Shao Song

: Fan Twenty-Five: Tianjiao-June 17

   Europe in the twelfth century was still immersed in aristocratic warfare. The knights wore gorgeous armors, lifted their lances gracefully, and won the hearts of ladies with a gorgeous charge. Proud knights are rampant on the European continent. As God’s servants in the world, they are responsible for conveying God’s will to the world. All doubters are greeted by the knight’s angry charge. No one can stop these silver torrents from advancing. , Except for the light cavalry of the Seljuk Empire in the Arab world. The cavalry of these Asian empires is savage and mad and haunting. Their light attire can keep a safe distance from the knight. When the knight is exhausted from chasing, they will use all means to provoke the knight’s anger. When a knight rushes for glory When leaving the team, these despicable vultures will jump to the admiral's knights to eat, and then run away like a whirlwind, leaving only dust. The knight with superb martial arts and strong armor looked so clumsy in front of these cunning cavalry. Fortunately, their simple swords and crossbows can hardly penetrate the knights' sophisticated armor. In the end, it was the Christians who successfully drove the group of vultures out of God's land. It was a great shame for the arrogant knights to draw a tie with the heretics, and even to be suppressed for a time. After the victory of the first Crusade, the Western world is gearing up to prepare for the next war, determined to let the pagans feel the wrath of God at the right time. The opportunity to shame finally came. The Seljuk Empire attacked Edessa. Two years later, the Crusaders assembled and sworn to fight for Jerusalem. At this time, the scout accidentally caught a pagan from the East. The former Pasha from Turkey brought an incredible news to the Western world.

   Five years ago, in Katwan, the regime from the Eastern Silk Country challenged the mighty Seljuk Empire. Sultan Sanjar mobilized the *** countries to fight against these unbelievers. The result of the war was that the Turkish cavalry was defeated and defeated again and again in front of the people of the silk country. The pillar of the Arab world, the powerful Seljuk Empire, was retreating in five years. In the end, Sudan died in battle and the regime fell apart. This also explains why more and more *** appeared on the borders of the European world in recent years, trying to escape into Europe. Just when the nobles were arguing whether there really was an army that could destroy the Seljuk Empire in five years, the jewel of the Eastern Mediterranean, the center of world wealth and art, the last pride of the Romans, Constantine Fort, long-lost "guests" from the East have been welcomed. The last news about the Eastern Empire was the shocking collision between the country named Tang and the Arab world in Tarros. After four hundred years, the Arab world lost its previous good luck and was crushed to pieces. The Western world has lifted the threat of *** without having to do anything, but what they have to face is the even more terrifying people from the silk country.

   A threat from the East! Panic spread like a virus in medieval Europe. More crusaders rallied to the Byzantine Empire and joined this conflict with the East. This battle is about faith, and it also determines the survival of Europe. It was this conflict between the East and the West that made the name of Khitan resonate in Europe, and it also kicked off the prelude to the darkest history of Europe.

   The last emperor of Byzantium, Manuel, was held down by the Khitan with his hands full of black and gray at the gate of the city and held a ceremony of offering prisoners to show the Khitan's martial arts. Before the execution, he turned his head and looked at Constantinople for the last time. This was the final farewell of the last Roman emperor to Constantinople, and it was also the last time Europeans stepped on the land of Constantinople. The wall that has stood for eight hundred years and has not fallen, eventually, together with its emperor, only exists in the sad songs of Europeans, "In many years this city will still belong to you, and you will return like lightning."

  ——T.N. Dupuy "The Evolution of Weapons and War (10)

  The whirlwind from Khitan

   It is the sound of water pouring, and the chapped lips are sucking this precious water. "Where is this, who am I?"

Wow, another pot of water poured down, and memory fragments appeared in the groggy mind, the quaint and towering church, solemn hymns, the pious people praying in the bright candlelight, the purple robe handed by the bishop, energetic The knights crowded and squeezed onto the towering walls of Constantinople. City wall? City wall!

   Wow, the third basin of water completely woke up Manuel. Manuel I, an ambitious Roman emperor who had just inherited the throne, dreamed of reviving the Roman Empire, weakening the authority of the Holy Roman Empire to the west, curbing the offensive of the Seljuk Empire to the east, and letting the name of the double-headed eagle be The Mediterranean reverberates. What the young emperor did not expect was that the powerful Seljuk Empire in the East collapsed, and the demon named Khitan drove straight in. They used incredible tactics to make the warship bypass the chain of the empire to block the river and burn the flames. Under the strong walls of the fortress.

   The emperor was never afraid of challenges. He personally climbed the city wall and led the knights to cut down the first madman. "God is on our side!" The emperor proudly announced. Unless God casts the thunder of punishment, no one can knock down the strong wall of the castle. Until that day, the emperor climbed the steps under the guard of the knight as usual, and an inexplicable heat wave rolled over from under the city wall. The emperor was overturned and passed out. The last picture was the disappearing city wall.

"You **** Khitan barbarians." The moment Manuel opened his eyes, he saw the young man sitting opposite, looking through the emperor’s favorite biography of Caesar, the humiliation of losing his country and the anger of being offended. Asked Manuel to roar, but he was immediately gagged.

   "I come, I see, I conquer." To Manuel's surprise, the young man spoke in Latin and slowly read Caesar's famous words. Looking at the surprised emperor, the young man immediately changed to Greek, "Don’t be surprised, if you are in a precarious situation, you will also stimulate the motivation to learn. Introduce yourself, the emperor of the Liao Dynasty, Yelu Dashi, who is more dazzling than Caesar. The imperial abdomen's heart governs the Taishi slave directly under Meng'an, Yelv Zongbi." The young man waved his hand, letting people loose the **** of the emperor. Manuel scolded as soon as he opened his mouth, "A mere oriental barbarian, dare to claim the title of emperor and blaspheme Caesar the Great. The shaved crows in your shabby room are here to bite the gift of God and make the most prosperous in the world. Is the city turned to ashes!"

As if he heard some joke, the young man laughed presumptuously and brought the surrounding samurai together. This unbridled laughter made the young emperor rise up, "What's wrong? You group of barbarians defeated the cruel Turks, you will only be more cruel than them. I would rather die in a robe on the road to the Turks. I curse you." The emperor suddenly thought of the disappearing wall. Maybe these barbarians really have some sorcery, the emperor. Some cringe.

The young people didn’t care about this, "You said that Khitan is a barbarian. It seems that the noble Roman emperor has not had time to understand the changes in the East. Your so-called noble blood is ridiculous to me. Your proud and prosperous place is not worth mentioning, Khitan. , From far away China. "Silk country? The emperor's eyes widened. He liked the smooth silk sold from the silk country, but he didn't know much about this country. He listened to the stories told by young people. The Khitan, a steel-like hard nation, lived tenaciously on the grassland and grew into a huge empire with tens of thousands of strings. It has a broad mind and unique civilization, and its eclectic incorporation of other cultures is amazing. The story of the young man came to an abrupt end when Wanyan Aguda was determined to fight against the Liao Dynasty. “The Khitan was once so glorious. He hunted with the Emperor of Tang and made the Emperor of Song low. He defeated the coalition forces of the Seljuk Empire and slashed the Sultan. People, let the Khitan, Han, Jurchen, Xi and even Turkic people unite together, and the Romans will inevitably surrender to him."

The emperor suddenly remembered his identity as the king of the subjugation, "Liao is really so strong, why did you group of Khitan go to the remote Mediterranean? It seems that the Jurchens succeeded in reversing the Liao, you are just a group of bereaved dogs." The emperor wanted to start from words. The young man laughed more happily. He began to tell the story of the Jurchen people, from Agu’s unloading of the Jiadu River, to Lou Shi’s horse like a wash, from the humiliation of Emperor Tian Zuo, and to Hui Qin Er. The saint was invited to the north hunter. This story is more complete and emotional than the story of the Khitan people. The emperor noticed that when talking about Wanyan Wushu, the young man trembled slightly. When the story was over, the emperor said solemnly, "Are you a Jurchen?" The young man was silent. "Is the golden country in your mouth destroyed?" There was still silence, only the samurai's eyes were filled with tears. "Who defeated the powerful Golden State?" Khitan defeated Seljuk, a headache for the Roman Empire, and Golden State drove Khitan out of the grassland. Then what kind of monster would defeat the Golden State?


   Song? The humiliating dynasty where the capital was breached and the emperor was captured to perform? The young man told Song's story in a soft voice. He mentioned the Palgong Mountain, the recovery of Tokyo, the destruction of Xixia, the fall of Taiyuan and the Daming City, and the Roman emperor learned about gunpowder. He mentioned the hundreds of thousands of troops killed by the deer, and he mentioned the story of the ten years of building the Yan official's family that turned the Dajin Kingdom into the Qing Dynasty.

   "What on earth do you want to do?" the emperor couldn't help but ask, "Is it just to refute me, the king of subjugation?"

"I'll come, I see, I conquer! The Dajin Kingdom should conquer everything, not become a humiliating Daqinggou to live. Those Liao and Song people should crawl under our feet. The Mongols and Bohai people should be ours. Slave, Xixia and Goryeo are not even worthy of carrying shoes. Why? Why did Daikin lose each other!" The young man suppressed his grief and anger, and the back of the lone Xiangnan flashed in his mind, and he became more and more angry, "These people are all crawling there. On the head of the Jurchen, and Heshi Lie Liangbi, Zhao Liangbi only knows that he is serving his father, regardless of the life and death of those of us. Why!"

The young man drew his saber violently, "The sharp blade is in his hand, and the killing will start. Qing is a dog with broken bones. Liao can regenerate, and so can Daikin. I want to make Daikin come alive in this strange land. I moved the Sudanese books, I collected Ross’s atlas, I took the Roman collections, and I just waited, waiting for the day of Daikin’s revival.” The young man said, dropping his saber, pulling out his dagger, and cutting open. With the palm of his hand, he smeared blood on his forehead, and the samurai around him learned a lot, and the smell of blood squeezed into the emperor's nose, making him more sober.

   "You mentioned that the emperor Jianyan let the Khitan people move westward after his victory, and would not return to the silk kingdom?" The young man nodded.

   "You mentioned that the Khitan tribe is underpopulated and needs to recruit Jurchen prisoners of war or Han criminals from the silk kingdom to supplement the labor force?" The young man nodded.

   "You mentioned that Emperor Dashi recently dealt with the three surname Ye Hu?" "You mentioned that Turkic people accounted for more and more people in the Khitan kingdom?" "You mentioned..."

   After a series of questions, the emperor's thinking became clearer and clearer, "How did the Khitan treat you prisoners of war?" The young man smiled grimly, revealing the welt on his arm.

   "You, the Emperor Dashi, are really a genius of heaven. You can maintain such a stitched empire. How dare you ask Emperor Dashi?"

   "The Emperor Dashi is always healthy!"

   The Roman emperor read the young man’s mockery and already had the answer in his heart. He asked the last question in his life, "What are you talking about so much for?"

The young man finally reduced his smile, "Every time I conquer a place, I will find local leaders to tell these stories, just to warn myself, don't forget Daikin's blood and blood. The young Roman emperor, your wisdom and bravery, let you choose A wish before death."

The emperor straightened up, "You and Song Liao have the hatred of genocide, and I also have the humiliation of subjugation between you and me. As the emperor, I cannot die by the butchers of the infidels, so let me wear a purple robe and let me A Christian cut off my head."

On the second day of the fall of Constantinople, the Roman people were forced to cut off the head of their emperor, Manuel. Before leaving, the Romans sang, "This city will still belong to you many years later," You will come back like lightning." It was the night, the young man who had talked with the Roman emperor for a long time meditated on his real name. In his heart, his name is always Wanyanheng, the name his father Wanyanwu left for him when he bound himself to the south. "I can't forget." He fell into a deep sleep.

   He fell asleep. But some people don't want him to fall asleep. "Wang Dahai, get up!" Rubbing Xingsong's sleepy eyes, the young man named Wang Dahai yawned long, and then was shaken by his companions, "Dahai, the group of devils are here again, what should I do?"

When Wang Dahai opened his eyes, he saw a group of people opposing the black press, each holding wooden knives. It was obvious that the visitors were not good. The leader walked up to Wang Dahai and raised his head and yelled, "Dazi, the lowest rank in the recruits should be It’s Tanzi, I’m afraid you don’t know if you’re a newcomer. Grandpa, as the captain, reminds you that he is so tall and speaks to me on his knees.” Before the voice was over, the leader waved a knife. Wang Dahai’s leg sockets should make him kneel down. The knife went quickly and ruthlessly. If ordinary people have already knelt down on the spot, the reality is that Wang Dahai can easily hold the wooden knife. "I’m in Shaoxing for 31 years. The champion of the martial arts hand-appointed by the official family, if you have a higher position than your official, you have to kneel down! Kneel down!" After talking about the rebel wooden sword, he hit the man's stomach with the hilt and propelled him out. Wang Dahai looked at the broken wooden knife and curled his lips. "Your devil's stuff is of poor quality." Guizi and Tarzi are slanderous names for the Japanese and Mongols, and it is said that they came from the Yanjing Palace.

When other Japanese saw Wang Dahai able to fight like this, they didn’t dare to step forward, but they refused to lose. Just like to make trouble!" "You devils are still embarrassed to talk and talk about making trouble. Isn't this group of you people fainted and scoring in the martial arts project, but they don’t know that the officials are watching the game in a micro-service, and it provokes Long Yan furious, Zhu Biyi Gou, all the participants in the conference that year rushed into the army, you should manage your legs first and don't go out of bounds anymore!" The two sides finally started. Everyone was tired and fell asleep when they touched their pillows. Only Wang Dahai opened his eyes. He was not injured, but he had a problem. He always dreamed when he didn't sleep well, and he did the same thing. With such a weird sleep, he can grow up to such a long time, perhaps thanks to the meat, egg and milk policy advocated by Zhao Guan's family.

Suddenly, Wang Dahai heard several people who had been distributed next door were discussing, "Have you heard? I have to get revenge for my Bahai Khan?" "How did you report it? Come on!" "I heard that it is. The son of King Sugai met the leader of Tatar and threw him to death in the wrestling arena. I heard that the skill was good, but it was impossible to determine that he fell to death deliberately, without paying his life, so he was sent to us here. "Tatar deserves it, he should have killed them clean at the beginning! The prince has tried his best to avenge Al Bahai Khan, and he will be my eldest brother from now on!"

   Wang Dahai sighed, his head started to think about it as he heard the sound of the next door gradually disappearing. At the end of the fight against gold, everyone became allies. Private fights were not allowed on the face. The grievances were accumulating higher and higher. It was Zhao Guanjia who thought of a way and held a meeting and alliance meeting, suggesting that countries use the situation of competition. Resolve conflicts. For the first time, there were only horseback riding, archery, wrestling and other competitions. Representatives from various countries were sent to compete. Other representatives will not talk about it for the time being. The first representative of Song Kingdom was actually King Han Sejong. He was scared to the bones of his opponent when he stood on the field. Soft and ineffective, the other princes were not willing to play, so Wangye Han won the first place at the age of fifty-five years old. He was awarded the title of the military champion of the three armies at the age of fifty-five. In addition, the conference was held in the martial arts, so he used the martial arts club. The title has continued to become a tradition. After Zhao Guan’s decree banned Prince Han from participating, the second martial arts meeting was held smoothly, but something went wrong in wrestling.

Since becoming the idle prince of Mongolia, I Bahai has been pursuing enjoyment. Somehow he lost his head and became the second prince of Han. He dragged his senior body up to participate in the wrestling event with Mongolian characteristics. But he was thrown and lost his breath. Come up and die. But the opponent was the remaining Tatars after the war, so the city was full of storms, saying that the Tatars deliberately retaliated. In the end, I was chasing the title of sweat, and the Tatar players were cut off. The hatred between the two sides has since turned into a sea of ​​blood, but it was suffering. The referee, every time he has to keep an eye on the two teams that meet each other, it turned out that something happened, and Tatar leader Temujinwuge was beaten to death!

Wang Dahai finally fell asleep. This time his dream was different. He dreamed of the scene when he went to meet Zhao Guan’s family when he won the martial arts championship. Zhao Guan’s family was a skinny old man, so thin that he could choke to death with one hand, but Standing in front of the official Zhao's house, he didn't even dare to get out of the air. Maybe this is why he is an official and my Wang Dahai is just a thief with the army.

   But why is this? Wang Dahai could not understand. In his dream, he dreamed of the day when his father sent him away. His father always hoped that he could be the imperial guard of Zhao Guan’s house. When he knew that his opponent was a Tatar, his father lost sleep all night. Wang Dahai had heard his father tell him how good his uncle Ibahai was to his father. Of course his father hoped to avenge him, but the price of revenge was his son’s fate. The father hesitated. So Wang Dahai helped his father make a decision. On the day of farewell, Wang Dahai knelt down and asked his father to leave. His father only shot a big eagle to his face, and then gave him a bow and arrow. His father told him that the Mongols should belong to the grassland and their unruly nature, saying that he Wang Dahai was born to be the life of the Mongol leader! Before leaving, his father gave him a Mongolian name. The name his father gave reminded him of the dreams he had been dreaming. There was always this name in his dreams. What was that name?

   Wang Dahai woke up with a wry smile. The leader of the Mongols could only be the official Zhao. How could he be a leader with a thief and an army? Still thinking about how to survive in the battlefield. Speaking of the battlefield, where is the goal this time? Oh, it's to help the Liao State in destroying Xijin. After the death of Yelü Dashi, the Liao Kingdom settled for a few years under the guidance of the Queen Mother. As a result, a Jurchen slave riot was untimely suppressed. A man named Wanyan Heng claimed to be the son of Wanyan Wushu, and took advantage of the situation to set off an uprising. The people and the Romans responded, and calmly divided the territory of the southwest of Liao, known as Xijin. It became a climate for a while, and the Liao country remained untouched, but the frivolous Zhao Guan Jiaran only now remembered to help the Liao country.

Yelu Abaoji, Wanyan Aguda, Zhao Gou, Yelu Dashi, Wanyanheng, Wang Dahai chewed on these names. He had listened to their heroic stories since he was a child. There were stories about Khitan people, stories about Jurchen people, and stories about Song people. The story, but there is no Mongolia, why? Wang Dahai still couldn't understand, he fell asleep again.

In the He rode a horse and took up a longbow, galloping freely on the grassland, from the east to the west, everyone followed him, there were Mongolians, Jurchens, and Turks. There are people from Liao and Song. He bowed his bow and shot arrows, and the big eagle flying in the center. When he fixed his eyes, he became the official Zhao’s house. He sat on the high throne and was shot to death by an arrow. Not afraid, he went to the throne, took off the crown of the Zhao official family, and brought it to himself. He saw the people behind him scolding, and he felt that they were irritable, so he started. West Mongolia was beaten by him, Rus was beaten by him, Xixia was beaten by him, Jurchen was beaten, Song was also beaten, everyone was convinced, Wang Dahai discovered that he already had a big The country!

Wang Dahai woke up. He was astonished at his bizarre dream, his wanton behavior in the dream, but his heart had never beaten so much, as if he had been reborn. Zhao Guan’s house can sit down, why the Mongols can only fight devils in the new barracks? Wang Dahai couldn't help it, and pushed his companion on the side, "I want to be the emperor!" After a day of tiredness, the companion on the side didn't hear what Wang Dahai said, but subconsciously dealt with it, "Well, you will be the emperor. "

Wang Dahai fell into a deep sleep. This time he had the dream he had been having. In the dream, he no longer used the Chinese name Wang Dahai. He remembered the Mongolian name given to him by his father, from Temujinwuge. The captured name, Peer Zhijin·Temujin. In the dream, he was no longer Wang Dahai, he became an emperor as great as the ocean. He became, Genghis Khan. This time, he will no longer forget.

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