She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 133: Time can always smooth everything out

Chapter 133 Time can always smooth everything out

Li Jiu and Bai Muyou helped Qi Mowei to her seat.

The smell of alcohol instantly filled the entire box.

Qi Sijin, who was sitting next to Qi Mowei, frowned and asked, "Why did she drink so much?"

 I didn’t pay attention just now, but she ended up drinking like this.

Li Jiu pressed down Qi Mowei's waving hand, sat down next to her, and said, "She had a brain convulsion today."

Knowing that he is not a good drinker, he is still so unscrupulous.

 Qi Mowei, who was already drunk and unconscious:…


 I was so panicked, how could I pay attention to how much I drank?

Qi Jingci glanced at Qi Mowei, who was talking drunkenly and kept throwing herself at Li Jiu. He stood up, took the coat on the side with his long arm, and said to Li Jiu: "It's getting late, I'll take you back, otherwise Mr. Li, okay Worried."

Li Jiu raised her wrist and looked at the time. It was getting late.

 Then she frowned again and said, "But she..."

 She pointed at Qi Mowei, feeling helpless.

You can't just leave her here, right?

Qi Jingci looked past her and landed on Qi Sijin, and said indifferently: "You will take her back to the old house later."

Qi Sijin’s mouth twitched, his eyes wandered between him and Li Jiu for a while, and he suddenly realized.

 I understand, the third uncle wants to see Li Jiu off alone.

So he nodded and said, "Okay, third uncle, I understand."

Qi Jingci nodded, hummed, and then left with Li Jiu.

Qi Sijin shrugged, bent down resignedly, picked up Qi Mowei by the waist, signaled to the remaining three people, and then left.

Seeing that the four people were gone, the box instantly became quiet.

Bai Yuxiu suddenly said: "Xiaoyou, you and your sister-in-law... didn't have any disputes, right?"

Bai Muyou raised his head and looked at Bai Yuxiu in confusion, "Of course not, brother, why do you ask that?" "That's not because you said before that you liked Third Brother."

Lu Qingran also came over and asked curiously: "Xiaoyou, you didn't fight with my sister-in-law, did you?"

Bai Muyou glanced at him sideways and said, "In your eyes, am I such an unreasonable person?"


Bai Muyou said: "The third brother is free to decide who he likes, and it is not up to me to decide who he gets engaged to. Why should I have trouble with my sister-in-law?"

What's more, she didn't like Qi Jingci in the first place.

Because Li Jiu said she should pretend not to know her, so Bai Muyou had no choice but to call her sister-in-law like Lu Qingran and the others.

Lu Qingran clicked her tongue twice and said with emotion: "Look at your ideological consciousness. All the ladies in the imperial capital who like the third brother should really listen to it. This is the demeanor that an admirer should have."

Hearing the word "admirer", Bai Yuxiu's brows furrowed slightly, and there seemed to be dissatisfaction flashing across his eyes.

He said: "Xiao You, since the third brother has a sister-in-law, you should stop thinking about him."

Hearing his suspiciously jealous words, Bai Muyou raised his eyebrows, a bad light flashed in his eyes, and said, "Although the third brother has a fiancée, this does not conflict with my liking for him."

Bai Yuxiu frowned, "But there will be no results if you do this."

Bai Muyou: "I don't want the results, just the feeling of liking is enough."

Bai Yuxiu frowned even more tightly, which could kill a mosquito.

Seeing his entangled and sad look, Lu Qingran comforted him: "Okay, Lao Bai, don't force Xiao You. She has liked Third Brother for so many years and can't let go for a while, so don't remind her again and again." The fact of falling out of love.”

Bai Yuxiu frowned, feeling that what Lu Qingran said made sense.

“Okay, Xiaoyou, think about it yourself.”

Lu Qingran put her arm on Bai Yuxiu's shoulder and said to Bai Muyou with a smile: "What kind of grass do we, the eldest lady of Fenghua Entertainment, want? Why hang yourself on the same tree as my third brother?"

His tone was caring like an old father, "I fully understand the hearts of you lovelorn girls. On the surface, you pretend not to care, but in fact, your hearts are broken. Listen to me, it's okay. Just go back and hide in bed and cry for a while. ”

 Finally, Lu Qingran patted Bai Muyou on the shoulder and comforted: "Time can heal all wounds."

 (End of this chapter)

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