‘After calculation, the predictions made by the humans in front of me were reasonable, and the conclusions were drawn through comprehensive calculations. It is more efficient from an energy perspective to allow the indigenous life forms to be independent than to be controlled by us. '

Hephaestus didn't say it though.

But the ontology's computing unit has already reached a conclusion.

It's unbelievable that this is the result.

For the first time, Hephaestus felt something close to surprise

"However, after all, it is a calculation, and the current situation is not enough to reach a conclusion. The destruction of Pelasgi is inevitable. With Artemis alone, there is no possibility of disobeying the gods. The current information on the individual named hero is unknown and cannot be calculated. Moran, everything you said makes no sense."

"At the end of the day, you still can’t accept it yourself."

"Deny, if there is enough information and cases, it is possible to calculate accurately......It depends on whether the hero you are talking about meets the conditions for me to calculate."

【Even though Hephaestus said so】

【But you still don’t despair about the future】

【Rather, it's the exact opposite.】

【Knowing the problems of these Me-gods, your idea of ​​fighting Me-gods becomes more determined.】

【Artemis is angry at your stubbornness.】

【After many attempts to dissuade her, like Hephaestus, she chose to leave the palace garden and tell you when the gods will arrive.】

"The gods will come in three days. The first to arrive will be the four major city-states who believe in the gods. They will join forces to fight against Pelasg, and the blessings of the six gods will be given to them......"

Artemis didn't forget to leave a message before she left.

She is still angry now.

However, he couldn't watch Moran die in vain, so he could only inform the gods of all the information.

Not giving up does not mean giving up.

‘When the war guided by the gods comes, he will see the failure that he will bear in mind. When his life is threatened, as long as he waits until then, he will definitely ask me for help. '

Artemis held this thought.

She also had no way of confirming that Moran must have asked for help.

But, that's all.

The situation this time is different from the last simulation, as long as Moran is willing to ask her god for help.

Then, I will definitely take action

【Time flies by】

【In the last three days left, Pelasgi mobilized all the strength of the country just to deal with the coming war.】

【The whole country is united as one】

【In order to protect the only pure land that belongs to them in the world, both men, women and children have taken up arms.】

【At this moment, it is far from the arrival of the gods——】

【Only the last day left】

【At noon that day, you summoned all the people in Pelasgi City to the square of the palace.】

【Thousands of people are watching the high platform】

【Standing there was their beloved king. Not only humans offered their love and respect, but even the mythical and magical beasts lowered their heads in unison, offering their blood and flesh to their father.】

"Proclaim here - O people of Pelasghi!

From the founding of Pelasgi decades ago, I told you that war would come. The enemies we have to face this time are the gods of Olympus! It's the alien machine god who came from the outside world and usurped the authority of the Mother Goddess! Needless to say, Pelasgian is on the verge of survival!"

Molan didn't even need magic power to amplify his voice.

His loud voice spread to every corner of Pelasj and entered the hearts of all the people.

The people living in this city raised their heads and looked up to the man they followed. The King of Beasts to this Day

"Whether it's to escape or to have fun.

I have seen it countless times in the past few decades and made countless decisions. What I got in the end was this Utopia, the only remaining place in the world. Even with this ideal, facing the power of the Olympus gods, we will surely be destroyed without a single one left!"

Molan's long hair was flowing like a mane.

The eyes of the king overlooking all things contained heat waves.

The people who were being watched couldn't help but clench their palms, and they were so nervous that they seemed to be choked by a pair of big hands.

"However, faced with this outcome, you chose to stay here and dedicate everything to the country you love! I have been fighting till now with the awareness that I will perish together with my beloved homeland! This awareness, even if the world denies you, as your king and your leader! I will also give you affirmation!

My people! Everything you do is meaningful, and even the almighty gods of Olympus cannot erase it!

Because of this, Pelasgi is an ideal city-state... even if we are destroyed, it will be engraved in the history of mankind! We can let the world, and even the world, witness it! Even if we are as powerful as the gods of Olympus, they cannot shake our determination!

It is no joke to surpass myths with our great deeds!"

Molan gave everyone an awe-inspiring drink.

This excitement infected the people of Pelasj.

Gradually, people's worries were gradually eliminated and dissipated, and a response from the soul was sent to the king. The once small sparks continued Burning.

Now, it has spread into a fire that burns the sky.

"Listen up here! My people! Everyone is ready to fight! This is a battle against the gods from outside the realm to defend what we love! Let us end the good and evil karma we have formed since the original Mother Goddess at this moment! This is an epic that can be praised for thousands of years! At the same time, it is also the time for us to defend our glory. My glory is with you.——!"

Moran finished with a swing.

At this moment, it is far better than anything that can be seen in the world

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh——!!"

"Our glory is with our emperor, Pelasgi will live forever——!!"

"Defend our glory——!!!"

Thousands of people raised their fists and shouted together.

This sound wave composed of many beliefs is like the roar of dragons and storms in mythology.

Enemies will surely panic or be confused when they hear this, and weak people will faint immediately. It is an absolute wave of faith.

The whole island seemed to be shaking


Moran looked at the people who accompanied him to the end, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

So what if the road ahead is destruction?

Even if you are walking on a road destined to collapse.

They will also try their best to ignite the fire of hope, which is the most dazzling light of human confidence........ ps: It’s almost on the shelves, and it’s almost the climax of the plot.

Finally, let me recommend the author again. Whether it is flowers or monthly tickets, it is the motivation for the author to fight hard!

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