She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 172: Not being with a mentally retarded person wastes your temper (7)

Chapter 172 Don’t waste your temper with the mentally retarded (Chapter 7)

Bai Muyou suddenly exclaimed.

 They saw a horse suddenly appearing out of nowhere in front of them.

Hurling wildly in the field, the horses' hooves trampled wildly, throwing up a burst of sand and dust.

  Then, it unexpectedly rushed towards them, and the horse's hooves were facing Li Jiu.

Bai Muyou didn't have time to think too much. His pupils shrank suddenly, and he blurted out faster than his brain: "Boss, be careful!"

Li Jiu's eyes suddenly darkened, and his body subconsciously flashed and rolled on the spot, avoiding the trampling of the horse's hooves.

 “Boss! Are you okay?”

Bai Muyou quickly ran over and helped her up.


Li Jiu moved his wrist and found that there was a scratch on the palm of his hand caused by a stone.

She looked at the mad horse and asked with a cold voice, "Where did this horse come from?"

 “Quick, quick, quick! Catch it!”

At this moment, a woman with a riding crop ran over and ordered the staff behind her: "Catch it, I have to teach this beast a lesson today!"

The woman has a beautiful face, wearing a red tights and Martin boots. But the arrogance between her eyebrows makes her look particularly mean.

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes, walked up to her, and asked, "Did you let this horse out?"

Then the woman's eyes fell on her. After looking up and down, she hummed from her nostrils and asked the person behind her: "Didn't you say that the venue is reserved for today? How come all the casual people can come?"

 The staff behind her hesitated: "This..."

 The idle people in her mouth were obviously talking about Li Jiu.

Bai Muyou was the first to be unable to bear it anymore and stepped forward: "Miss, please pay attention to the attitude of your words. It was obviously you who almost hurt someone by riding your horse first. Who gave you the confidence to speak like this?" The woman glanced at He glanced at her and sneered: "Who did I think it was? Isn't this the big star? What's his name? Oh, I forgot, can even celebrities come to a place like this these days?"

Bai Muyou almost laughed out of anger, and his tone of voice was no longer polite.

"Ms... Madam, your eyes are not so big for breathing. Please open your eyes and see clearly. We are the ones booking the show today, and you are the one waiting around."

   Bai Muyou deliberately stressed the last four words, for fear that the woman would not be able to hear them clearly.

 At any rate, he is someone who has been at war with countless online fans for many years, and he is not lenient at all when it comes to criticizing people.

 The woman's face turned pale, and then turned livid again.

She has some relationship with the owner of this racecourse. She wanted to come here on a whim today, but was told that the racecourse had been reserved.

She talked for a long time before finally convincing the man to let her come in and play for a while. Who knew she would meet the person who booked the venue, and he was a star!

The woman was panicking, but she still didn't show it on her face. She said loudly: "Since you are a star, how can you speak in such a weird way?"

Adhering to the principle of not getting angry with the mentally retarded, Bai Muyou asked: "Then what do you think I should do? Should I give this place to you selflessly? Who gives you the face?"


 The woman's face turned red with anger.


Bai Muyou continued: "My friend was injured because of your deliberate horse riding. Shouldn't you apologize?"

 The woman glanced at Li Jiu's hand and whispered: "Isn't it just a scratch? It's not like he's going to die."

"What did you say?"

Bai Muyou squeezed out a few words through his teeth.

 She was really angry this time.

 (End of this chapter)

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