She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 111: Qi Sanye will also be shy?

Chapter 111 Is Mr. Qi also shy?

“…Qi Jingci, has anyone ever told you that you have a really bad temper?”

 “Now we have it.” Qi Jingci said calmly.

 That means it didn’t happen before.

Li Jiu pouted, this man is really good at pretending.

He has a cold shell on the outside and others think he is cold and indifferent.

 In fact, deep down he is a master who cheats people without repaying their lives.

Hold the thief for revenge!

“Well, why didn’t I let you drink more of my bath water?”

 That would make her feel better.

Li Jiu looked at Qi Jingci’s handsome face and murmured unconsciously.

Qi Jingci's face turned dark and he looked at her with cold eyes.

How dare she mention it?

 He snorted coldly and said, "If you really want to fight, I can help you."

Li Jiu waved her hand, "Goodbye, you said it yourself. If you do it again, maybe we will be forced to get married."

Qi Jingci uttered a syllable from his throat, "Ha!"

Li Jiu squinted his eyes, his breath becoming increasingly dangerous.

She looked at Qi Jingci’s face as if she was staring into a hole.

I don’t know what I thought of, but suddenly the corners of my lips raised in a curve.

 She jumped down from the table, walked to Qi Jingci, lowered her head suddenly and looked into his eyes.

 The distance was very close, so close that he could clearly see the fine hairs on Li Jiu's fair face.

 The delicate peach blossom eyes stared at him unblinkingly, seductive and fascinating.

Qi Jingci took a breath, frowned slightly, and his light gray eyes became deeper.

 He doesn't like her being too close to him.

 He suddenly felt an uncontrollable feeling in his heart.

"what are you doing?"

Li Jiu touched his chin and looked at Qi Jingci's face carefully, "You have a pretty good face."


Qi Jingci frowned and looked at her in confusion.

 What does she mean?

But Li Jiu continued: "Such a beautiful skin, if you look at it every day from now on, it seems to be quite pleasing to the eye." Qi Jingci:...

“Besides, Mr. Qi is worth over 100 million yuan and his family background is unparalleled. I don’t seem to be losing out on this engagement.”

Qi Jingci's thin lips twitched slightly, and he looked at Li Jiu strangely and said, "Are you...possessed by something dirty?"

 Just now he looked troubled.

Why are you so calm now?

 Moreover, there is a trace of... excitement in his eyes?

Qi Jingci suspected that he did not investigate Li Jiu carefully enough.

 This person may have underlying schizophrenia.

Li Jiu showed an extremely beautiful smile, slowly opened her bright red lips, and uttered a shocking sentence: "Little brother, it's not a loss for you to be engaged to me. I have good looks and my worth is not worse than yours. I am twenty this year. In the prime of youth, single and unmarried, with no love experience..."

She raised her slender wrist, stretched out her index finger to pick up his chin, and rubbed it back and forth, her eyes were lingering and fiery.

Qi Jingci's cold handsome face was slightly stiff, and there was an itching feeling on his chin. He didn't know what expression to show for a moment.

Li Jiu, however, took advantage of it, leaned forward slightly, closed the distance between the two of them, and blew a breath of hot air into his ear.

After noticing that the man was trembling, Li Jiu slowly smiled.


She whispered in his ear, her tone of voice was lingering and ambiguous, making people imagine endlessly.

“Young man with good looks, a good reputation and a great figure, do you want to... consider me?”


Li Jiu could clearly see the tips of Qi Jingci’s ears gradually getting a little red.

He pushed her away suddenly and stood up suddenly, his expression tense and he didn't know where to put his eyes.

 He said stiffly: "Respect yourself."

 Then he pushed open the door and walked out.

Li Jiu's eyes followed him away.

After a long while, Li Jiu burst into laughter and laughed softly.

 Hahaha, she finally found Qi Jingci’s weakness!

I didn’t expect this person to be so funny.

If she read it right just now, Qi Jingci must be shy, right?

How could the cool and dignified Mr. Qi be shy?

Can not believe it!

Li Jiu sat where Qi Jingci sat just now, laughing uncontrollably.

  Okay, from now on, Master Jiu’s counterattack (attack) officially begins

Today’s update is over, and there will be four more updates tomorrow



 (End of this chapter)

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