[Attacked like a beast]

[The situation is much more serious than you think, but fortunately you have paid close attention to Alicia]

[Otherwise, it will be a tragedy]

"Alesia! This is Moran! He's here to help you! Why.... Why... You were such a good kid....."

The women fell to their knees and wept.

I noticed something wrong with my daughter since a week ago.

I thought it was just a small illness similar to a cold, but how could I have expected that it would be crazy like this.

"Moran! Please.... Alicia's illness... Even the doctor was helpless .... We can only count on..." the middle-aged man begged.

"Don't worry, I won't ~ give up on treating a confused girl.

Even if it is a high god, I will not let them take people and lives from me at will. "

Moran grabbed the manic girl with one hand.

It's like carrying a hungry wolf with one hand.

Such superb grappling moves without accidentally hurting others really make people have to praise.

The bakery couple knew Moran's casualness.

Although on the surface there is no image of a priest, there is no ambiguity in doing things.

They gave their daughter to Moran.

[After Alicia's parents left the city]

[You grab Alicia's neck with one hand and suppress it, and then you perform a baptismal chant in the room]

[Used together with the soul technique]

[Through the foundation of deep magic knowledge, you successfully suppressed Roa and allowed Alicia's ontological consciousness to emerge]

[But, you know it's a soldier's strategy]

[It's not because your magic level is not enough]

[Roa is not as simple as taking the house, he fused his soul with her in the embryo at the beginning of Alicia's birth]

[If you want to kill Roa completely]

【There are only two ways】

[The first is to kill with Alicia's soul, and the second is to wait for Alicia to be completely transformed before killing]

[The second method is the most reasonable]

[Mature Roa consciousness will completely overwhelm Alicia]

[At that time, even if you use the Soul Technique, then the damage to Alicia can be minimized]

"Moran.... I'm sorry.... I, I....."

Sobbs rang out on the bed.

Alesia knew exactly what she was doing.

Although the flesh is dominated by Roya consciousness.

However, consciousness is who she is.

I remember vividly how much I wanted to bite my parents' throat, like a nightmare that would never wake up.

"Alicia, it's not your fault. You have another parasite in your body that is responsible for you to do this. "


Alicia looked confused.

She obviously couldn't understand the implications.

[Then, you begin to explain to Alicia]

[It is mixed with knowledge about magic and the Death Dead to make her understand the current situation, which is undoubtedly necessary]

[Soon, she understood the situation]

[From birth, the soul fuses with the devil]

[Just through what you revealed, about the consequences of Roya's first fourteen rebirths]

[It's like an electric current flashing in my head]

[She can see memories that don't belong to her, the crazy vampire laughing in the river of blood]

【See the hell where the daily ends】

[Seeing the hell where parents kill their children]

[Seeing the hell where children kill their parents]

[Saw the hell of killing everyone without discrimination]

"Don't, don't.... Don't don't don't....."

Alesia trembled and hugged her delicate body.

Her consciousness is now highly assimilated with Roya.

Even if you don't want to see those sights.

Bloody memories will still flow unreasonably.

【Like this self】

[If you continue to live, it will definitely cause disaster]

[At least until then—]

"I..... I really ..... People like me..... There is no reason to live... I'm sorry.... Sorry....."

[The kind girl keeps crying]

[Feel pain about the ugliness you have] (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Even if you let yourself fall into a painful death, you never want others to be killed and melted]

[You look at Alesia crying like this]

[In a trance, it's like seeing yourself sitting on a throne]

[Endure the madness of blood-sucking impulses for thousands of years, and exhaust everything for the love of your heart, even if it is depravity]

[Unwilling to be a natural disaster of blood]

"Alicia . . ."

[The girl's gradually cold heart hears the call]

[That's a rather gentle touch]

[In the face of such a self who will become the devil sooner or later, I still hope and do not want to let go of my hands]

[There is no choice to turn your back on yourself]

[The chest where the head is close to can make you feel the warmth of your cold self]

"You feel unforgivable because you don't feel that you have the consciousness to overcome demons. It may be that your existence is unforgivable, but that doesn't mean death as a result. "

[You hold the girl and show your true heart]

[Once, you were also afraid of the fall, but in the end you chose to fight for thousands of years]

[Stick to your beloved, stick to this]

[The future is destined to fall into madness, if you choose to die immediately after knowing this]

[Then you can't get your love]

[I can't even see Alquit and Elteluki, the smiles they showed when they used to get along with you]

[For this, you are more qualified than anyone else to prove to Alicia]

[Even if the future will eventually lead to destruction, this process can be led by yourself]

[Perhaps, you will not be forgiven for a lifetime]

[Perhaps, you can't atone for sins in a lifetime]

[But now there is still a chance to fight it]

"Even if you will commit evil in the future, as long as you have a good heart now, hold on to it, and do not give it up. So what you're doing now is by no means pointless, don't give up fighting that bastard vampire. As long as this is the case, your atonement must be meaningful..."

There was sadness hidden in Moran's words.

It's like gazing at something that hasn't been realized in your past.

The end of his fall is shattering.

No amount of denial can avoid this.

Looking at Alicia, who was in the same situation as himself, he longed for this girl to defeat sin.

[Alicia gradually stops crying]

[There seems to be something roaring in the consciousness]

[Laughing at the weakness of human beings]

[However, the girl is trying to forcibly strip the darkness]

[Even if it is to bear the pain of blood and flesh peeling]

[Until now, she can hear voices from afar]

[It was the voice of a person who believed in her and inspired her to fight]

【To respond to this trust】

[She can endure even the pain of cramping and pulling bones].

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