"Father Moran, my eyes see the color of your soul. Pitying, deplorable. It's like experiencing endless hell. That's too cruel for people. "

[Prayer is truly conveyed to you]

[With a different vision from the world, she sees]

[I have never seen such a devastated soul, and the first time I looked at it~ I felt that I couldn't ignore it]

[So, this also makes her very concerned]

[Why does your soul take on such a color, it's like walking through hell once]

"The reason.... I have been through it for a long time, and the pain is etched in my soul, and I can't forget it until now.

I also thought about the past, if I were a normal person, maybe I would give up just by trying that kind of suffering once. This is also nothing to condemn and is a matter of course. "

Moran did not deny the words of the desert.

Rather, he experienced it firsthand.

is the person who is most qualified to say this.

"Hehe, because I know enough, and because I get too much, I can feel powerless than anyone else. In a way, Father Moran, I still have similarities with you. "

"I don't deny knowing enough about that."

"Oh? The rest, could you please advise ....."

Qihuang showed a surprised expression.

She also rarely chats like this with others.

Rather, there are very few people who can achieve the same vision as her.

Moran happens to be one of them.

"I haven't given up yet."

"Didn't give up? Are you saying that you will continue to fight, even when you realize your shortness? "

"Well, you can't give up. Even if I wanted to do it myself, I wouldn't allow it. It's not just for myself. "

Moran smiled wryly and shook his head.

I still remember Artemis's blessings filled with love and trust in the face of the thunder of the Great God.

At this point, I still miss Zhu Yue.

I also want to see the smile of this stupid woman.

At this point, even he wanted to laugh at himself, like an urchin who sputtered and rolled to death and did not give up.

Although the so-called tears were not shed.

However, it has long been covered in bruises.

It was really not as tenacious as a human being, and even the great god Zeus doubted his reality as a human being.

"I, ah, still want to fight for it. Even if there is even the slightest possibility, I want to try it. It's like a tyrant who longs to take off the moon, and even if it is unreasonable, he wants to give it a try. "

Moran slowly clenched his palm.

It's like saying that the inner flame has not yet dissipated.

As long as this body and soul are not completely decayed and withered, they can continue to participate in this battlefield of eternal calamity.

“... This is really.... Even I have nothing to say....."

Ji Huang showed a helpless smile with a headache.

It's like seeing a child who has come up with an abnormal idea, but is still trying to move forward.

It is both distressing and sighing.

Knowing that the path that awaits him is pain and sorrow, but wanting to praise his strong and unyielding will.

It is very dazzling, a soul that shines like gold.

"Love gives people their all, and love gives salvation.

Taught, after seeing such an enlightenment as yours, the little woman still dissuaded it, which is too uninteresting. "

Qihuang's expression showed a hint of respect.

She chose to give up after recognizing her short size.

The man in front of him is different.

Even knowing his weakness and shortness, he resolutely embraced everything and continued to plunge into the fire.

The two chose very different paths. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Not that there are any advantages or disadvantages.

Simply put, the path of walking is different.

"Pray, you have no choice to be born in this life. This will, in my opinion, will never be lost to a fallen beast that succumbs to pleasure and indulges in self-love. "

"It is not an honor to be complimented. Talking to Father Moran like this can't help but make people feel refreshed. Based on this conversation alone, I did not go here in person. "

[In a way, you are still confidants]

[It is the first time that I can have such a deep discussion with you like this]

[It's very easy to chat]

【You feel a lot lighter on both shoulders】

0 ask for flowers

[It can only be said that Praying for Desert is worthy of being a person with the qualifications of a savior, and it is really extraordinary to be able to look directly into the hearts of others like this]

"Father Moran, I will not belittle you. However, I still want to ask you to listen to the words of my little woman's heart——

Although most of one's life is very cruel, if you feel tired, you may wish to recall the first wish in your heart. Even if you take a break, no one will punish you. Because you are always the only one who is entitled to blame you.

I hope you don't get too tired, otherwise even the most sophisticated machine will collapse one day. "

What Ji Huang wants to tell is very simple.

She's talking about her feelings.

[After that, Qihuang leaned over and said goodbye to you]

[She once again radiates the light of a savior, guiding others in this disaster relief operation]

"Ah, is it a lesson from her..."

Moran couldn't help but muttered to himself.

However, he did not feel any disgust.

My heart is still a lot clearer.

[Looking in the direction where there is still a noise not far away]

[There is Mario with great headaches, Elquit and Elterluki are still full of gunpowder]

[Watch this difficult scene]

【What you feel is tranquility】

"Can really punish me..... Only myself ..... Can I rest a little in this life........"

Moran murmured in a trance

He crossed almost ten life simulations, just like Roa experienced life several times.

Especially as a true ancestor for nearly three thousand years.

So numb that I can't feel tired.

"Well, let's take a step and see one step at a time..."

【You look at the looming morning sun】

【A new day is about to start again】

[Perhaps, indeed, as Qihuang said, I have been too tired on this road so far]

[It's just, you don't think it's a pity]

[There are still many problems to be solved in the future, such as the arrangement of Alicia, the various problems of Elteruki and Alquit, and the future life as a priest].

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