"I told you the story before I came to this planet, right? I received the signal of the planet and made a deal with it. In the place of this incapacitable planet, it is up to me to protect it. But actually, what I was thinking about was not protection. "

Zhu Yue told her past.

His eyes flashed with longing from a long time ago, and he couldn't help but stretch out his palm to the white full moon.

As if, I wanted to hold it in my hand.

"What I want is to take this beautiful planet for myself... I've tried to do that too, for a long time. "

"yes, I know."

Moran knew this all too well.

Once upon a time, Zhu Yue had talked after tea.

He also felt no problem with that.

It does not affect the relationship between himself and Zhu Yue, and the affairs of the planet are not very important to him.

Now he is a true ancestor.

"The blood-sucking impulses in the bodies of the Dead Man and the True Ancestor, which can be said to be cursed, can also be said to be strengthened, are essentially the principle blood rings that I have carved. The fundamental purpose is to usurp the planet.

The gods faded, and with them, the foundation of the planet was still fragile. As long as you complete my principle and determine the cornerstone, even a third-rate Death Breaker can devour the planet. "

Zhu Yue stroked her chest with a proud expression.

Even if all the True Ancestors of the Dead are the product of failure, nothing has been done in the process. 313

The meaning of her words is already very direct.

The principle blood ring is inscribed in the souls of all the dead dispers and true ancestors, and it is a precept that cannot be escaped no matter what.

The physical rules of the earth are based on primates.

If the principle blood ring is completed, the cornerstone is determined.

Then the Dead and the True Ancestors can become the primates of the planet and become the best race on Earth instead of humans.

Subsequently, the physical rules of the earth were reformulated

Cover the surface of the planet with the principles of the Death Seeker and the True Ancestor as the cornerstone.

Finally take the entire planet into your hands.

Just like the past when humans bid farewell to the gods, what Zhu Yue wanted to do was to make humans the eliminated party.

Human reason fades and the Dead rise.

Three times to update the laws of the planet.

Let the current human race lose the primate seat.

"However, today the Death Seeker and the True Ancestor are still insufficient, and the principle of the My Blood Clan has not yet been determined. This is the proof of the ancestor, and it is also the lesion of the ancestor....."

Zhu Yue showed a regretful expression.

Principle: The blood ring is both a power and a curse.

It keeps the True Ancestor and the Death Breaker incomplete.

They are very paradoxical, flawed, and they cannot surpass humans.

"I've been anxious to keep creating successors because of (CIFG) this. For me, there is far less time..... I make too many enemies. "

"Is it inhibition?"

Moran hit the point with one word.

Zhu Yue then showed a helpless expression.

"Sure enough..... Can't hide from you. I crave replacement. As the consciousness of the collective group of human beings, Alaya began to regard the true ancestors and the dead as natural phenomena of the planet, so it was patient and did not make a move. Now, I'm afraid it also realizes my true goal. "

"Couldn't it be.. Zhu Yue... You encountered the monster of Alayah?! "

"I expected the two major inhibitors to strike at me, but I didn't expect it to be so fast, really... My vigilance has receded. "

Zhu Yue did not deny Mo Lan's words.

That's why she's been away for too long.

The foundation of human reason has been shaken.

That Alaya will naturally send its own monsters, the so-called guardians or crowned heroes.

Crusade against any existence that threatens humanity.


Moran was genuinely angry.

Although there was also anger towards Alayah, it was more angry that Zhu Yue did not tell him about it.

"I annihilated the sharp soldiers sent by the inhibition force, I'm afraid, it will continue to send troops for the guardians. I can't come back because I'm against the planet, so..."

"That kind of thing—it doesn't matter at all!"

Moran didn't care about inhibition at all.

He shouted angrily at Zhu Yue.

How can this fool want to do everything by himself.

Even in the face of danger, go your own way.

"Moran . . ."

Zhu Yue showed an uneasy expression.

It was the first time she had seen Moran so angry. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Also, the first time I was yelled at like this.

"There won't be any problems! Even if it is an enemy of this planet and people, I will stand on your side! I will make your dreams come true! Don't always go your own way! Think that one person can solve everything! "


Time is quietly passing.

There is nothing to say to each other.

After an incredible silence.

"—really fun."

Zhu Yue showed a smile.

Seeing Moran love himself like this.

She was sweeter than ever, and a feeling called happiness grew in her heart.

It turned out that he loved me so much

Even in the face of the whole world as an enemy, he chose to stand by my side without hesitation like this...

So, I decided -

Make a decision with great certainty in your heart.

Tracing his relationship with him in the past thousand years, he couldn't help but be glad that he was constantly creating true ancestors.

If you create an heir very early.

I'm afraid there will be absolutely no way to meet him.

"No, I can't promise you."

“....... Why? "

"Because, I love you, I can't let you get involved. I will not allow you to be killed by my past dreams. "

Zhu Yue wore a smile like a gorgeous blooming flower.

What was said was a mixture of rejection.

“........ Call. "

Moran exhaled deeply.

Use all your strength to suppress this mania.

Once upon a time, I heard her say it in person.

Even in the past thousands of years, she has not confessed like this, but she said it at this time.

What a foul and unreasonable this is.

The King of the Moon is arrogant and willful for love.

"I can't avoid this relationship anymore... Moran. Blenstadt, I love you dearly. So, I will never let you die. "

Zhu Yue's words were as soft as autumn water.

It is filled with feelings from the past that have piled up to this day.

In the face of the monsters sent by Alayah.

There was no fear in her heart.

But when I think of the danger brought by the two major inhibitors, and the possibility that Moran will be deeply trapped in it.

An idea is rooted in the heart.

Compared to the dreams you wanted to chase in the past.

She didn't want Moran to die even more.

The thought that he who was closest to him might die, the fear in his heart increased exponentially.

Today, the entire planet is at her disposal.

These two enemies have long been something that Zhu Yue can solve, and even she cannot guarantee her safety.

Therefore, she made a choice.

PS: If memory serves.... Today is Tanabata, I wrote such a plot on Valentine's Day, by chance, well, absolutely by chance.

It's not that the author is single or something.

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