"The great god Zeus, the queen goddess Hera, the goddess of victory Athena, the god of light Apollo, the god of love Aphrodite, the goddess of earth Demeter.....In other words, are these six pillar gods enemies of our country?....."

Moran stood up from the throne and said to himself.

The above six gods are known to everyone in Greece.

If the king of a country knew that they had become an enemy, he would be scared to death and his face would turn pale.

Being an enemy of the gods is a capital crime.

To act against the will of God is disrespectful


Atalanta's beautiful eyes were filled with worry.

She knew that Moran was carrying the entire country on his shoulders, and she could not imagine how heavy the pressure was on her husband.

"Presumably, this is undoubtedly a disaster for our country, but this is not the time to bow to the gods!"

Molan's figure is like a majestic mountain peak.

His firm will never wavers under the heavy burden.

"Pass the order! Mobilize the whole country and enter a state of war readiness!

The biggest battle we are waiting for Pelasji is about to come, and this time, our enemy will be the scoundrel who comes from outside the territory and usurps the throne of the old god! It’s a machine god that doesn’t even allow us to exist and will exterminate us just because our faith is taken away!"

Molan waved his hand and ordered the herald in the palace.

All of them had solemn expressions on their faces.

Looking at the king of a country walking in the hall, the minister of bodyguard was still not defeated by the despair of the gods' sanctions.

Even if it is death, it must be They will not be afraid.

They love this land and will not step back to protect the only fantasy pure land left in the world.

They believe that Moran will guide him with his sword.

Even if the end of this road is destruction, There will be no one who will shrink back and escape.

Because they love all this.

They will never flee their hometown like their ancestors did.

At this moment, they are under the emperor's gaze like golden light.

That is love, that is solemn, that is sacred.

The ministers present They couldn't say another word to the guards. They just wanted to go to the battlefield with this king.

"Sir, please retire and rest tonight.

Although there are still a few days until the battle, this should be the last time you see Pelasgi in your eyes."

Molan walked towards the direction outside the main hall.

When some ministers wanted to come forward and say something, he replied as if he knew:

"This is not giving up, nor is it an escape! I hope you will remember what a utopia we have built! Never forget! We are here to survive, to defeat the gods and reach tomorrow. So we should keep this scenery in mind!"

【Looking at the majestic back of the king as he leaves】

【All the ministers and guards could not help but lower their heads and kneel down, offering their fiery loyalty to the king.】

【Although, there was silence in the hall】

【But everyone knows what they are thinking】

"Lord Moran......"

【Medea looks sad】

【She knew that at this time, Moran needed to be alone】

【As a wife, she also has things she can do for Moran, and she can dedicate her strength to this country.】

"No matter life or death, Medea will accompany you until the last moment, even if the enemy this time is the gods....."

【Medea also condensed a small wish in her heart】

【Compared to the survival and destruction of this country】

【The prayer she made was not for herself to be happy, but for her husband to seize that happiness.】

【The same goes for Atalanta.】

【She will also offer her strength to Pelasgi】.......

【You walk to a garden somewhere in the palace】

【Looking back at the beautiful words I said, I can’t help but laugh.】

【At first you thought about establishing faith in Medusa】

【But I never imagined that I would become a king】

【Originally I didn’t want to be a king, I just wanted to live a stable life, but unknowingly I became a king on my own】

【Thinking about how to survive this disaster】

【You have never regretted getting to this point. The past fifty years have made you very satisfied.】

【Now you have to protect it】

【Just like the last time I protected Medusa】

【It seems that nothing has changed much】

【It’s just that the objects of protection and care are getting bigger, and the hardships and disasters we face have become more terrifying.】

"On the eve of the war between the gods, as one of the twelve main gods, is it really okay for you to come to me?"

Molan said holding a branch in his hand.

At the same time, a beautiful figure walked out of the woods on one side of the garden.

Her figure was sacred and beautiful.

"Oops, have you been discovered by my dear? It's so annoying, they obviously want to give you a surprise!"

"Haha, in terms of surprises, I have suffered enough, Artemis, nothing can stop you........"

Moran's tone was very emotional and gentle.

He had no animosity toward the visiting Moon Goddess.

The goddess looked at Moran sweetly.

Even in the second simulation, the Moon God still fell in love with him without any doubt.

But, she is not here to play.

This situation cannot be ignored anymore

"Honey, you know, right? I like you, so much that I feel like I can't breathe if I don't get it. Even if Zeus and the others want to punish you, I still don’t agree."

"Ok, I know. Thank you"

"snort! Now that you know, you are still so harsh on me! My dear, you are so mean-spirited!"

Artemis stared directly at Moran.

Who would have thought that the moon goddess would actually look like an angry little girl.

But Moran has seen this countless times

"The problem is with you, right? When you first came to the island, you shouted that you wanted to take me away."

"Have no idea! Who told me to like it?"

"You can't do whatever you like. Over the past few decades, your freewheeling personality has not changed."

Molan shook her head with a helpless smile.

God's views on how to deal with people and affairs are very unique.

She still does so to this day.

"Having said that, now that things have reached this point, the gods have decided to impose sanctions on Pelasj. I love you, but even voting against it won't stop you. But, there is one thing I can do, do you want to hear it?"

Artemis smiled gracefully.

There was full joy hidden in her smile, like a child who knew she would get a gift before Christmas Eve. She was very beautiful and charming.

But her serious gaze was disturbing.

This Artemis Miss is not like the one who played with Moran in the past, but her true nature is more clearly revealed.

"Artemis, what do you want to say?"

"Haha, I want you to really become my husband."

For a moment, Moran felt in a trance.

Artemis's tone was different from before, and she no longer said it in a playful tone.

Her attitude this time was very serious.

The vague pressure of God was enough to explain it.

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