She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 103: Plan is on the agenda

Chapter 103 plan is on the agenda

Two years ago, she came to Li's house and took out the paternity test certificates from her and Li Hong to prove her identity.

She still remembers Li Hong's incredible gaze and Xu Su's mother and daughter's suddenly pale faces.

as well as…

Mr. Li looked shocked with guilt in his eyes.

 After that, Mr. Li took her with him and officially announced her identity to the outside world.

Within a few days, Mr. Li took her to a temple on the mountain and met an eminent monk with a holy name.

After meeting her only once, Mr. Li kicked her out and talked with the eminent monk for a long time.

  As for what was discussed, she didn’t know.

 Just, why mention that eminent monk at this time?

Mr. Li: "After the eminent monk met you, he told me that you were born with evil spirits in your life, which means you will be lonely all your life."

Li Jiu’s eyebrows moved slightly, his eyes narrowed, and he remained silent.

There are little bits of dark light hidden in the bottom of the eyes.

 Have a bad luck in your life, and you will be lonely all your life?

 She sneered in her heart, it was really...

Damn apt!

Mr. Li chuckled lightly, "I don't believe it either, but what the eminent monk said is always accurate..."


Li Jiu said quietly: "Why are you talking about this now?"

 “Well, that eminent monk once said that being surrounded by purple energy in small words is the appearance of an emperor.”

"I just thought that if you spend more time with him, you can reduce some of the evil spirits in your life."

Li Jiu chuckled, "Grandpa, what age are we in now? Do you still care about this?"

"Of course it's not just this. You also know the situation of the Li family..."

Mr. Li's tone was a little heavy.

"Your father has never been interested in seeing you, and Ah Shen has been away all year round. I'm worried that if something happens to me one day, no one will protect you."

Li Jiu's eyes moved slightly, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she felt a little moved in her heart.

 From the day she came to the Li family, Mr. Li treated her sincerely.

I didn’t expect that he would go to this extent for her sake.

 “Grandpa, that day will never happen.” Li Jiu said.

Even if that day comes, Li Hong can do nothing to stop her.

 “Who can say for sure?”

Mr. Li sighed lightly.

"Your father has been making great moves in recent years. He has already won over several old directors of the company. He has also dismissed the old people who followed me before. I'm afraid he wants to squeeze me out."

"The shares I gave you before are not many, but they are still very important. He may be interested in you."

"Although he doesn't dare to do anything to you under my nose on the surface, there's no guarantee that he won't do anything secretly."

 This son of his is too cold-hearted and ruthless. Xiaojiu was a mistake he made when he was young, but he had no intention of repenting.

 Haven’t fulfilled any of his father’s responsibilities.

 Even without him, he would not even recognize this daughter.


 You have done evil!

How could he give birth to such a son?

Are power and interests really inferior to family ties?

Mr. Li closed his eyes in pain.

"Xiaojiu, Xiaoci is a very good supporter. You have him to protect you, I feel relieved."

 Over the years, his health has become worse than before, and he has basically retired from the company.

Li Hong now holds the most power in the company. If he really wants to do something to Li Jiu, he may not be able to stop him.

 He could only do his best to protect Li Jiu.

Li Jiu lowered his eyebrows and said, "Grandpa, I understand."

 The old man did this just to find a backer for her.

She is an illegitimate daughter, and if the Qi family is supporting her, others will be wary of her.

Even Li Hong didn't dare to touch her easily.

Although she doesn't need a backer, let alone Qi Jingci's protection, she still wants to make Mr. Li feel at ease.

Let this be the case for this engagement.

 She will think of a solution later.

 She won’t stay in the Imperial Capital forever anyway.

 Those who do not belong here will have to return to where they belong sooner or later.

 It was quiet in the car, no one spoke.

The atmosphere is a bit dull.

Li Jiu leaned on his seat and closed his eyes to rest, but he was thinking about something else.

 Li Hong?

 The action is so obvious, do you think she is blind?

Don’t be afraid of biting off more than you can chew, your ambitions are so big, but your fate is thinner than paper.

It seems…

 It’s time to put her plan on the agenda.

I hope the truth will be revealed by then, and the old man won’t blame her.

Li Jiu sighed softly, opened his eyes, supported his head with one hand, and looked out the window at the receding scene.

 After arriving in the Imperial Capital, more and more things were out of her control.

   I took a look at the recent data, emmm, what do you say? Don’t you think the comments in the book club are seriously inconsistent with the number of book friends? So I decided that as long as you leave comments in the book club, give it five stars, and if the number of comments reaches 100, I will add another chapter tonight! !



 (End of this chapter)

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