She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 101: What a coincidence!

Chapter 101 What a coincidence!

“Xiaojiu still calls you uncle according to your seniority. Is this how you bully your juniors?”

  Qi Jingci: “…”

"Where is your usual self-control? Huh? How can you attack a delicate girl like Xiaojiu?"

  Qi Jingci: “…”

Qi Mowei: “Pfft—”

 One of them couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

Mrs. Qi immediately turned her angry gaze towards her.

Qi Mowei quickly lowered her head and avoided sight.

 But I couldn’t stop laughing in my heart.

 A delicate girl?

 Forgive her, she really didn’t see what this word had to do with Li Jiu.


Mr. Qi clenched his fist, put it to his lips, coughed lightly, and said, "Okay, um... Hanqing, calm down."

Mrs. Qi then noticed that she was a little out of sorts.

She quickly sat down, showed an apologetic smile to everyone, and said: "Sorry, I am also annoyed by this bastard."

 “It’s okay.” Mr. Li said.

He still knows a little about Mrs. Qi’s temper.

 This is all expected.

The juniors who had never seen Mrs. Qi getting angry were shocked for a moment.

 After what she said, Mr. Li temporarily forgot what he wanted to say.


 He looked at Li Jiu and asked, "So you mean, this is an accident?"

Li Jiu nodded.

 “Then what’s going on with Xiao Ci’s clothes?”

They all saw it just now. Qi Jingci was wearing a thin shirt and lying next to Li Jiu.

 The suit jacket was thrown on the ground.

 A man and a woman alone, with disheveled clothes.

 How can you not want to be crooked?

Qi Jingci suddenly coughed and explained: "That's what I put on the ground to sit on."

Mr. Li pondered for a moment and said, "It seems that there is a real misunderstanding."

Li Jiu and Qi Jingci breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, thinking that the matter was finally over.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Li suddenly sneered and said, "You think I am easy to fool, old man? What are you two doing there when you have nothing to do?"

Li Jiu: "...I think the yard is too noisy and I want to find a quiet place."

Qi Jingci: "I also want to take a breath." "If that's the case, why are we fighting?"

Li Jiu said: "Grandpa, didn't I say that my third uncle wanted to..."

Before he finished speaking, Mr. Li took him over, "Want to try your skills?"

Li Jiu nodded.

Mr. Li snorted coldly, "Come on, with your three-legged cat skills, how can Xiao Ci be interested."

 Li Jiu: “…”

 You are really my grandfather!

Qi Jingci said: "Mr. Li, her skills are actually... not bad."

Li Jiu glanced at him.

Well enough?


 But she still echoed, "Yes, yes."

 What else can we do?

She said she actually disliked Qi Jingci and wanted to beat him up?

Say these words, Mr. Li will definitely be angry to death!

Mr. Qi, who was silent on the side, narrowed his eyes and watched the two people singing in harmony, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

 “Tell me the truth, are a relationship?”

Li Jiu choked.

 She raised her head and looked at Mr. Li in disbelief, "Grandpa Qi?"

 Why do you have such dangerous thoughts?

Qi Jingci was also shocked for a moment, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure and explained: "Dad, you are overthinking."

 “Am I thinking more or are you doing more?”

Mr. Qi placed the teacup in his hand heavily on the coffee table.

"First of all, you two didn't stay in the yard, but ran to a deserted place."

 Qi Jingci opened his mouth and wanted to defend, but was stopped by Mr. Qi.

"If you want peace and quiet, the Qi family is so big, where can you go? You want to stay together?"

"Second, Xiaojiu, you said that you and Lao San just wanted to try their skills, but from what I know about him..."

Mr. Qi glanced at Qi Jingci and continued: "With his kind of temper, how could he be so bored as to compete with others? In the past, he would have ignored her."

Qi Jingci lowered his eyes and said nothing.

"Third, the scene we just saw...don't call it a coincidence. How could two people lie together so coincidentally during a fight? Or in such an intimate posture?"

Li Jiu covered his face.

 Whether you believe it or not.

 What a coincidence!

 (End of this chapter)

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