
The haze slowly rose and spread outward.

A shallow ravine was opened on the floor by the brutal impact, and the conflict between strength and beauty was perfectly reflected in this training ground.

This is located underground in the Clock Tower.

It is a training ground for students to fight and learn to their heart’s content.

"Advanced Self-Defense - This is a course where magicians use their physical abilities to show their vitality. Although the process is very barbaric, this is a basic course that can well reflect the talent and level of a magician."

Kenneth explained indifferently with his hands behind his back. The two students fighting on the field were two students in El-Melloi's classroom. They had just finished a fierce battle at the moment.

It is common sense for modern magicians to learn self-defense techniques.

In order to deal with emergencies, this necessary

"Ahhh....Self-defense class...This is the class I hate the most.....!"

Weber put his head in his hands and said in frustration.

As Kenneth explained at the beginning.

The strength of the self-defense technique is linked to the magician's talent level.

If they are a highly talented magician, they can use magic power to bless their physical body to crush the ground and tear steel with their hands.

As for a magician with Weber's talent.

When he gave the blessing, he could only hope that the beating wouldn't hurt too much.

The performance gap between Webber and the excellent Magician is too huge to be compared on the same track.

This poor performance is the so-called reality.

In other words, what Kenneth calls blood and talent

"Classmate Moran, I said I would give you a chance to prove it. I think there is nothing more suitable than this advanced self-defense class to let you and Weber understand that blood and talent are everything. Now, do you still want to prove your point to me?"

Kenneth said slowly and calmly.

He upheld the elegance of being a noble and a monarch.

At the same time, he did not lose his arrogance.

In his opinion, even stupid students should understand that blood and talent are everything at this time.

If he properly admits his mistake and apologizes, as a teacher, he can still pretend that nothing happened.

After all, people with low bloodline have limited vision.

He can understand the low-level magician's unwillingness to him, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with the way he handles it.

As a Teacher, as a traditional nobleman,

Kenneth did quite the right thing no matter what.

"Teacher Kenneth.....I...."

"Of course you have to prove it! If I prove successful, then Mr. Kenneth, will you admit that you were wrong?"

Molan didn't give Weber a chance to speak.

He said frankly under everyone's stunned gaze.

Many people clapped their heads and put their foreheads in confusion.

At this point, they were still unwilling to admit their mistakes. They were all surprised that there was someone in the class. So stupid

"Huh? It's really beyond my expectation...

I still stick to myself to this point. In terms of affirming my self-awareness, it is worthy of praise. But, this is impossible. In my opinion, you don't have the ability to meet this condition."

Kenneth said with a teasing smile.

He made a reasonable inference based on the current situation.

Next to him, Weber's brain had already short-circuited. He didn't know where Moran was going to drive the self-destructing truck.

"Teacher Kenneth, are you afraid of betting?"

Molan said unhurriedly.

He used the most classic provocation method.

"Ah.....Don't dare?"

Kenneth's vision became sharp.

A shocking aura was released.

Soon, he calmed down again.

His brain did not lose thinking because of being provoked. After thinking for a moment, he deduced that Moran did this intentionally to provoke. , the purpose may be to let himself go down personally.

Once, as a monarch, he goes down.

No matter whether Moran and Weber win or lose, it will be a disgraceful thing for Kenneth himself.

Moran and others are completely zero Cost.

If they lose, they can use the monarch's use of strength to suppress others as an excuse.

Win? Kenneth didn't consider that Moran could beat him.

‘Even though you are showing some three-legged cat skills, you still think that Kenneth, I, can’t see such a simple provocation? '

Kenneth did see it.

But his pride did not allow him to avoid it.

Moran just grasped this arrogance

"Why not? No matter which way you look at it, how can I, a monarch, not dare? Moran Edelfeldt, do you know what the price will be for provoking me like this?"

"Of course, I'm not stupid either. If I can't prove it to you, I can declare that I will never use magic for the rest of my life. I don’t know the weight of this price, is it enough?"

Moran also has the same arrogance.

What he said caused an uproar among everyone present.

This is worse than giving up a career in magic. It is already fatal for a magician to give up exploring the mysteries, and it is simply unacceptable to not use magic. Human breathing is the same.

For a magician, there is no crueler price than this.

Even Kenneth was a little surprised

"Teacher Kenneth, I've bet such a big fortune, so I can't do anything if you don't do something."

"Huh, what do you want?"

"Let me think about it~"

Moran didn't want anything in the first place.

But seeing that the progress has reached this point, it makes no sense not to get some profit from Kenneth.

"Think about it. Just use one of your three basic magic furnaces with endless magic power, Mr. Kenneth! I've staked everything I have as a magician. It's not too much to ask for such a gamble, right?"

"You guy, you really are a lion! That is the supreme gift of my El-Melloi family! Do you know what you are talking about?!"

Kenneth was already very angry.

How could his unheralded secret treasure be used for gambling?

However, looking at Moran's confidence.

Did he really think he would win?

No matter how he thought about it, Kenneth felt that Moran couldn't win. But at the same time, he thought it was incredible that he looked like this.

Something incomprehensible happened.

Even though he was a genius, he couldn't figure it out.

"However, if it is just a borrowing right, I can still grant it to you as the head of the El-Melloi family."

"Okay, so be it."

Molan just wanted to get some oil and water for fun.

No matter how valuable the magic furnace is, it is probably not as valuable as his blood.

He agreed without any hesitation.

This made Kenneth even more unable to see through Moran, and he had no idea what confidence and strength he had. He bet against himself.

It was interesting, he found it very interesting.

Kenneth, who had been a lecturer for many years, encountered this for the first time.

If a person with a bad blood like Moran could win this bet, it would be a real miracle.

He could not predict it. What is this miracle?

Even though he is known as a genius, there are times when he is at his wits end.

Unconsciously, he wants to answer the unknown. He wants to see what miracles Moran has that can compete with him. ps: Please ask for monthly tickets for Bohua Flowers Evaluation votes, please beg! The results are not strong enough and the author feels uneasy when writing!

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