She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 174: The way to torture people is not the same

Chapter 174: There are no duplicates in the way you torture people

Bai Muyou watched from the side without the slightest objection to Li Jiu's actions.

 All things have animism, so why can humans whip other animals wantonly?

 What's more, the boss has special feelings for horses.

 After all, it was a horse that carried her out of the siege when she was isolated and helpless.

 It can be said that the horse saved Li Jiu's life.

This woman was so cruel to the horse, no wonder the boss would be so angry.

Bai Muyou was calm, but the staff who followed the woman couldn't be calm!

 The boss told them to take good care of this aunt.

But who would have thought that she would be pulled by her hair and forced to apologize to a horse?

Although she did this all by herself, if the boss finds out then, they will definitely be the unlucky ones.

All the staff looked at Li Jiu with complicated eyes, but no one dared to step forward to stop her. They had to stand on the ground and look at each other, at a loss.

 “You won’t apologize, right?” Li Jiu asked.

 “Are you stupid?”

 The woman was driven crazy.

 Isn’t it just a beast? As for?

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, with a sneer on his lips. He threw the woman onto the horse with a strong force.


 The sudden situation made the woman scream in pain.

 Her whole body was lying directly across the horse, and her ribs were almost broken.

She raised her head with difficulty, only to see Li Jiu jump onto the horse and press his thigh on her back, making it even harder for her to breathe.

 The next second, before she had time to think, the horse rushed out like an arrow from its string, raising dust all over the place.


The air echoed with the woman's repeated screams, and the sound shook the sky.

Li Jiu frowned at the noise. It was a pity that this person didn't sing. The woman now feels that she is about to die.

 She was shaken so hard that her heart and lungs were about to be vomited out.

But he tilted his head downwards, all the blood filled his whole brain for a while, and his brain went blank, and he didn't know what night it was.

 In this half-conscious and half-conscious state, Li Jiu led her to run around the field three times.

 During this period, the horse seemed to recognize who she was and threw her down desperately.

If Li Jiu hadn't pulled her up at the last moment every time, she might really have become a dead soul under the horse's hooves.

The blood on the woman's face faded, her lips turned white and trembled slightly. Her eyes gradually lost focus and became blurry and hollow. The only thing left was fear.

After three laps, Li Jiu pulled the reins and dismounted neatly, but the woman fell off with a plop.

The staff behind her quickly helped her up when she saw this, but her legs seemed to have been denervated and turned into a soft mess, making it impossible to stand up.

 Her whole body seemed to be exhausted, without even a point of strength.

 Just now I could be loud and arrogant, but now it’s a little difficult to speak out.

She looked at Li Jiu with deep fear in her eyes, as if she was looking at a devil from the underworld.

 She used all her strength to say to the staff: "Go quickly!"

 She doesn’t want to stay here anymore!

I don’t want to see Li Jiu anymore!

 A group of people fled the scene as if they were being caught by ghosts.

Bai Muyou clicked his tongue twice when he saw this: "Boss, your methods of torturing people are really endless."

 Over the years, there is no repetition of any pattern.

  “Deserve it.”

Li Jiu uttered two words, then walked to the horse and gently stroked its mane.

 (End of this chapter)

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