She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 139: Don't want to involve her

Chapter 139 I don’t want to involve her

 Suddenly, Yun Rong's face changed slightly, and then he ran out quickly, holding on to the corner, and kept coughing.

Leng Ming hurriedly caught up with her and saw that her face was red from coughing, and there was a hint of distress in her eyes.

  She and Yun Rong grew up together since childhood and are best friends that no one can replace.

Yun Rong has congenital heart disease and is weak. The doctor said that if a suitable heart cannot be found, she will most likely not live to be thirty.

 Because of her illness, Yun Rong had almost no chance to go out. At home, even if she went to the bathroom, a large number of people would follow her, for fear that something would happen to her.

This time, she finally found an excuse to take Yun Rong out to relax.

However, not long after he came out, Yun Rong could no longer hold on.

Leng Ming looked worried and said: "Ah Rong, let's go back."

Yun Rong smiled bitterly, "I didn't expect that I couldn't even hold on for such a short time."

 “A Rong…”

Leng Ming's throat felt a little sore and she pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

 Fate is really unfair, why should Ah Rong have to suffer so much?

“Mingming, tell me, do I really have a short time to live?”

Hearing this, Leng Ming immediately became anxious, "Ah Rong! Don't say such depressing words, Uncle Yun will definitely find a suitable heart and cure you."

Yun Rong straightened up, raised his head slightly, his eyes darkened, and said, "But, I don't know if I can wait until that time."

 After all, after more than ten years of searching, there was no result.

 “Ah Rong, we will definitely find it.”

  Leng Ming’s tone was firm, with a tone that could not be criticized.

Yunrong has suffered too much and must not continue like this.

 She must do everything possible to cure her.

 Leng Ming's eyes were shining with determination, and a plan in his heart gradually took shape.

 If it is not convenient for the Yun family to do something, then let her do it!


 “Why did you call me here?”

Li Jiu sat on the desk with one leg dangling and asked Qi Jingci who was reading the document.

Qi Jing said without raising his head, "My old man called me and asked me to take you back for dinner tonight."

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, "I thought this engagement was just a show."

Qi Jingci’s fingers holding the pen paused slightly.

After a long while, he said: "How can it be a show if it was decided by the two old men themselves?"

Li Jiu jumped down from the table and came to Qi Jingci. He put his hands on his desk and looked directly at him with an unclear expression.

 “So, the engagement is real?”

Qi Jingci put down his pen, met her gaze, and made a sound from his throat. "Um."

“Are we really an unmarried couple?”


 “Isn’t there something else hidden in this?”

Hearing her last question, Qi Jing said, "You are thinking too much."

Li Jiu stared straight at Qi Jingci, his eyes gradually getting darker, but the latter didn't show any clues from beginning to end.

 Suddenly, she stood up straight and looked at him condescendingly, the corners of her lips curled up in a playful smile.

 “You think I’m a fool?”

It is obvious that the two old men teamed up to hide this from her.

Seeing her look like she had already guessed, Qi Jingci’s lips twitched slightly, and something strange flashed in his eyes.

 He knew he couldn't hide it.

Although, he didn't want to hide it.

He said: "Since you know everything, why do you come to ask me?"

  It's simply unnecessary.

Li Jiu crossed his arms across his chest, chuckled, and leaned on his table without any formality, saying, "To be honest, I really don't understand why the old man chose me."

 Obviously, you can find someone else.

Qi Jingci raised his eyes and looked at her, "Because you have the shortest time in the imperial capital and the least involvement."

Li Jiu naturally picked up the conversation, "That's why it's easiest to attract those people, right?"

Qi Jing said nothing, and she took it as her acquiescence.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Qi Jingci didn't have much reaction when he saw Li Jiu's expression, and there was a moment of surprise in his eyes.

 “Aren’t you angry?”

 “What are you angry about?”

 “Your grandpa… kept it secret from you.” Qi Jing said.

 He thought she would be very angry when she found out about it.

 Because according to her temper, what she hates the most is someone lying to her.

"What should I be angry about?" Li Jiu chuckled, "Grandpa did this because he didn't want to get me involved."

 (End of this chapter)

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