[Alicia flicks the black key for the first time]

[At the same time, she notices that you are speeding towards her]

"What, what's going on!?"

[Alesia's feet can't move]

[Looking at the man who is rapidly approaching in front of her, she still has the power to confront the other party]

【Tens of thousands of magic tricks can be used at will】

[Even the blood of this town is used by her, and time is also the time of the full moon that has the greatest bonus to her]

[The right time and place and people are here with her]

[Even those two princess sisters were defeated under their own hands]

[Why, I am like this?] 】


Alicia's expression froze.

The moment her flesh was watched by Moran's gaze, her body was as stiff as an inactive fetus.

[She doesn't understand what's going on]

[This priest can't see anything threatening him, and he hasn't been reduced by anything]

[However, she is puzzled]

[I don't understand why I tremble]

[The depth of his pupils can't stop oozing fear, as if he is letting him leave the man's sight]

"All you see is life. To this extent alone, I can easily do it, if you are just a half-hanger, don't be so arrogant as to talk about life and death! "

"-Don't look at me with those eyes, don't look at me with those eyes!"

[Alicia's voice is full of fear]

[As he said earlier]

[Human beings are creatures that instinctively fear the unknown, and she who lives in the present is also bound by this rule]

"I said it! Don't look at me with those eyes! "

[Alicia immediately called "047" out of thunder]

[However, that can't stop you anymore]

[The tip of the Golden Demon Sword did not cut into Alicia's flesh, but cut off the thread attached to the body]

[It's the same as piercing the flesh with a knife blade]

【It is a touch that blends with the flesh and blood that is alive】

[Not a trace of blood spilled]

[But it made Alesia have a kind of pain in her soul, and she quickly blasted out magic to open the distance between herself and you]


[Alicia wails and screams]

[Gone, part of the soul is gone]

[It's like there was no more in the first place]

[Fearfully trying to restore it]

[The result is that both Resurrection and Su Sheng are quite slow, as if static and desperate. You can only choose to create a new part to replace it, and you must not be cut by that mess again! 】

"Mo.... Orchid....! "

[Alicia looks up at you]

[Those vermilion eyes are full of hatred]

"There's no need to be so angry, right? Aren't you also used to taking other people's lives like this? I am just treating others in my human ways. How does it feel? This feeling of the privilege of the reincarnated being exploited little by little. "

Moran's eyes were quite calm.

It was the cold gaze that looked at the evil devil's outer path.

Only Roa was robbed of the soul's vitality.

Its surface consciousness greatly covered Alesia.

This was an effect that Moran could not achieve with the pseudo-Straight Death Demon Eye before she was completely Roya-transformed.

Only after Roya's consciousness completely floated.

He could only think of targeting Roa to the greatest extent possible.

[There is no need to say more about the next]

[Alesia is afraid of your fierce demon eye and your golden magic sword]

[She has been deliberately keeping her distance]

[Attack with magic that adjusts the output firepower]

[Alesia takes turns using thousands of magic tricks, intending to find the secret magic of your flesh without resistance]

[Although the theory is very good]

[However, it is difficult to implement]

[Alicia simply doesn't have time to use magic one by one, your attack is far more ferocious and faster than she expected]

【In this process of screening magic】

[Her flesh was shattered by the breath of the stars several times]


【Explosive spread of great range】

[Only the ankle is left to explode with the body]

[If it weren't for Alicia's automatic chanting technique, I'm afraid she would have been cut off by you again before her body recovered]

[At that time, it will be her real moment of demise]

[No, you can't fight him anymore! ] 】

[Alicia realized that the priest in front of her was a fierce beast full of poison]

[If you continue to fight]

[She can't even ensure the integrity of her soul]

[This will definitely have an impact on his own rebirth, which is the last thing that Luo Ya's soul wants to see]


Huge soot rolled up on the ground.

She was crawling in a deep pit, just after her body was restored.

"Must be... Leave.... That monster——!! "

Alicia choked out her hoarse words

However, it will not be so good.

"Won't let you escape.

No matter how you escape, it's useless, now calculate, the time is almost up. Look up at the sky! Loa, that will be the last view you will see! "

Moran stood outside the pit and looked down.

Looking at this vampire with a girlish posture, there was no trace of pity and sympathy in her cold eyes.

[You slowly raise your hand as if dragging down the heavenly dome]

[Dots of starlight twinkle in the sky, and they seem to be lined up in the sky side by side]

【If you look closely, you will find it】

[That's not a star at all]

[This is a reflective prism made of magic]

[——It is a flaming angel wheel that spreads gently in the stratosphere and gathers sunlight]

[You defeated the twenty-fifth ancestor]

[Just like the seventh ancestor. The principle of Fu Hailin is made into a technique, and you also make the principle of the twenty-fifth into a great magic]

"Return to the dust..... The Serpent of Akasha.

Principle Blood Ring No. 25, Bay. Marsh! Cut off the neck of sin here - Star of Calvary! "

Moran sings the blessing of the holy voice.

He faced the twinkling stars in the sky and opened his hands.

"Goo, Ka——!"

[Alicia showed a shocked look]

[You can see the terrifying magic on the sky cover just at a glance]

[Escape, escape, escape, escape, escape——! 】

[She tried to launch the transfer magic to escape from the scene, but found that the magic circuit seemed to be rebelling]

[Since, the magic circuit does not work]

[Just use these legs to escape from the man's eyes]


The vampire let out a roar of abomination.

Having previously cut the thread and taken away her soul's vitality, she now finds that Alicia has not given up.

Her Origin Consciousness was still fighting.

Unable to launch the spell and escape the scene, it was this damned girl who was behind it.

At this point, they are still blocking her.

[See hell as you said at the beginning]

[I don't have the ability to stop it]

[If it weren't for the precious bracelet you gifted, I'm afraid she would have committed more unforgivable things]

[You can't kill yourself if you want to]

[Watch vampires gather thousands of blood]

[She realizes that she is a funny machine, a juicer that can only collect blood]

[Face this grief-stricken truth]

[The constant despair almost broke her, and her soul cried and did not want to look at hell like this again]

[However, there is no way around this]

[She has decided to face her sin]

[Even if she was engulfed in consciousness by the dark wave, she still remembered the warmth she felt at that moment]

[Knowing that you are unforgivable]

[I am the ugliest creature in the world]

[Even if everyone spurns her to die, she feels that there is no problem, it is a matter of course]

[-However, she couldn't do it]

[There is a man who still believes in her and still inspires her to fight ugly and murderous vampires]

[Now, he is still fighting] (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Fighting bloody battles on the battlefield for yourself]

[Believe in yourself more than anyone]

"What a mistrust he had."

[A voice comes from the depths of consciousness]

[Alesia seems to be divided into light and dark sides, and she has two different personalities in this space]

[That dark side is not Roa]

[It's her own]

[Alicia knows that she is not worthy of kindness]

[I didn't cut myself off at the first time I realized my essence, and my own self-reliance is a death for everyone]

[This is the most banal egoistic evil]

[This is her true face]

"We are such ugly creatures."

[Alicia on the dark side continues]

[At the same time, the trauma from the outside flesh brought pain, and she gritted her teeth and endured this pain]

[The vampire named Roa is just an opportunity]

[She was born with an excellent body]

[One day there will be a conflict with others, and Roa just exposed this contradiction in advance]

[Either way, she will definitely commit many crimes]

[Destined to be scolded by the world]


Alesia moaned in pain... 0

The darkness located in her body still felt confused and puzzled when she saw this scene.

[Why?] 】

[Why do you want to do this?] 】

[Alicia, you will never be saved by anyone]

[From the moment you were born in the womb, you were the victim chosen by Roya]

[The miracle that can save you, the reason to keep you alive, even the value of being loved——]

[None of this, right?] 】

[Indeed, as the dark side himself said, there is almost none of the above. She didn't deserve that man's love, let alone let him trust her so much.

[However, she still saw something precious]

[Through the precious bracelet given by the man, I saw the memory through resonance when the vampire parsed it]

[Men's lives are always lost repeatedly]

[He gained too much happiness, and lost too much happiness because of it]

[Endure thousands of thunder for lovers and people, even if the body is broken, it is still moving forward on this thorny road]

[Keep repeating and seeing your loved ones go to dust]

【Sincerest wishes to protect your beloved】

[Lonely in a cold castle for thousands of years, even consciousness fell into madness and self-destruction]

[Gain, Lose, Gain, Lose]

[It was like falling into the pain of eternal hell, he was alone in samsara, and he couldn't even cry]

[His reservedness will not allow]

[He will fight for happiness, for those who believe in himself to the end of eternity]

[Obviously he is a person who deserves to take back his life more, obviously he is a person who deserves happiness more]

[People like this, made a wish for themselves]

[Such a strong person, chose someone like her]

[Then – I have to show the value of letting him do this]

[Only this is the meaning left for herself, the girl named Alicia remembered it all]

[Finally, dazzling starlight pierces the darkness]


The girl stretched out her hand to that light with all her might.

The body is fragile and the mind is broken.

But even so, she had to stand up.

This life given to her is not to lament the past.

And 4.0 is, no matter how many times you fall, as long as you have expectations, you can keep fighting.

It's like that man.

[The darkness of the consciousness space is forced back by the light]

[A light holier than anything else fills the space, and it drives all darkness into a corner]

[Finally, connect to the dark side]

[Also looking at the girl who is trying to reach out to the light]

[She couldn't help but be silent for a long time]

[In the light of light, the girl heard the last words from the dark side herself]

【"You this..... Hypocrites....."]

[The girl doesn't have any idea of refuting it, because she is really dark and right]

[However, she has decided to wake up]

[This result will not change]

The girl's struggle is reflected in reality.

The vampire stared up at the sky with wide eyes and fear.

It's going to fall, soon.

A torrent of magic forms the curtain of auroras falls.

Like cutting off the sling connecting the guillotine, it descends from the stratosphere at the same speed as the light.

Vampires must not be allowed to shy away.

Although she eventually suppressed the girl's consciousness, the guillotine covered far beyond the town.

The avoidance time is approximately equal to zero.

Even Elquet, who was in her prime, was not sure that she could escape under the lock of this guillotine.


A fiery wall of light descended on the vampire.

She was burned and let out a terrible cry of pain.

At this moment, she understood that she had no way to escape.

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