She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 129: Hello, my name is Bai Muyou

Chapter 129 Hello, my name is Bai Muyou

“You two haven’t seen each other for such a long time, but you started fighting when you met. People who didn’t know better thought you were enemies.”

Bai Yuxiu, dressed in a neat suit, stood by the door, with his hands folded across his chest, looking at the two of them teasingly.

Behind him, Bai Muyou was carrying a light pink cat bag. She wore a windbreaker with ruffled sleeves and a pair of short boots. She looked playful and smart.

 After seeing Qi Sijin and Lu Qingran's appearance clearly, he pursed his lips and smiled, "It's been a long time since I saw you fighting."

I actually felt a trace of longing.

Qi Sijin reached out and pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, arranging her slightly messy long hair, with a thin blush on her delicate face.

 He looked at Lu Qingran with disdain, "Who told him to scold me? I'm looking for a beating!"

Lu Qingran was furious when he heard this, "Who are you asking for a beating if you tell me again?"



Lu Qingran's eyes widened and she couldn't help but stepped forward, wanting to take action again, but was stopped by Bai Yuxiu.

“Okay, okay, Si Jin is finally back, Qingran, please stop making trouble.”

Lu Qingran snorted coldly and sat down, feeling sulky.

Bai Yuxiu glanced at Qi Sijin, and Qi Sijin also stopped and closed his mouth.

Li Jiu has been watching the show and eating melon since he arrived, without making a sound.

The reason is very simple. Strictly speaking, those gathered here today can be said to be Qi Jingci’s circle of friends and have nothing to do with her at all.

  She came here entirely because Qi Mowei forced her to recognize her face.

According to her original words, since she is the fiancée of the third brother, she should meet her relatives and friends.

 So, although tonight is to greet Qi Sijin, but mainly, it is to introduce Li Jiu to everyone.

What she didn’t expect was that she would see such a good show as soon as she arrived.

Qi Jingci’s friends... Do all their paintings have this style?

Kindergarten fight?


Li Jiu couldn't help but chuckle.

Qi Jingci, who was sitting next to her, noticed it, turned to look at her, and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

His voice immediately attracted everyone's attention.

 Looking at Li Jiu almost at the same time, his eyes were a little awkward.

 They seemed to have...forgot about her just now?

no way.

 From the moment they entered the box, Li Jiu's presence has been very low.

Li Jiu shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

Qi Jingci looked at her indifferent expression, obviously not affected by the recent events, and said, "I didn't expect that your mental endurance is quite strong, and you dare to go out even though you are like this." Li Jiu turned his head and raised his eyebrows. With a hint of arc, he said with a typical smile, "I didn't do anything wrong, why don't I dare to go out?"

Qi Jingci coughed lightly, and her meaningful smile made him feel like he was being seen through.

“Also, should you give me an explanation as to who is behind the scenes as promised before?”

How many days has it been? No one was seen.

Is Qi Jingci so inefficient?


Qi Jingci was speechless.

 Everyone else watched the interaction between the two of them in a leisurely manner. It could even be said to be horrifying.

 The expression on his face was that he had seen a ghost.

Hearing about it is one thing, seeing it with your own eyes is another.

Qi Jingci completely changed in front of Li Jiu!

 The usual coldness and indifference were all gone, and there were even other expressions on his face.

 It's like... there are fireworks all of a sudden.

 Everyone looked at each other in shock.

 No matter how normal their interactions were in the eyes of Qi Jingci or Li Jiu.

 In their eyes, it is a very abnormal thing.

 After all, except for those close to him, Qi Jingci had never said a word to anyone.

 Li Jiu is really a special example.

People are all here.

Lu Qingran snapped her fingers, signaling to the waiter who had been waiting nearby that the food could be served.

During the dinner, only the sound of bowls and chopsticks clinking could be heard.

The atmosphere was particularly silent.

It was Bai Yuxiu who coughed lightly first, breaking the silence.

 He showed a friendly smile to Li Jiu and introduced himself: "Hello, sister-in-law, I am Bai Yuxiu."

Li Jiu frowned at his title, but didn't say anything, just nodded.

Bai Muyou stood up, walked to Li Jiu, stretched out a hand to her, and said with a little smile in his watery eyes: "Hello, sister-in-law, I am Bai Muyou, nice to meet you."

The two updates are over, and there will be another update tomorrow night



 (End of this chapter)

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