She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 115: Lu Qingran, why are you here?

Chapter 115 Lu Qingran, why are you here?

In the kitchen, Bai Yuxiu was chopping vegetables quickly with his wrists, wearing a pink apron that did not match his image.

 The apron is still a little small, and it is obviously not his own.

 The dishes were put into the pot, making a sizzling sound, and not long after, an alluring aroma passed through the living room.

Bai Muyou was seduced by the fragrance and lay beside the kitchen door, looking at Bai Yuxiu's back eagerly.

There were protests from his stomach, and Bai Muyou couldn't help it anymore, so he asked, "Brother, when will it be better? I'm going to starve to death."

Bai Yuxiu smiled and replied, "It'll be ready soon."

Since Bai Muyou is a star and he has to stay in shape, Bai Yuxiu doesn't cook too many meat dishes. Otherwise, wouldn't it be torture if he could only watch but not eat?

However, even if they are all vegetarian dishes, Bai Muyou's appetite will be whetted by Bai Yuxiu's cooking skills.

She picked up some shredded vinegar potatoes and stuffed them into her mouth without caring whether they were boiled or not.

 “Hmm… delicious!”

Bai Muyou covered his face with an expression of enjoyment.

She blinked her watery eyes and complained pitifully to Bai Yuxiu: "Brother, you don't know that in the past few months when I was abroad, because I had to film, I could only eat tomatoes mixed with cucumbers every day. If I ate takeout secretly, I would be punished. Sister scolds, life is very difficult!”

Bai Yuxiu sat in front of her and looked at her fondly, "It was you who wanted to act in the first place. What? You regretted it?"

Bai Muyou chuckled lightly and said, "How is that possible? I want to become a movie queen!"

“But aren’t you already a movie queen? You even won an award some time ago.”

Bai Muyou's goal is far from that.

Her watery eyes shone with a small but determined light, and she said: "In the future, I want to appear on the international screen."

Bai Yuxiu's frivolous eyes flashed with tenderness, "Well, brother supports you."

 The two looked at each other and smiled.

Under the warm yellow chandelier light, the man looked at the girl in front of him with gentle and loving eyes, listening to her chatter about trivial things abroad.

 The air is filled with warmth.

 A sudden knock on the door broke this beautiful atmosphere.

Bai Muyou stood up and opened the door. His eyes flashed, and he unexpectedly met the face of the evil **** outside the door.

 “Lu Qingran? What are you doing here?”

Lu Qingran smiled and handed the red wine he was holding to Bai Muyou, and said, "I heard that Xiaoyou is back. Of course, as a brother, I have to come and have a look!" As he said that, he took it out of the shoe cabinet without saying anything. Put on a pair of slippers.

When he walked in the door, he said in surprise: "Hey! Where are you two having a candlelight dinner?"

Bai Yuxiu was very concerned about his uninvited appearance. Hearing his words, he frowned, "Do you have any objections?"

Lu Qingran sat down at the dining table skillfully, and her movements were smooth and smooth, showing that she often eats.

 “How dare I have an opinion?”

He saw that there was no trace of meat on the table, "Old Bai, why are all these vegetarian dishes? Is it possible that the price of meat has risen sharply recently and you can't afford it?"

Bai Yuxiu went to the kitchen again to get a pair of bowls and chopsticks. Hearing this, he snorted coldly, "Xiaoyou is a star and cannot eat meat. If you like it, eat it or not. If you don't want to eat it, get out!"

The dishes he cooked for the table were not meant for him to eat, so he still had the nerve to reject it?

Lu Qingran: "Eat, eat, eat, of course, Xiaoyou, could you please help me open that bottle of red wine? I'm going to knock your brother down tonight!"

"With your drinking capacity, you are afraid that you will be knocked down in the end." Bai Muyou said.

She picked up the bottle of red wine and went to find the bottle in the wine cabinet.

Lu Qingran and Bai Yuxiu were already chatting enthusiastically, "Old Bai, let me tell you a big news! Regarding the third brother, it is guaranteed to be exciting!"

Bai Yuxiu glanced sideways at him and said, "You are planning on Third Brother behind your back, be careful if he hears and beats you up."

Lu Qingran didn't care, "He has no time to care about me, he should be flirting with his fiancée now!"


Bai Yuxiu's charming eyes were filled with shock at this moment.

"Don't be kidding me. Third brother has a fiancée. When did it happen? Why didn't I know?"

Lu Qingran smacked his lips and said, "As for what happened last night, I heard with my own ears that Mr. Qi settled it."

 “Who is that woman?”

Lu Qingran smiled mysteriously and said a name, "Li Jiu."

 Bai Muyou paused while holding the bottle opener and twisting the cork.

 Fourth update, it’s over, thank you all for supporting us.

In addition, I have some bad news to tell you. I will start school next Monday and will be quarantined, may have to change from young masters and ladies who enjoy delicacies from the mountains and seas to little beggars who eat chaffy vegetables. One update a day...

   Please hold on, if I have a weekend off, I will definitely update more posts, woo woo woo, don’t abandon me 嘤嘤嘤~



 (End of this chapter)

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