After an extremely extraordinary day.

Moran returned to the familiar atmosphere of the student dormitory.

As soon as he stepped into the door, he moved his eyes to the clock on the wall. There were still ten minutes left before the simulation was refreshed.

Soon, the second simulation will be started

"Phew, ten minutes left."

Molan murmured to himself while sitting on the bed.

Apart from dealing with the dispute with Kenneth, he spent most of his time thinking in his head today.

Thinking about how to conduct the second simulation.

How to make the ending more perfect..The tragic scene when he died under the moonlight, the emotion contained in his chest has not dissipated yet.

"Let’s make different choices during this simulation. Being able to conduct multiple simulations is my biggest advantage."

Molan determined the direction of the second simulation.

He asked the simulator for more detailed rules during the day.

【Fixed talents and skills can also be brought into the next simulation and do not occupy the slot for selecting talents and skills at the beginning of the simulation]

This simulation adds the three fixed skills already carried, plus the three additional ones selected at the beginning of the simulation.

In other words, he can hold six skills.

That’s twice as much as a week.

The only thing I need to worry about is that I hope the simulator doesn't pull out any useless skills.

Time to do some final thinking and sorting out.

Soon, ten minutes passed.

The number of simulations in the life simulator is refreshed accordingly

【Today’s simulation times have been reset】

【The host can enter the simulator at any time to simulate】

【Please note that if there is no simulation within 24 hours, the number of simulations will not be accumulated when refreshing.]

Hear the prompt from the simulator in your mind.

Moran transferred his consciousness directly to the interior of the simulator.

The originally gray and unclickable simulation copy regained its luster, just waiting for him to click in to start the second simulation.

"second simulation...."

Many beautiful images flashed through Moran's mind.

He touched the panel with the desire in his heart

【Greek Heroes and Gods】

【Simulation Confirmation]

However, the simulator precedes the simulation.

It also popped up a special prompt box to Moran.

【Announcement about simulation overwriting reality——】

【Here is what the host needs to know. Each time the host simulation is completed, the simulator will make a ruling. Only simulations that reach the EX rating are eligible to overwrite reality. Simulations with ratings below EX are closer to the anecdote in nature.】

【There will be additional rewards for reaching the Ex rating.】

【This simulator wishes the host to achieve Ex evaluation as soon as possible】

【To make the host's life so happy that there is no need to use a simulator, this is the purpose of this simulator]

Moran quickly understood the meaning of this announcement.

In other words, what he experienced in the simulation was not a fictional process similar to data deduction.

This simulation process is more similar to the fantasy tree mechanism.

Once your simulation standard reaches a certain standard, you can be directly promoted from anecdotal news to reality.

Directly covering the history of pan-humanity

"That’s it, that means that I can also leave my own traces in the world. Just let the strange news replace reality. This is true......"

Moran couldn't help but smile.

I didn't expect that the simulator would have a mechanism like this.

Reaching the Ex level will allow the strange news to overwrite reality, and even the Throne of Heroes will be engraved with Moran's deeds.

At that time, he was summoned as a heroic spirit.

Presumably it's not impossible

【Simulation is on, anchor point is thrown】

【The Greek Hero God Generation is selected and simulated immediately. It is detected that the host carries fixed skills and is being recorded.——】

【The host can still choose three skills】

【Randomly selected from the simulated skill library, the host is asked to select three skills from the list below to bring into the simulation.】

【Optional skills: Attribution of the Golden Fleece (EX), Aesthetics of Hunting (B), Repair of All Defects (C), Heroic Valor (B)+)、Magical Emission (B), Demonic Appearance (A), Bravery (A)] is another skill choice when facing bitterness.

The simulator has detailed descriptions of these seven skills.

As a hero, Moran and Zhou Mushi have different opinions, and the speed of giving choices is faster.

"The choice is made."

Molan looked at the three skills that had been selected.

He didn't choose which one based on which one was more powerful for the week.

This time, he had a goal of action.

The skills would be selected based on advancing the goal, so he chose three that could play a role. The most useful skill

【Belonging to the Golden Fleece (Ex): The Golden Fleece, which symbolizes the ideal of wealth and happiness, is obtained by you. With this skill, you will not be trapped by wealth. The Golden Fleece can heal the injured just by looking at it. If you throw it on the ground, you can also summon dragon seeds.】

【Heroic valor (B+): The deeds of the Argonauts' journey, the crystallization of martial arts acquired through twenty years of battlefield fighting. Even taking the enemy's leader out of ten thousand armies is easy. Leadership is greatly enhanced, and your heroic charisma will turn into a flame of hope that guides people forward.】

【Demonic Appearance (A): You have a rare beauty in the world. Even the soldiers fighting in the two countries will stop fighting because of your beauty. Your beauty has reached a level that can be called demonic. As long as it is exposed, it will have an impact on the surroundings. ]

Moran had another idea for this simulation.

He did not intend to leave the invisible island, but decided to use a curved approach to defeat the rumors spread by the three Gorgon sisters.

He doesn't have the ability for a week.

These skills are the result of his experience in the first round.

Now, he has the possibility to implement this idea

【Skill selection completed】

【Greek Heroes of the Gods, simulation begins——】

The process is the same as in the first simulation.

It just gives people a feeling and description very similar to the so-called spirit transfer.

Moran's consciousness disappeared in a white light, and when he regained consciousness, he smelled a familiar smell.

That's the smell of the sea breeze.

Moran was still born on the sea.

The businessman couple who gave birth to him marveled at the child's beauty and could imagine what a beautiful man he would grow into in the future.

They prayed to Poseidon to keep their child alive.

But, this time the progress is a little different

【Seeing your parents desperately trying to keep you alive, you were touched in your heart and chose to intervene.】

【Even though you are too fragile when you are just born】

【But you still stimulated the demonic blood to flow out through the umbilical cord, and created the sea snake with the powerful magic power contained in it.】

【Two sea snakes are fighting at sea】

【In the chaos of the battle, the cradle holding you falls to the sea, and you have no way of knowing the final outcome of the battle.】

【Listening to the hoarse cries in the thunderstorm】

【Although your parents did not die because of the sea monsters, they still lost you.】

【Spending too much magic power to generate Warcraft, you fall into a deep sleep with the push of the waves in the cradle]

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