
Space becomes sluggish.

"Stop struggling, you're at the end of your life, Aniluth." A mysterious man dressed in purple robes said to the embarrassed man in front of him.

This man named Anilus is in a difficult situation, surrounded by betrayers from all races, all strong, who are surrounding him. Anilus looked at the purple mechanical device in their hands and knew that it was difficult to escape this time, a specific space anchor, which is a device that specifically limits the ability of space.

The mysterious man said: "You can only walk out alive if you hand over that thing obediently, otherwise don't blame us for using some means."

Anilus gasped and smiled contemptuously: "Hehe, you empty lackeys, do you really think you can eat me?" The

mysterious man sensed a sense of foreboding, and quickly threatened: "As long as you give us your things, we will let you go." "

Only fools believe such words.

But if Aniluth was afraid of threats, I am afraid that he would not be able to go to the position he is in today, and it is estimated that he would have died a long time ago, let alone come to this situation.

"Huh." Two words indicate determination.

Aniluth looked at them resolutely, a trace of reluctance flashed in his eyes, and disappeared in an instant.

What a helplessness, being backstabbed by all ethnic groups and falling into a helpless situation. There is no way but that, goodbye, this world.

Although it is not willing to end like this, this thing must not fall into the hands of foreign races.

With the determination to die, Aniluth looked at the silver square object in his hand, triggering his own magic, and in an instant, the elements in this area instantly rioted, the flash swallowed everything here, everything became undetectable, and this place was directly separated from this world!

A moment later, this area disappeared, and only a very few people knew that everything here, even the entire time and space, had been annihilated!

...... Everything is so familiar but vague.

"Whew! Call!

A handsome young man suddenly woke up from the bed, sweating profusely on his forehead, exhaled heavily, and said to himself: "Did you dream of this again?" It's really strange, it's been so long to have such a dream, what the hell is going on? "

He was really puzzled, and logically he should have died." But the truth is that he came to another world. He doesn't quite understand what the situation is, it may be the blessing of the Goddess of Life, or maybe it is the prank of the Goddess of Life?

Anilus, no, now his full name should be Sue Anilus. The young man, now named Su, has the identity of a traverser. It has been more than ten years since he came to this world, and at first he was only a few years old as a child, and he was adopted unexpectedly, and it was not surprising that he was an extraordinary figure, of course, he only learned about it later.

(Having a certain background can be convenient to act, even if you have the technology and strength may not be easy to use, no matter where it is universal.) Unless, of course, you have the absolute strength to defy all obstacles.

As a legendary figure and mechanical master in the original world, in this world, his own talent has not changed, in fact, except for the younger body and declining strength, everything else has basically not changed.

In the past ten years, Su has hardly communicated too much with the outside world, only has a narrow circle of people, although it is two different worlds, but the laws of the world are roughly the same, and studying spell casting and world laws has become especially important for Su, so he rarely does anything other than restoring strength and making alchemy machinery.

Because he understands that although the world is different, the strong are still respected, and if you do not have enough strength, you have no right to speak.

As a stranger traveler, I have enough background and no amnesia, at least I was a legendary archmage.

The reason why he was hunted down in the primordial world was also because of the silver square he created, an item that was enough to change the pattern of the world - the elemental polynucleus device. This thing can simply create elemental core sources in a relatively short period of time and control the power of rules of a single elemental force. As a result, the Soviet Union's own forces were not enough to resist the siege of other forces, which caused today's situation.

Thinking of this, Su couldn't help but laugh, who would have thought that he actually did not die, and accidentally descended into the other world.

If you want to find out what is going on and return to the original world, you must first integrate into this new world, at least understand the laws of the world, and probably take a long time to learn.

Looking at the dim silver device in his hand, it seemed that he could only restore the core energy to have hope of returning to the original world, and Su seemed to know how to move forward next.

Only the device can be restored first to re-condense the elemental core.

Back in front of you, Sue's private underground research institute.

Su received a letter from his adopter: Don't think about it, you know that your kid is still staying in your broken place, come to me quickly, there are important things that you need to deal with, don't talk to me, this time you can't refuse. Pack your bags and be well prepared because things are more troublesome.

Hey, I really don't want to go.

Of course, Sue scratched her head and could only think. According to Su's understanding of the old man, there is no big thing basically will not use this tone to find him, alas, it seems that there is no way to refuse.

I looked at my own institute.

Sue began to pack the items she needed to bring.

Well, the elemental polynucleus device is on the belt, very important. This space storage to take away, home travel, kill... Take! This elemental gun is good, this annihilation bomb can also be ,......

Su scratched his head, it seems to be good, the difficulty of choice has occurred.

Forget it, just bring some.

Elemental Polynucleus Device, Space Storage, Alchemy Rune Bow, Eternal Holy Sword (Elemental Core), Elemental Weapon...

Well, I actually brought a lot of stuff ah 0.0!

So let's drop everything for now and go.

The young man at this time did not realize that this would be the beginning of his journey, and fate would flow at this moment!

Destination: Clock Tower!


(Heyday Spirit Panel)


Attribute: Order Neutral

[Ability Value

] Strength: B Durability: B

Agility: B++ +


: A Lucky: A

Treasure: EX [Rank Skill]

Legendary Mage: EX

A powerful spellcaster close to the god of law, proficient in all kinds of spells, specialized elemental, space, soul type spells. The attainment of magic and magic is like a god. (Otherwise, how could there be a nickname for the god of law.)

Alchemy Master: A

master of alchemy, a person who works miracles. Needless to say, the achievements of alchemy training are so wonderful.

Mechanical Master: A

master in the field of machinery, needless to say, as long as you know the principle, it is not impossible to turn it into reality in terms of your own ability.

Battle Heart: A

battle-hardened warrior is proficient in all martial arts, calmly coping with any situation, greatly reducing negative effects (as a combat mage, how can you not fight closely?). See Twin-wielding Berserk Gandalf).

【Treasure Tools】

Mechanical Alchemy

Level: Type A

: Against People ~ Attack Distance on Military Treasures:


Maximum capture: ???

Conceptual treasures, legendary masters who fuse machinery and alchemy, their means and weapons and their props are extremely diverse, embodied in the embodiment of which includes but is not limited to manufacturing and creation.

Anilus - Eternal Holy Sword

Level: EX

Type: Attack Range against Military Treasures:


Maximum capture: ???

One of the elemental holy weapons made by Aniluth and condensed by the power of a certain world rule, the holy sword with the absolute authority of the concept of "earth", the power of completely liberating form is enough to break through all obstacles.

(To put it simply, Su is strong, but not as strong as the real gods, probably slightly weaker than the crown heroic spirit, between the crown position and the broken position.) There is one more thing, Sue is an important character in another story and is not the protagonist, the numerical template comes from this, Su is good at spells and alchemical machinery, but not martial arts, although the sword art is not as specialized as Saber, and the archery is not as strong as archer, but the victory is in the mastery of the martial arts and not bad. )

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