She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 131: Help her back first

Chapter 131 Let’s help her back first

Li Jiu inserted her slender fingers into the soft and thick cat hair, combing it back and forth, and said: "The little guy is quite smart and knows how to follow me."

Just now in the box, she could see that Juan Juan had been trying to get to her, but unfortunately he was stopped by Bai Muyou.

I didn’t expect it to follow her when she went to the bathroom.

Bai Muyou sighed, "It seems that it also remembers that you saved it."

When Juan Juan was a stray cat, he encountered a cat abuser and was tortured to the point of dying. Fortunately, Li Jiu, who was passing by, was kind and saved his life.

However, due to various reasons, Li Jiu did not adopt it, but gave it to her to raise.

Over the years, it still remembers its savior.

Li Jiu said: "Animals are very spiritual, unlike humans..."

 She stopped suddenly and did not continue.

Hearing this, Bai Muyou also fell into silence.

Juanjuan seemed to sense that something was not right in the atmosphere. He raised his little head, stared blankly at his master and savior, and meowed in a sweet voice.

Li Jiu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and touched its little head.

“Boss, have you found anything?” Bai Muyou suddenly asked.

 “Well, there are some features.”

Bai Muyou's eyes lit up and he said, "That's great."

 After checking for so long, we finally made some progress.

 “Boss, let me help you.”

Li Jiu refused: "No."


Li Jiu said: "I can do it on my own now, and I don't need you to intervene. The forces in Imperial Capital are intricately intertwined. If you get involved, people will notice it."

Bai Muyou frowned, she understood the reason, but...

 “How long will it take to find out this by you alone?”

Li Jiu paused and looked up at her with deep eyes, "I've been waiting for so many years, so it's not too late."

Bai Muyou sighed, "Okay."

“By the way, remember to pretend you don’t know me in front of others.”


From just now, she knew that Li Jiu didn't want others to know that they knew each other, so she greeted her as a stranger.

Li Jiu raised his eyes and glanced at her, "Don't you think it's strange for an illegitimate daughter to know the eldest lady of Fenghua Entertainment?"

 “But you still know Weiwei.”

 Compared with her, meeting the third Miss of the Qi family is probably more surprising. "Also, weren't your subordinates still attacking people for you on the Internet before? Since you already know so many big people, one more person than me is not much."

Bai Muyou curled his lips, a little unconvinced.

How come they can get to know Li Jiu openly, but she can only pretend to be a stranger?

Li Jiu was a little helpless. This person's eldest daughter's temper was getting worse again.

"Not many people know about my arrival in the Imperial Capital. If I am too public and let those people notice, it will be very troublesome."

Bai Muyou frowned when he heard this, thought for a moment, then suddenly sneered and said: "Those old immortals..."

Li Jiu pinched his eyebrows and said, "I don't have the time to deal with them now, so I'd better keep a low profile."

 “I know, boss, I won’t cause you any trouble.”

Bai Muyou curled his lips and pretended not to know him.


 The bathroom door was knocked open.

Bai Muyou tensed up and made a reflexive move, but was stopped by Li Jiu.

Juan Juan seemed to be frightened, jumped out of Li Jiu's arms and ran out of the bathroom.

Li Jiu didn't care about it, not worried at all that it would get lost.

 “Weiwei, what are you doing here.”

Qi Mowei was so drunk that she lost all reason. She was staggering when she walked and couldn't stand at all. She could only lean on the wall.

Hearing this, she raised her head, her cheeks were stained with blush, her eyes were blurred and watery, she looked at Li Jiu blankly, and said: "I'm here to find you... burp!"

"Find me?"

Li Jiu let go of Bai Muyou's hand, and the latter relaxed when he saw that the person coming was Qi Mowei.

Li Jiu walked to Qi Mowei, helped her up, put a hand on her shoulder, and asked, "Why are you looking for me?"

Qi Mowei showed a silly smile and said: "I...burp! I'm afraid that you...burp! We...burp! When we burp..."

Li Jiu:…

Bai Muyou:…

 The two looked at each other helplessly.

Bai Muyou had a headache and stepped forward to help Li Jiu support her and said, "What is this girl thinking about every day?"

Li Jiu shook his head and said he didn't know either.

 “Let’s help her back first.”

 (End of this chapter)

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