She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 169: No surprise? (Fourth update)

  Isn’t there any surprise in Chapter 169? (Fourth update)

"came back?"

Ji Yunshu was sitting in the wooden house, flipping through medical books and tinkering with herbal medicine.

When he saw the three of them coming back, he just raised his head and asked, then lowered his head again.

“Sister, I caught a lot of fat and big fish, what can I do?”

Ji Yunshu smiled: "God is the most capable."

Ala immediately beamed and ran to the kitchen with her bucket of fish.

 “Sister, let me deal with the rabbit.”

 Since the last time someone broke into this place, Tongtong seemed to have grown up suddenly.

 Compared with the lively God, it seems more stable.

Ji Yun sighed happily.

 In an instant, Li Tingzhi and Ji Yunshu were the only two people left in the room.

 “Can you help me? Doctor Ji.” Li Ting said.

Ji Yunshu ordered him unceremoniously, "Bring me this herb."

 She pointed to a picture in the book.

Although Li Tingzhi does not know medical skills, he is familiar with several herbal medicines these days.

Li Tingzhi handed her the herbs according to the instructions in the book.

“Tongtong said he wanted to eat braised rabbit tonight.” Li Ting said.

"Well, okay, I'll do it later." Ji Yunshu turned over the medical skills without raising his head.

"Well, that..." Li Tingzhi coughed slightly, hesitating a little.


Ji Yunshu turned his head and looked at him, "What can I do for you?"

 “I’m going back to my country.”

Ji Yunshu raised his eyebrows, "Really? I won't give it away."

 Li Tingzhi: “…Thank you, Dr. Ji, for your care these days.”

 “You’re welcome.” Anyway, it’s a request.

 “You…don’t want to say something else?”

 Why don’t you look surprised at all?

He thinks he has become quite familiar with Ji Yunshu these days. How come he is not surprised to hear that he is leaving?

Li Tingzhi lowered his eyes and said no more.

Ji Yunshu crushed the last two herbs and put them into a wooden box. "What's this?"

Li Tingzhi couldn't help but ask when he saw that the color of the herb was strangely bright.

 Ji Yunshu smiled and said, "Good stuff."

 Li Tingzhi: “…”

 Are the good things from the ghost doctor really good things?

  It is also poisonous without even thinking about it.

“You are so good at medicine, why do you have to study poison?”

Ji Yunshu asked: "Why not?"


 “There is no separation between medicine and poison, Young Master Li.”

Ji Yunshu picked up the wooden box and winked at him.

“By the way, since you are going back to China, since you have done a lot of work for me these days, shall I give you a good gift?”

Li Tingzhi didn’t know why.

Ji Yunshu took out two small porcelain bottles from the drawer, "One for external use and one for internal use. Although it can't bring the dead back to life, it's almost enough."

The tone is particularly arrogant.

 But Li Tingzhi knew that she had the strength.

 Medicines produced by ghost doctors are all sold at sky-high prices outside.

Giving it to him for free now is like being hit in the head by a koi carp.

But there is a problem.

 “Do you have to pay?”

Based on the "debt" he has owed these days, if this is added to it, he will really be bankrupt and cannot afford to pay it back.

The smile on Ji Yunshu's face froze. The next second, she retracted her hand and snorted: "Don't pull her down."

 Originally, it was for Li Jiu's sake that she gave him two bottles to prevent accidents.

Who knew he didn't appreciate it?

Upon seeing this, Li Tingzhi immediately snatched the bottle over and said, "I want it!"

Ji Yunshu hummed, put away the wooden box in his hand, and said, "Let's go, didn't Tongtong say he wanted to eat braised rabbit meat?"


 (End of this chapter)

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