She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 105: The trophy is given to you

Chapter 105: The trophy is given to you

Tongtong said with a smile: "Why should I be afraid? Senior sister will not harm me anyway. If I am accidentally injured, senior sister can also help me detoxify."

“Maybe senior sister is bad in the eyes of outsiders, but she is really the best senior sister in the world.”

Although Tongtong is young, it does not mean that he does not know some things.

 In the past, there were patients who went up the mountain to seek medical treatment. When they heard the name of the senior sister, their eyes were filled with fear.

 In their eyes, senior sister should be almost like a devil.

Li Ting was stunned. Looking at Tongtong's expression, he chuckled and rubbed his head.

"Who said your senior sister is bad? In my eyes, she is almost like a god."

Tongtong’s eyes lit up, “Really?”

 “Yes.” Li Ting said.

 After all, there is probably no other person in the world who has her medical and poison skills, and who can use them so skillfully.

“That’s right, senior sister must be the best!”

 Tongtong had a bright smile on his face.

“You are the first patient to say that my senior sister is a fairy.”

Li Tingzhi raised his eyebrows, "Oh?"

“After the others were cured by Senior Sister, they either ran away immediately, fearing that Senior Sister would poison them, or they were indifferent and showed no signs of being rescued.”

Tongtong lowered his head and said with an aggrieved tone, "Although senior sister saving them was a deal, at least it saved their lives, right? They are not grateful at all, hum! White-eyed wolf!"

Li Tingzhi laughed.

It’s not surprising that the name of the ghost doctor makes many people more afraid than grateful.

What's more, paying money with one hand and treating the disease with the other, without any involvement afterwards, this is the rule set by the ghost doctor.

 In this way, no matter who she saved or what grudges she had, it had nothing to do with her.

  I am the one who saves you today, but it doesn’t matter if I save your enemy tomorrow.

 As long as you can afford the consultation fee.

“By the way, Tongtong, I haven’t seen Dr. Ji since this morning. Where has she gone?” Li Tingzhi asked.

Hearing this, Tongtong's face darkened for a moment, and he said in a muffled voice: "Today is the death anniversary of the master. Senior sister went to pay homage to the master."

 An open space somewhere in the back hill.

 A stone tablet stood there quietly.

There are lilies and several glasses of wine in front of the stone tablet.

The breeze blew by, and the aroma of wine and flowers entered my nose.

Ji Yunshu knelt down in front of the stone tablet, his eyebrows lowered and his expression mixed with longing. “Master, I’m here to see you.”

After the words fell, there was silence. No one responded, but Ji Yunshu continued to talk to himself.

“Master, I have been doing well recently. Don’t worry, Tongtong and Ala have grown up. I want to take them out after a while and let them go to school like normal people.”

Ji Yunshu murmured in a low voice.

Even though I know that the person won’t hear me, I still want to tell him.

 After he left, my heart felt like a piece was missing and empty.


 “Miss, I have your express delivery.”

Pingping stood in front of Li Jiu's bedroom door and knocked on the door.

Li Jiu opened the door and took it, "Thank you."

  Turn around and close the door, put the express delivery on the table, and use a knife to cut open the package.

 The golden trophy almost dazzled her eyes.

Li Jiu held her chin up and put the tip of her tongue against the roof of her mouth. She thought for a moment and then sent a message.

   九: What do you mean? ]

                                               int I’m giving you my new Film Festival Gold Award. ]

[Nine:? What do I want this for? ]

    Ah Liu: Boss, didn’t you say before that you lacked a trophy to hold the fruit? This is just right. ]

Li Jiu:…

Li Jiu looked at the trophy in silence. It looked like a fruit plate.

Who designed this?

 The gold medal at the film festival looks like an Olympic trophy.

   IX: Do you believe what I say when I’m drunk? ]

    Ah Liu: I gave them all away. Besides, I have so many trophies that I can’t even put them down. ]

   九: Then throw it to me? ]

         :Boss, I have arrived at the Imperial Capital. ]

This reason for changing the topic is too far-fetched.

   九: Then? ]

    Ah Liu: Do you want to hang out together? ]

   九: Don’t. ]

    Ah Liu: Okay...I'm going to find my brother and talk to you later. ]

Li Jiu put away her phone, looked at the trophy, and wondered what to do with it.

 “Miss, it’s time to eat.”

 Suddenly, Zhou Ma's voice came from outside the door.


Li Jiu stuffed the trophy into the drawer casually.

I promised you yesterday, three updates today, this is the first one



 (End of this chapter)

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