She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 113: Keep your eyes open when using traffic

Chapter 113: Keep your eyes open when using traffic

Fenghua Entertainment is one of the largest entertainment companies in Dijing. With SR as the backend, it can be said to be a leader in the entertainment industry.

 And one person under Fenghua Entertainment has indeed shown everyone their unlimited value.

In recent years, many Fenghua artists have won valuable awards, adding many movie stars and actresses to Fenghua Entertainment.

 In the conference room on the sixth floor, no one dared to breathe.

 Because the big boss at the head was angry.

“What’s going on with Wu Xiurong? Can any of you explain it to me? Huh?”

The sound of the last word rises, carrying an endless chill.

 Everyone can tell that he is angry.

The man sitting in the front seat is wearing a white suit. He has a delicate appearance, a spring look in his eyebrows, and is romantic and frivolous.

With such a face, he is enough to kill all the top celebrities in the current entertainment industry, but the aura and chill in his body are not something ordinary people can bear.

Perhaps, this is the aura of the overlord that only exists in novels.

 A small clerk has a crooked heart.

“General, President, we don’t know where this Wu Xiurong came from...”

 The director of public relations was completely devastated.

 She is now ready to kill the female star named Wu Xiurong.

 In a place like the entertainment industry, things like bundling to gain traffic happen from time to time, so it’s not surprising.

But who told her to seek death this time and use the traffic to rub off on the boss sister?

Who in Fenghua Entertainment doesn’t know that the big boss is a girl control?

  At first, I ignored the inheritance of the big family's property. I heard that my younger sister wanted to act, so I just relied on my own means to establish Fenghua Entertainment and carve out a world in the entertainment industry, just to protect her.

This time Wu Xiurong actually dares to frame the eldest lady for being a big star?

What? !

God knows she wanted to curse when she saw this hot search.

Don’t they still know what the eldest lady’s temperament is?

This woman is clearly causing trouble!

 However, the president knew about it before their public relations department took any action.

Then everyone in their public relations department came to this conference room and endured the terrifying pressure of the big boss.

“Find a solution for me right away.” The Director of Public Relations Department wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, “Yes, President.”

Bai Yuxiu stood up, opened the door and left.

 Leaving a room full of people whose hearts almost collapsed after being tortured by him for three hours.

 “Director, what should we do now?” someone asked.

“What else can we do? Send a clarification on the website, ask the marketing accounts to delete the posts, and send a warning letter from a lawyer. If you dare to take advantage of Miss’s popularity, who will give her face?”

 The director of the public relations department sneered, his eyes full of disdain.

These days, if you want to be red, you have to keep your eyes open.

You dare to use anyone’s traffic, are you brainless?


The clerks nodded, but in their hearts they felt resentful of Wu Xiurong, who made them endure the pressure of the president for three hours.

In just half an hour, the trend on the Internet changed.

                           Oh my, the cheesecake made by Sister Xiaozhi is so delicious! Star Eyesjpg.@Liu Zhi]

 Attached is a picture of a good-looking cheesecake.

 Liu Zhi is the actress who was rumored to be bullied by Bai Muyu for being a big star on the set.

As soon as this post was posted, someone immediately responded:

      Liu Zhi v: You’re sorry, Xiao Youyou, it’s the first time I’ve made it and it doesn’t taste good, so please bear with me. shyjpg.]

 The rumors were self-defeating.

 The following is a series of comments:

     woo woo woo, daughter Youyou finally sent a wb, mom misses you so much! ]

                                                dedgene's name is not good at playing big cards. Did those people who closed their eyes and told lies see it? The relationship is good! ]

                                                                                                                           lectlectlves by pieces by [I really don't understand why some people say that Mu You is a big name based on a photo that is so blurry that you can't even recognize the person's face]

    Well, it seems that Bai Muyou and Liu Zhi have a good relationship. ]

     Muyou baby! I will always love you and support you! Have you seen those people who scolded you? Does your face hurt? ]

Second update, newcomers appear, welcome with applause!



 (End of this chapter)

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