She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 125: Don't be so short-tempered

Chapter 125 Don’t be so petty

 Because the engagement between Qi Jingci and Li Jiu involves the interests of countless people.

 The turmoil online lasted for several days.

  After all, it is the marriage of two top wealthy families, which makes people unable to stop thinking about it.

If the Li family and the Qi family join forces, I am afraid that the entire Imperial Capital will be reshuffled.

 Some people who usually keep their noses up when it comes to matters that have nothing to do with them have begun to take action.

 The most obvious thing is that the visitors to the Li family these days are almost breaking the threshold.

Different people come to visit Mr. Li every day, trying to find out something from him.

However, how can an old man like Mr. Li be fooled so easily?

To those who came to visit to express their congratulations, Mr. Li only replied with two words: "Peace of mind."

 At ease?

  How can small families like them feel at ease with all the recent big moves?

What if these upper-class wealthy families want to do something and they get involved?

 You can afford it, but we can’t!

 The expressions on the faces of the people in front of me were almost unbearable.

But Mr. Li has said so, so they can't continue to ask.

 “It’s us who have disturbed you, so let’s take our leave first.”

The two of them stood up and said goodbye.

They came today not only to congratulate him, but also to get a feel for the situation so that they could prepare for the next situation.


Mr. Li smiled and said, "Okay, walk slowly, Mother Zhou, to see off the guests."

 Ma Zhou sent the person out.

Li Jiu leaned against the stairs on the second floor, yawned and said, "Grandpa, this is the third one today."

Mr. Li snorted, "It's obvious that the purpose is not pure."

Li Jiu walked down the stairs and said, "Then you still pay attention to them? Why don't you just close the door and not see them?"

 “Well, you are right.”

Mr. Li stood up and hammered his lower back, which was stiff from sitting for too long.

“When people get old, their brains become confused, and they can’t even think of such a trivial matter, alas…” Mr. Li sighed.

Li Jiu’s mouth twitched. I think you did it on purpose.

Deliberately making ambiguous remarks to make them confused and then expose their flaws.

 Sure enough, **** is still spicy.

Mr. Li is really good at this.

Li Jiu said with emotion. "By the way, Xiaojiu, are you going out?"

 Mr. Li saw that she was dressed like this, and it was obvious that she was going out.

“Well, I made an appointment with Weiwei to meet someone at the airport.”


Dijing Airport

 It was crowded and extremely noisy.

 A young man wearing overalls, a black hat and a mask walked through the crowded crowd.

He was carrying a bulging backpack and stopped and walked along the way, constantly looking at the signs in the corner of the airport.

 “Mad! It’s only been two years since I came back, why has this place changed like this!”

He looked down at his phone, not knowing where exit F was, and cursed lowly.

The young man's voice is as clear as a mountain stream and as crisp as melting ice. Even when he speaks obscene words, it is very pleasant to the ears.

 Suddenly, the phone vibrated.

 He narrowed his narrow eyes and pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

 The next moment, I turned off my phone and walked in one direction.

 In the lounge.

Li Jiu sat aside and played with his mobile phone boredly.

On the contrary, Qi Mowei was a little restless, looking at the door from time to time, as if waiting for someone to appear.

“Ajiu, do you think he won’t get lost again?” Qi Mowei asked.

  Although his words sounded worried, the gloating hidden in his eyes could not escape Li Jiu's detection.

 “He is really a pig, so stupid.”

That person’s level of road madness is on the level of hell.

Li Jiu didn't even raise his head, "Didn't you send him a message and tell him how to leave?"

Qi Mowei curled her lips and said with disgust: "He is as stupid as anything. You may not be able to find him no matter how far you go. I really don't understand why I came to pick him up."

Li Jiu flicked his fingers on the screen and eliminated two small squares.

Hearing this, she chuckled and said, "Okay, stop complaining. If your second brother hadn't had time, they wouldn't have let you come."

It's okay not to mention this, but Qi Mowei will get angry if she mentions this, "Second brother is obviously trying to trick me! You know that I'm not on good terms with that guy Qi Sijin, but you still let me come!"

“You are his aunt, and you are also an elder. Can you please stop being so stingy? It’s been so many years.”

 (End of this chapter)

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