She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 159: Hot search

Chapter 159 is a hot search

“It’s just that the third master is engaged, which will break the hearts of many ladies.”

Lin Yan joked in a brisk tone.

“It’s none of my business.” Qi Jingci said indifferently.

Lin Yan raised his eyebrows and tsked lightly.

  It’s really indifferent.

I just don’t know if he is still like this when facing Li Jiu.

“The Lin family is going to hold the company’s annual meeting the day after tomorrow. I wonder if Mr. San and Ms. Li are free to attend?”

 Lin Yan suddenly made an invitation.

“Wouldn’t it be redundant for us to attend Lin’s annual meeting?” Qi Jingci asked.

Lin Yan chuckled lightly, "Of course not, I'm really looking forward to you coming."

“Besides, even if you are not interested in the annual party, Miss Li will definitely like it. Girls all like the excitement.”

Qi Jingci twitched his lips and glanced at him lightly, but did not tell him that in fact, this kind of situation was what Li Jiu was most annoyed about.

Lin Yan naturally didn't know Li Jiu's preferences, so he continued: "This annual meeting is different from before. We are holding it at sea. The third master should just treat it as a sightseeing trip with Miss Li."

Qi Jingci’s eyebrows moved slightly.

 At sea?

 Anseong is a coastal city, surrounded by the sea on three sides, with pleasant scenery. It is a good place for a relaxing vacation.

 Although it is approaching late winter, there are still many tourists coming.

Qi Jingci thought for a moment and thought it would be good to go play with Li Jiu, so he agreed.


Hearing this, Lin Yan's lips curved up, "Then I'll be waiting for you."

 At this moment, Secretary Qiao suddenly pushed the door open and entered.

“Boss, Miss Li asked me to bring a message to the third master, saying that she had to deal with it in advance.”

Hearing this, Lin Yan raised his eyebrows and asked doubtfully: "What's so urgent?"

How could she not even wait for Qi Jingci?

“I don’t know, but it seems to be something important.”

Qi Jingci's eyes flashed and he said: "Since the cooperation has been discussed, I will leave first."

“Okay, Secretary Qiao, let’s see the Third Master off.”

After Qi Jingci left, the smile on Lin Yan’s lips faded a lot.

 He stood up, walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window, and looked out at the scenery.

The original smile in his eyes has been replaced by coldness.

 After Secretary Qiao sent Qi Jingci away, he turned around and returned to the office.

 He knocked on the door, "Boss?"

"come in."

Lin Yan turned around and asked expressionlessly: "How are things going online?" Secretary Qiao nodded, "Everything is under control. Those people have already gone to the set to surround her."

 “Well, remember, let them make it as big as possible.”


 On the other side, Li Jiu took out his mobile phone and made a call.


 “Hey, boss!”

The sound over there was very rapid, and there was constant breathing, and it sounded like running.

Li Jiu frowned, "What are you doing?"

 “Stop crowding! Everyone, stay back!”

He Han stretched out his hand and together with the security guard blocked the people who were constantly surrounding him.

Seeing that Bai Muyou was still in the mood to make a phone call, she said anxiously: "Muyou, hurry up and leave!"

Looking at the people around him, Bai Muyou smiled helplessly, "Sister Han, how do you want me to leave?"

This morning, wb hot search exploded.

  Secretary Qiao was photographed when she came to pick her up yesterday.

It was nothing, just getting into a strange car. It didn’t mean anything. It was just that someone made the license plate of that car too conspicuous.

 The car owned by Lin Yan, the richest man in Anseong.

This time it really caused an uproar.

 There is a lot of discussion on the Internet about her relationship with Lin Yan.

“We were all picked up and dropped off by car, so we must have a special relationship.”

"Don't talk nonsense upstairs. Did you see a car being delivered? I only saw a car being picked up."

“The richest man in Ancheng and the eldest daughter of a wealthy family, they look so matched!”

“Take my Xiaoyou away, she’s just going to film a movie, Qiuqiu, don’t talk nonsense, okay?”

"If I remember correctly, it seems that Lin Yan is the investor in the movie Bai Muyou is filming."


There are all kinds of speculations on the Internet, and I can’t control them for a while.

By the time she found out, the situation was already out of control.

What’s more, what I didn’t expect was that reporters and fans were squatting outside the crew, and they immediately surrounded her when they saw her.

 This has resulted in the current impenetrable scene.

Bai Muyou helplessly held his forehead.

  Sometimes too high traffic is not a good thing.

“I told you to stop crowding! And you! No more filming!”

Hello dear little cuties, this book will be released on the 19th, which is this Friday, and there will be ten more chapters. Please support me~



 (End of this chapter)

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