【You rode a Pegasus and left the Invisible Island】

【In the end, the only person to see you off was Medusa, and Stheno and Euryale did not appear in front of you.】

【Although you felt a little regretful, you still took one last look at the invisible island and flew away decisively.】

"Sister, Moran....left already....."

"I know, you don’t need to remind me, silly girl."

Stheno's beautiful face didn't show a smile.

On the other side, Eurielle had a swollen face and didn't speak. The word"sullen" seemed to be written on her face.

Even though the two of them didn't say anything, they still couldn't help but secretly Watching Moran leave.

If she really chooses to say goodbye in person, she will definitely not be able to help but try to keep him.

How could they want the man they love most to leave their side?

Medusa hopes that her sisters can be calm Tell me about that feeling.

It’s a pity that Stheno and Euryale’s characters are like this

"Medusa, are you thinking of something very rude?"

"No, no! Absolutely not!"

"Moran has left, and all his previous work will be completed by you. Don’t worry, I will hold you to the strictest standards, hehehe....."

"yes! sister.....!"

Even though the person I loved most left the island.

However, they know that each other will come back here one day.

Everything is like hundreds of years ago.

However, the three women felt a sense of loneliness that they had never felt before.

The island has not changed, what has changed is their hearts...........

【Riding a Pegasus, you quickly arrived at the land】

【He rubs against you reluctantly】

【"If you want to protect the three of them on my behalf, I will come back as soon as possible after handling the matter. Be obedient and go back"】

【The Pegasus flies slowly into the sky]

The Pegasus is a gift from Poseidon, the god of the sea, to the three goddesses.

Although some gods persecuted them, there were also gods who did not take kindly to the three sisters.

Moran and Medusa often ride Pegasus.

Those days are very nostalgic

【"First collect intelligence from all parties on land, and then formulate the next action strategy."】

【You take action quickly】

【In the first few days, you walked in the deep mountains and forests without seeing any human beings. You relied on the martial arts you had developed on the invisible island to hunt down wild beasts to satisfy your hunger.】

【A week passed, and you found the human village smelling the smell of fireworks.】

【You ask the villagers and learn that walking some distance northwest from the village, there is a royal capital called Iolkos. The boundary of the country you are currently in is Thessaly.】

【You are slightly familiar with the name of this royal capital】

【Thinking about this vague feeling of familiarity in your heart, you embarked on the journey to Iolkos】

【Along the way, you fought through thorns and thorns, and even a dragon species could only grit his teeth and swallow his hatred, succumbing to your powerful martial arts.】

【Many people were saved by you, and your reputation spread among merchants and bards.】

【The world learned that a powerful, heroic and enthusiastic long-haired hero wearing leather armor was heading to Iolkos.】

【You arrived in Iolkos】

"Hey, listen to me, there was a hero on the trade road recently who was wearing animal skins and had a body as majestic as a god. He looks like us here in Iolkos!"

"ha! I have heard that even the giant Geryon was defeated. What do you think he did in Iolkos?"

In the tavern, a group of drunkards were chatting.

Moran, who was the center of the topic, was also in the tavern at the moment.

As we all know, gathering intelligence must be inseparable from taverns, especially in an era of lack of communication like the Age of Gods.

Taverns are one of the few places where intelligence can be concentrated. at

"Could it be that he came to see Chiron?"

"No way? Even this hero wants to visit the wise centaur? Although I have always heard that he is recruiting disciples...."

"How is it impossible! ?"

【Drunkards talk about topics that catch your attention】

【You joined that group of drunkards in their discussion】

【Soon, you will know why you feel familiar, because Iolkos is the place where the Argonauts set off.】

【You make further plans】

【I want to achieve great achievements that can shatter the rumors.】

【Boarding the Argonaut is undoubtedly the best choice】

【You can use this as a starting point]

Now, the Argonaut has not yet been built, and Iolkos is still ruled by Pelias.

The future captain of the Argonaut.

That is, Jason.

He will come to Iolkos to regain the throne, and Pelias will set down the trial to seize the Golden Fleece

"Currently, Jason should still be a disciple in Chironna. Perhaps, I can go there too......."

Moran figured out his next move.

After reading the script, he can make arrangements in advance. This is an advantage he has as a time traveler and a simulator user.

【You found out where Chiron is by asking around.】

【After spending several days traveling, I finally found Chiron’s school.】

【Chiron couldn't help but feel his extraordinary talent in martial arts shines brightly, and he accepted you as his disciple without saying a word.】

"Well, if you stay with ordinary people, you are wasting your martial arts talent. I can't bear to let the gold be buried in the stone.

Since you choose to be my master, I will do my best to train you into a hero."

Chiron looked at Moran with a kind smile.

His gaze was like a sculptor observing a work of art, so focused that it made people feel a little hairy.

【Just like that, you became Chiron's disciple】

【You have honed your martial arts under Chiron's guidance, and your strength has grown rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.】

【Not only that, you also got to know Hercules, Jason, Asclepius and others who were also your fellow apprentices.】

【Sometimes training, sometimes hunting, sometimes learning】

【Although you came here with a special purpose, you have indeed formed an inseparable bond with all the brothers.】

"The throne will remain in Iolkos for me to inherit! I want to create a country where everyone can receive education! At least it has to be more impressive than the current stable! Although I don’t expect everyone to be as smart as me, I have already been aware and prepared! hey-hey! I'm worth investing in! Everyone, you can take advantage of the moment to follow me, the future king.——!!"

Jason stepped on the wooden box.

The finger points to a triumphant look in the distance.

The nose seemed to be turned up to the sky.

Everyone who was taking a break from get out of class could not help but shake their heads and smile bitterly, showing a helpless look like"Here we go again."

Hercules listened silently as usual.

Moran smiled interestingly under the shade of the tree

"I will build a country where no one will be disturbed! No one will be afraid of you! Because I will let everyone understand that you are my subordinates, friends, and also my possessions, and you are the most brilliant and handsome heroes in the world!"

Jason opened his hands as if describing the picture.

He was intoxicated with the dream that existed in the future. He believed in his own words like a child and took it as a matter of course.

There is no fool more stupid than him. He is also a teacher. Everyone in the brothers thinks so, but no one has the idea of ​​laughing at him.

After all, this dream is indeed very beautiful.

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