[Before going to meet King Uther]

[Meili briefly explained to you the situation in Britain]

【Present-day Britain in the 5th century】

[The whole island is in chaos]

[It began with the collapse of the Roman Empire on the mainland]

[Britain under the protection of the Roman Empire began to decline, and the turmoil on the mainland brought new foreign enemies to the island nation]

[The goods for survival - food and clothing, shelter - in short, the alien Saxons who sought land crossed the sea and invaded Great Britain]

[Then, turn your gaze back to Britain]

[Britain is surrounded by countless nationalities]

[And, the island nations ruled by many kings]

[Despite the constant strife between the tribes, due to the war with the Picts who lived in the north. In order to guard against invasion from the north, the kings of the tribes have always been in a cooperative relationship.

[However, the appearance of a king flawed this unity - the lowly king Voltigon]

[Votigeng uses the alien invasion of aliens to shout his name with the idea of wanting to unify Britain]

[He was born in Britain 410 Pregnancy]

[The embodiment of the white dragon who wants to destroy Britain]

[Voltigon attracts Saxons]

[Pulling the entire island into the eye of a typhoon of chaos]

[Even the hub of Britain established by the Roman Empire, the city of Serendiniuru was destroyed by Votigen]

【Among the many kings】

[Recognized as the greatest is King Uther, who united the kings to fight together and led the alien Vutigen]

[Today, the war is still spreading]

[Famine, war, natural disasters ravage this British island]

[Everything is like the end times]

"Look, that's the holy city of Camelot....

I have informed King Uther in advance, now calculate the time, he should wait for us in the castle. "

Meili pointed her staff at the distant fortress.

The snow-like chalk walls stand on the earth, as if silently preventing all evil from stepping in.

This is a great deed that cannot be built by human beings alone.

"That's not built by humans."

"Huh, of course. Humans can't build this kind of city, most of this is built by the goblins of the earth, oh, very magical, very fantastic, right? Now that the mystery has subsided, only Britain can see this. "

Meili was like a lady who stepped out of purdah.

Excitedly introducing Moran to the flowers and plants of Britain.

"As the war broke out, Camelot was basically repaired back and forth in the midst of war damage. Eighty percent of this castle was not built by humans, and was basically built by goblins. "

"You also know that there are famines and wars in Great Britain, and mankind cannot have the spare power to build such a city. Internal oppression, if there is no means, will only cause civil unrest, and the island is already depleted.

In the future, if you want to maintain stable rule, you can only rule by iron and blood. But it will not avoid extinction in the end. "

Moran quickly analyzed the current situation.

On the side, Meili said with a novel face: "I can't see it, Mo Lan, you still have the qualifications to be a king." "

“....... It's just a lot of knowledge. "

"Yes, you have Albion's record, no matter how it is 4.6 billion years of intelligence. Well, I'm really curious, Moran, just share that information with me~! "

Melly pestered Moran again.

Albion is like a bottomless treasure.

Every day that Moran lives in the Tower of Avalon, there are basically only two things to face.

The first thing is to be wary of Melly getting him.

The second is to prevent Melly from eating his body.

The hedonistic Melly longs to see more stories, and Albion's record is of great value to her.

The clairvoyance that Melly has can only see (ajcj) now. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There are no features that can see the past.

"Wouldn't it be too cheap for me to give you just like that. I don't plan to do this loss-making deal. "

"Oni-chan, people are begging you~!"

"Hmm... It is forbidden to sell moe! "

Moran faces Melly's offensive every day.

It's like fighting wits with a succubus.

In every way, Melly was more special than any woman he had ever faced. It seems to be a poor delicate young lady, but she can't tell which side of her is real.

If you blindly obey this little devil.

I'm afraid that it will not only be played by her.

In the past, Mo Lan could clearly feel the emotions of others, even the dull Zhu Yue.

Only Meili gave him this feeling.

It's like an invisible fog of dreams.

"It's so affectionate, people are begging you like that."

"I'm only kind to you, I'm very gentle with other people."

"Huh? Is it only for me? It's too much! "

Meili suddenly puffed out her little face.

Waving his staff as if in protest.

[In this way, you are walking on the road into the city]

【Before you know it, you step into Camelot】

[With Meili, who is a court magician, lead the way, you and her are unimpeded on the way into the city]

[King Uther is on the throne of the main hall]

"King Uther, the court magician Meili brought a guest~ He is quite a rare guest!"

Meili's tone was very casual.

It's like walking into a tavern.

The knights around did not react much when they saw her like this, and they were completely accustomed to it.

They focused their attention on Moran.

"Is this Albion?"

[On the throne, there is a middle-aged man]

[His eyes are focused on you]

[After King Uther spoke like this, the surrounding knight tiger body trembled, revealing a lot of reaction]

"If it were fake, this is Albion who has survived to this day.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that Albion is equal to Britain. King Uther, I can vouch for my creditworthiness. "

Melly gave this Moran a ticket.

Others had different expressions when they heard this.

They couldn't help but talk about it.

"The dragon of Albion, long before humans settled in Britain, inhabited this island... Unexpectedly, you are still alive in Britain. "

King Uther could detect it by his breath alone.

There is a huge gap in scale.

The name Great Britain is derived from Albion, and the people of the British Isles believe that the two are one.

The oldest dragon is Britain.

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