【1,000 years of the Western calendar】

[You are two thousand years old as a true ancestor]

[Exactly as you expected]

[Generally, the true ancestors have gone crazy until this age, or they can't suppress the urge to suck blood, but you can maintain it to this day, insisting on acting in an incomprehensible way]

[Even the crusade against the fallen descendant true ancestor]

[Even in the 400th year since the death of the Moon King, the deterrent power you gave to True Ancestor and Death Seekers was no less than her]

[Actually, you know your situation]

【More than 2,000 years of true ancestor experience】

[Constantly divide the power to suppress the blood-sucking impulse in the body, and that critical value is becoming clearer and clearer]

[But, you've been researching since a thousand years ago]

[How to suppress the blood-sucking impulse that originates from the depths of the soul without eradicating the principle blood ring]

[Therefore, you transferred the matter of the crusade against the "Zero One Zero" Fallen True Ancestor to Elterluqi to be responsible, and as for the management of the affairs of Millennium City, it was handed over to the Dead Believers who believed in the True Ancestor]

[Today, you are the symbol of the Millennium City]

[Even the little Death Breakers who have been given permission by you, no True Ancestor dares to ignore their existence]

[Now, you concentrate on fighting the urge to suck blood]

[You have come to the surface of the earth]

[You have met a group of magicians on the European continent, they are the apprentices of the former third magician]

[You did not report your identity to the magician]

[It's just that the magician's research has made you interested]

[You yourself have specialized in magic that is biased towards the soul realm from Solomon's hands, and these magicians have been working hard to recreate the third magic of the former master]

"Since we are comrades who have suffered from the pain of our souls, let me help you."

Moran said to the group of Third Law apprentices.

It's a very equal deal.

[You choose to provide your knowledge of the magic of the Divine Generation, and the apprentices of the Third Law will study the Third Magic with you]

[Actually, they didn't refuse the right either]

[The next time you spent studying the third law, and through the knowledge inherited from the gods, as well as your own long experience and vision, you unsurprisingly reproduced the third law in the world]

[Your junior brother Zelrich masters the second magic]

[It's not surprising that you learned the third magic]

[However, you have discovered one thing, even if you successfully reproduce the third magic. Materialization of the soul]

[Still unable to suppress the urge to suck blood]

[Soul materialization can only make the soul immortal and the soul shape at will, the former true ancestor itself can do it. Even if you cut the shape of the soul, you can't divide the principle blood ring that suppresses the soul]

[The third magic is indeed mastered by you]

[But in fact, what it means to you is just adding an infinite magic furnace equivalent to a perpetual motion machine]

"Can't even materialize the soul solve it....."

Moran exhaled deeply.

There is no joy in mastering the materialization of the soul, only an unpleasant feeling of punching a fist on cotton.

The magician who tries to recreate the third law is not.

They could hardly believe that the Third Law had really been mastered by the True Ancestor, and it only took a few decades to reproduce the great deeds that had not been achieved for thousands of years.

[You don't care anything about the third law]

[Therefore, you will transfer the information of the third method to the magicians and say that you will not return to this workshop in the future]

[A group of magicians try to replicate your miracle]

[As a result, they couldn't do it]

[Now that the mystery has subsided, even if they get your knowledge, there is no way to reproduce the third law]

["That's a method that only true ancestors can use"]

["It's not a technology that humans like me can use at all"]

["Monster! That's a monster! "】

[The magicians feel despair from the bottom of their hearts about the gap between humans and true ancestors]

[Despair and madness]

[Your success only makes them understand that the reappearance of the third law has nothing to do with them in essence, and is completely based on your own strength in all aspects, resulting in a great force flying]

[More than any setback]

[This group of magicians can't accept this] (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

[In the end, half of these magicians chose to commit suicide, and the remaining half chose to completely abolish magic and leave the workshop]

[Just as you finally get the third law]

[As if, all this makes no sense in the end]

[In the end, even you left the workshop and returned to the inside of the planet, leaving only an uninhabited workshop]

[Only automatic artificial humans in it]

[Nothing else]

【Year 1,100 of the Western calendar】

[Since the fact that the third method has no results after research, you have never stepped out of the Millennium City]

[You forcibly suppress the increasingly strong urge to suck blood]

[At the same time, remember Zhu Yue's legacy]

[Since Zhu Yue's death, you have never forgotten the matter of creating a true ancestor, and now this matter is about to settle]

【Exhaustion of all technology crystallization】

[You used all your magic knowledge, as well as the legacy that Zhu Yue had left behind, and finally created the ultimate true ancestor after hundreds of years with a group of true ancestors]

[You have bestowed on her the name of the True Ancestor Royal Clan]

[Its name is - Alquet. Brunstadt]

In the courtyard without any sunlight..........

It is full of pure white moonflowers planted by you.

The white and flawless maiden stood quietly in the sea of flowers, her long blond hair gently swaying with the gentle breeze.

She is like the most perfect and exquisite work of art.

Fair skin without a hint of blemishes.

“....... Done. "

Moran couldn't help but reach forward.

He gently stroked the white and tender cheek of the girl in front of him.

[The first time, the shadow in the brain coincides with it]

[Alquit is almost the same as the Zhu Yue in your memory, the only difference is probably the age gap]

[No matter how much the girl in front of you looks like her former lover]

[You also know one thing very well]

[Elquit is not his beloved Zhu Yue after all] 0.3".........."

The girl's eyes were empty and expressionless.

She was born without any knowledge.

Even the language is unknown.

Nor can I understand the meaning of the self.

"Elquit. Brunsstade – From now on, that's your name. "

"El.... Quite....? "

Alquit repeated it stiffly.

There was still confusion in her expression.

This look is like those artificial humans that Moran once saw in the Third Law Workshop.

A feeling of compassion grows in the bottom of my heart.

[Alquit was taken by you to the center of the main hall of Millennium City]

【All the true ancestors gathered here】

[You are sitting on the throne and closing your eyes, and the true ancestors under the seat know what they are discussing without listening]

[--Fallen True Ancestor].

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