【The town at night is like stepping into another world】

[The endless nightmare of human blood, flesh and bones spliced together is constantly playing out this Christmas Eve]

[Noyer didn't step out of the house though]

[However, I peeked out of the window to see the outside world]

【Damaged table, damaged chair】

[Scattered stones, bricks and rubble, and broken human bodies that have become scattered with them]

"Goo..... Not....! "

Noyer covered his mouth and trembled.

The heart is separated from mental activity at this moment, and it is pulled by the mind as if it is about to burst.

Before shouting, I couldn't help but spit it out.

The things that reflux in the stomach seem to be able to drive people to the brink of death, and vomit out all they can vomit in this life.

[She finally knows why]

[Why would you say it's best for them not to look at the outside world]

[This is undoubtedly the ultimate bloody hell]

[Don't say leave the room, they won't even have the idea of stepping into it, they don't dare to step out of the door]

[Listen, there is a restless sound in the square]

[The burning square is paired with mountains of corpses, and the familiar church bells are constantly ringing]

【The city is divided into three races】

[Warriors who save humans, monsters that kill humans, and creatures that escape as humans]

【The town has become an inhuman magic land】

[The strangest thing is the towering wall that surrounds the town, which originally did not exist outside the town]

【The overall height is 15 meters high】

[There are many fleeing human figures under the city walls, and their looks are far more terrifying than those monsters]

[Beating each other, insulting each other, killing each other]

[Originally, they wanted to go to the national highway by road out of the city, but they saw this unspeakable strange high wall]

[Immediately after, more and more people arrived]

[Everyone began to discuss how to climb over the wall, and some people proposed to build a ladder for people to climb to the highest part of the wall, and then let the person throw a rope for everyone to climb]

[But, 28 when everyone has finished discussing]

[The city wall seems to have eavesdropped on this conversation]

[A dark, transparent, towering wall]

[It grows suddenly from the ground, enveloping the inner side of the city, and is a smaller wall]

[People who noticed something strange shouted]

[They ran to the wall formed from behind, pounding again and again in vain]

[This move is undoubtedly an ant shaking tree]

[Then, an even more terrifying nightmare descended, and the transparent black wall was creaking——]

"Moving! This wall is moving! "

"Fuck off! Don't push me, you bastards get out of the way!" "

"Both sides are sealed! There are no gaps anymore!

Escape to the middle, to the middle! Hey! The hand is clamped! Rescue, save me—aaaaa——!!a "

【Like a large and quaint juice】

[The humans who escaped from the city were squeezed little by little, slowly. Only the blood that flowed out of the poofing was intimately kept by the wall]

[Perhaps, if you listen to the warriors inside the wall]

[They won't end up in this tragic way]

[There are several shadows watching on the wall]

"There are a lot fewer people than I thought."

On the city wall, the man in the pitch-black coat said indifferently.

He was behind the manipulation of the walls.

One of the twenty-seven ancestors invited by the ceremony held by Roa, named Cromkure, ranked twenty-second.

His principle, the Blood Ring, is embodied in this wall.

Its name is - [City, that is, Kingdom]

"No, there are foreign objects in the city."

Kromkure said after a moment of silence.

Any creature within his walls could not escape his absolute perception.

"Hehe, it seems that someone is stirring up the situation. Oops, those kids don't seem to be rivals. Why, are you going to end? "

"All the land covered by the city is my kingdom. Foreign bodies like this naturally have to be eliminated. This ceremony has to deal with the princess of the true ancestor, and there must be no mistakes in the process. "

An aristocratic girl who talks to Cromkure.

Her name is Rita. Lo Jiean.

Also ranked as one of the twenty-seven ancestors with Cromkure, she is the eldest lady with the name of the fifteenth ancestor.

At the moment, she doesn't plan to end up.

"Hehe, I am just a bystander, only the dead with the intention of death are the food of my dependents."

"Meaning, you won't end up either, will you? Black Wing Gong. Even if I use this radiance given by the Lord to penetrate Princess Zhenzu and take away her luscious and seductive heart to solve my cold? "

The remaining two ancestors were talking.

One of them is pitch black and has gorgeous wings, like an inhuman being combining birds and humans.

The other has long silver-white hair.

The thin figure wears a beautiful aristocratic suit, and on his shoulders is a cloak of animal skin that is worn by barbarians.

The two sides are weird and not bad at all

They were the sixteenth ancestor, the Duke of Black Wing, and the Frofu, who had just taken the throne of the original nineteenth ancestor.

"Please, although I have always respected Princess Zhenzu, I promise not to get involved in your disputes. Of course, the premise is that you have the ability to take the heart of that princess. Young Zu. "

“..... It is useless to talk more, the cold rooted in my body can only be warmed by the blood of the true ancestors. "

Flofo didn't look at Blackwing at all.

His blood-red eyes were like a vortex of crazy roaring, and there was almost no reason in them.

It's the eyes of crazy people.

Ugly gestures driven solely by impulses.

[The fifteenth ancestor Luo Jie'an and the sixteenth ancestor Black Wing Gong, both choose to sit on the wall and watch, and I do not participate in the ceremony]

[The remaining two ancestors entered the city]

[The humans on the edge of the city wall are squeezed into juice, but there are still a large number of humans living in the city]

[This is not supposed to be the situation]

[The reason for this has to be attributed to the foreign object mentioned by Zu]

"Second Force! Pick it up! "

"In the face of our military strength, even the former Sparta can only lament, but it is just a small evil thing!"

"Perrasgi glory is manifested here!"

[It is warriors who fight the Dead and Monsters]

[It's like the town suddenly turned into an otherworldly magic realm, and they appeared here at the same time]

[This is the soldier who followed the king to the battlefield]

[The army of Warcraft that once fought against the Divine Army, now chooses to swing its blade and slash at the despicable dead in order to protect the world]


[Soldiers riding the Soul Eater to pounce on the Deaths]

[Fierce sharp teeth cut off its flesh and flesh and body in half, but the dead still did not die to this point]

[They swing their claws to open the warbeast's stomach in an instant]

[There are also soldiers torn in half by strange forces]

[However, even with missing limbs, these soldiers can recover from their injuries and rise again without fear of death]

[That madness and ferocity are like a tsunami]

[Threatened to crush all existence that is hostile to them]

[Offering the fruit of victory to the king]

"Report! King, those dead men, are fierce beasts that I have never encountered before. Although the strength of the individuals is uneven, there are individual beings that are not inferior to the divine beasts protected by the gods. I'm waiting to believe that I can win, but it will take time....."

On the roof of a tower somewhere in town.

The herald reported the battle to Moran on one knee.

[These Pelasgi troops at the moment]

[It's all about your skills]

[They obeyed your orders, protected the humans in the town as much as possible, and killed the dependents of the Twenty-Seven Ancestors] (Read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Seventy percent of humanity is protected]

[Like those who fled under the walls without heeding the advice of the soldiers, they are poor people who cannot be sheltered by the military situation]

"Hehe, if you are an enemy of the gods, I think you will be able to exert stronger power. However, this time the opponent is the poison that pollutes the world, and you wait for the duty to protect the world. As for victory, don't worry, you just need to watch the sassy heroic appearance of the king returning victorious. "

"Yes! I believe in you at all times! The Wall of Perrasgi is here today! Forever! I will surely shelter the world! "

The herald was full of excitement.

They know their duties from this lifetime.

No matter how unreasonable the battlefield they are heading to, they know that there is only one thing they have to do.

That is, to sacrifice victory for my emperor.

Let the world sigh and worship the glory of Perrasgi.

[The fighting spirit of Pelasgi's army is like a raging fire]

[Burn the dead and the dead]

[However, you also know that if you want to take the initiative, you must first break the enemy's main advantage]

[The reason why the Death Seekers can compete with the military situation]

[It is nothing more than the principle of the twenty-seven ancestors, the blood ring is blessed]

[The fortress wall that surrounds the town is proof of this]

[Protect the people, protect the world]

[This is the duty of your army, and your duty as a king is to bring victory]

[You locked the target in the first time]

[Of course, the other party also found you at the first time]

"Surrogate, are there even lackeys of the church in this place? In the face of the twenty-seven ancestors did not escape, and still went straight like this, I don't know whether to say stupid or ignorant


Cromkure is parked in the street.

Moran was no more than ten meters away from him.

[You don't know this ancestor in front of you]

[It can be determined that the other party's qualifications are not old, if you have certain qualifications, you will have heard of it more or less if you have the memory of your true ancestor]

[Although I don't recognize the appearance of the other party]

[However, you can see the principle blood ring in the other party's body through the breath and the demon eye of death]

【The rush of death wrapped like a whirlpool】

[Among the Dead Believers, it is as dazzling as a gem, and it is a huge mass that ordinary existence cannot match]

[No need for too much dialogue]

[Battles are only activated in an instant]

Bang! Bang! Bang!

[The black keys thrown one after another are as fast as bullets]

[They are attached with terrifying power and are extremely impactful, and the power of each shot is as amazing as a mortar]

[In the blink of an eye, the black key pierced the atmosphere and rushed to Kromkure]

[The black key that flashed silver light was shattered into slag by him]

[Ordinary Death Seekers who come into contact with the black keys inscribed with the Word of the Word can only end up in ashes.703

[But, Cromkure is the twenty-seventh ancestor]

[The strength of the Principle Blood Ring he holds is extremely good, plus this is within his kingdom]

[The standing wall is his principle]

"Hah! It's like a monster! If it is an ordinary death seeker, I am afraid that I will not even have the opportunity to be purified, and it will be blown into slag the moment it comes into contact! You guy, as a surrogate, is also an outlier among outliers! Could it be.... Are you affiliated with the burial authority? "

[Kremkure asked interestingly]

[If it was outside the city walls, then he would definitely not break the black key you threw so rashly]

"You guess. Probably, I may be the true ancestor. "

"Hmph, megalomaniac!"

【Kremkure squinted his eyes slightly】

[Immediately after, he started the principle]

[The towering city wall rises from both sides like fangs, like the mouth of a giant beast, trying to tear you into slag]

[You wave your hand, and a few black keys slide out between your fingers again]

[Throw out an instant burst of 1,000 degrees of high temperature]

[The wall blocking the way was shattered into pieces]

[After that, different black keys flew out one after another in the smoke screen, with several holy scripture techniques engraved on them]

【Cremation ceremony, burial ceremony, wind burial ceremony】

【Like a storm and a natural disaster】

[Cromkure has more traces of burning fire than the original, and traces of partial petrification by the burial ceremony]

"Goo! It's really a thousand years unchanged .... Disgusting holy texts! However, do you think this will work for me?! "

[Cromkure crushed the black key with one hand]

[Looking again, I saw dozens of black keys around, all of which were inserted on the ground and were broken by him]

[Although it did not play an effective role]

[However, it succeeded in arousing his anger]

"No, I didn't expect Black Key to kill you in the first place, and that wasn't my goal in the first place. Most of the problems of your ancestors are that living too long leads to too much arrogance... I don't want to show my strength in the first place and scare you away." "

Moran took out a few more black keys from his robe.

A crescent-like smile appeared on his face.

[Until now, you have been using the surrogate fighting style]

[Unused skills]

[This naturally has its own reasons]

[The Twenty-Seven Ancestors are indeed catastrophic and powerful, but for you, it is only that]

[Instead of thinking about how to defeat Zu]

[What you are more worried about is that they have fled]

[Because, you never worry about the threat of the Twenty-Seven Ancestors, your initial goal is to capture them alive].

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