the year, I spent half of the time in the military camp and returned to the capital, and my mind was also in the court personnel. The Northern Expedition was to raise funds. When I was free, I had to write a half chapter of "Water Margin". A flying magic lamp...when and where did I really put my energy and feelings into them? Xiao Wu step by step became a good concubine, and Pan Fei got to the point where it is today, in fact, I didn’t feel bad for them. For the sake of responsibility, treat them as artifacts."

"Officials are working hard for state affairs...Some things can't be done for the overall situation." Yang Yizhong finally managed to find a room for interruption.

However, he also realized that this topic should not be interrupted, and should not be interrupted if there is room. It is a mistake to interrupt.

However, it was the first time that Yang Zhengfu saw that Zhao Guan's mood was so depressed, and he really did not allow himself not to react.

Zhao Guanjia still turned his back and shook his head in response: "Actually, I should have been awakened a long time ago...and I am not alone in encountering such things. More recently, aren’t Emperor Renzong and his concubines similar? Becoming like Empress Cao Muddy, the result of a scene between husband and wife is certainly a tragedy, but is it a good result for Concubine Zhang to die so early?"

"It's not..." Yang Yizhong was taken aback and hurriedly responded, but immediately he realized that this time he really shouldn't say anything again.

In this way, both the emperor and the minister were silent at the same time, and the inside and outside of the Mao Pavilion remained quiet for a long time. For a while, only the spring breeze shook the green-green apricot branches, bringing a little movement.

After a lapse of some time, Zhao Jiu just put away his emotions and looked back at each other: “It’s useless to talk more about it now. Since some things have come out, you have to deal with it...Trouble Zhengfu, go and stir the water. Call people and catch them all!" At this point, Zhao Jiu suddenly became serious, and his voice returned to the high-pitched and bright voice of the past. "The country wants a windfall, Cai Mao and the like will get a punishment, and Pan Fei will get a formal and serious warning! Do you know what I mean?"

Yang Yizhong immediately nodded: "I already have a clue. Just when the minister returned last night, there were wise people who saw the opportunity. The former Taichang Temple Cheng Wang Shuzhan found the minister and said that these people from Yangzhou would intervene in the establishment of the prince. He probably inquired about something... It seems that Cai Mao and others are preparing to unite and ask for a protagonist to flatter Wu... He is willing to get a list and make things happen!"

"All these people are smart... Only Fei Pan is stupid!" Zhao Jiu lowered his face. "Tell Wang Shuzhan that I am a reasonable person, and when things are done, I have a good dispatch with him...let him transfer to the public cabinet first and become the president of the shipping company...if this dispatch can help me before the Northern Expedition. , In the future, to make up a servant, it may not be necessary to send it to the secret pavilion.

"Here!" Yang Yizhong bowed his head in agreement.

Immediately, the monarch and the minister were speechless again, and after a while, Yang Zhengfu took the initiative to leave.

While Zhao Jiu watched the other person leave Xinggang, and stood under the apricot tree next to the pavilion again, but his expression inevitably became sad again-as the person he trusts most, he can tell a lot about other people in front of Yang Yizhong. The words that cannot be said in front of them reveal many feelings that cannot be expressed in front of other people, but there are some words, some things and some emotions, even if they are in front of this person, they can't tell them all.

Zhao Jiu went silent just now, and his emotions were so sad. On the one hand, he was ashamed of Pan and Wu, because he couldn't prevent these two people from being swallowed up by the so-called feudal ethics and assimilated by such things as the Xian Fei Ming. , That is, gradually turning into the so-called fish-eye and feeling sad... On the other hand, why don't you think of yourself by analogy?

Has his Zhao Jiu been swallowed by this era?

Has it been assimilated by this official identity?

If so, in the process, did he develop some kind of willingness, or approval, like those two women?

does it worth?

It seems to be worth it, because there is an overall situation in the world.

Zhao Jiu stood there all afternoon, and finally went back, and deeply concealed today's sadness and shame.

He has become the official who controls everything.

The next day, Cai Maozheng was a bachelor of Hanlin, and Ma Shen, Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry, was sent to inspect the spring farming in West Beijing.

After another three days, as more and more people were attached to Cai Mao, there was a faint noise, and Pan Guifei became obviously panicked and at a loss.

Fortunately, Zhao Guan's family stayed in the Pan Fei Palace almost every day, which made the latter somewhat relieved.

Ten days later, in late January, the weather became warmer. In addition to shooting arrows and listening to information, Zhao Guanjia, who wrote the original articles all day, saw that Pan Fei’s mood fluctuated sharply, and he did not want to delay, so he could not wait to let Yang Yizhong on the grounds of the weather. Start it up.

It can only be said that Cai Mao’s promotion and the official’s consciously or unconsciously ambiguous attitude, coupled with the so-called standing for the longest, the small group that advocates the eldest son of the emperor is already very solid... and these people are actually taken by the imperial court after a Cuju game. Ban Zhi caught them all in one net. There were more than 70 people and more than 50 families. Eighty-Chengdu was an old man who had returned from Yangzhou. They were all imprisoned in the name of divorcing the royal family and plotting wrongdoing. They were immediately judged by the Kaifeng Mansion.

Earned more than two million dollars before and after.

Among them, hundreds of thousands of national debt documents are still repaid to women and children as usual.

After this case, the Empress Dowager Yuanyou was panicked for a while and almost asked to go to the honorable account by herself, but unexpectedly Zhao Guanjia brought Pan Guifei to greet him early and invited the other two empress dowagers and minister Lu Hao to ask questions. UU Reading And the four chief executives came, and when the three queen mothers and the five elders arrived, the Zhao official family showed the jade seal obtained that day on the spot, stating that the reason for the matter was not related to the queen mother, but Cai Mao was villain, and Pan Guifei was stupid. Caused by use.

The officials said so bluntly, and the other two queen mothers tried to persuade them, and the queen mother Yuanyou only took a moment to rest.

Immediately, the official smashed the jade seal to pieces in public with an iron mace. In spite of the surprises of the three queen mothers and five maidens, he told the pale-faced Concubine Pan to face to face. Everything was fine, and he would never bear Ming Dao's palace in this life. Kin and righteousness, otherwise I will never be so.

After a while, when Concubine Pan was in tears, Zhao Jiufu asked the three empress dowagers on the spot. He asked the public minister Lu Hao for generations, and cut off the title of Concubine Pan on the spot and returned to the concubine.

The five elders left, whitewashed the news, and announced it. The ruling and the opposition were joyous for a while, and they all called the official sages to reconcile the harem and stabilize the world.

It’s hard to say what the harmony of the harem has to do with the stability of the world, but in fact, before the instability of the harem was exposed, there was already such a vaguely stable and prosperous state in the whole world... This seems not because of this. Such a thing changed, and Shang Shuma of the Criminal Ministry stretched back to the center to realize that after being distracted, it was only an incident, and there was no real disorder.

In the spring of the eighth year of Jianyan, the world was stable and stable, and the overall situation was in sight. It seemed that only two or three years later, when the court had accumulated enough money and military supplies, it would be able to carry out a large-scale Northern Expedition and succeed in the least on the surface.

PS: Thank you slyshen for the silver alliance! Thank you for not being the super cute guy who is not Lingyun.

By the way, there is a book circle activity this month, which is linked with Ji Cha's "This Is My Planet". Let's go to the book review area to take a look... Finally, continue to wish you all a happy new year!

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