She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 181: Li Jiu: Am I not a woman?

Chapter 181 Li Jiu: Am I not a woman?

Li Jiu had a cold smile on her lips, and the surrounding temperature suddenly became very low.

Bai Muyou's mouth twitched, why is that guy Ji Huai so obsessed with death?

 Isn’t this world worth lingering on? Isn’t it good to be alive?

“The CEO of could he fall in love with Lin Yan’s sister?”

Li Jiu's tone contained emotions that were difficult to detect.

"Ji Huai's reputation has never been very good. I heard that he is suitable for both men and women." Bai Yu said.

"He and Lin Yao seem to be from the same university. It's not surprising that they are seniors and juniors."

Li Jiu: "That's it...then I'd like to take a look."

The final sound of the last word is prolonged, which has an inexplicable meaning that makes people shudder.

When Bai Muyou saw Li Jiu like this, he knew that Ji Huai was really doomed this time.

 Sympathizing with someone in her heart for a second, she said: "Third brother, have you prepared a dress for my sister-in-law? You must have a uniform to win a peach blossom, right?"

Li Jiu glanced at her sideways, and Bai Muyou immediately shut up.

 Oops, I forgot that the boss hates dresses and skirts.

Qi Jingci glanced at her and said, "Don't worry."


 The annual annual meeting seems to be particularly lively this year, for the same reason. This time Lin Yan was very generous and booked a resort so that everyone could experience the sea view of Anseong before boarding the ship.

 At night, the moonlight is dim.

  The lights on the boat were brightly lit and there was a lot of noise.

 People were coming and going in the hall, talking and socializing with each other.

Li Jiu wore a low-key black tight-fitting dress and high heels of more than ten centimeters, and entered the hall holding Qi Jingci's arm.

 Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that she wants to appear close to Qi Jingci.

 It was because she was wearing these high heels that she couldn't walk at all.

With every step I took, my ankles were about to break.

 The woman's soft little hands hit her arm and grabbed it hard, as if she was holding on to a support point. Qi Jingci looked at Li Jiu's frown and asked, "Aren't you used to it?"

 “Nonsense!” Come and try?

Li Jiu gritted his teeth secretly. This person really wanted to see her make a fool of herself, right?

 Such a high heel, is it for her to perform acrobatics?

“As a woman, do you still have sprained feet when wearing high heels?”


 “Look at Mu You.”

Li Jiu looked back and saw that behind them, Bai Muyou was also holding Bai Yuxiu's hand.

 The difference is that the heels of the shoes on Bai Muyou's feet are higher than hers, but she wears them as if for fun.

The sharp heels stepped on the porcelain white floor tiles, as if they were about to crack a crack in the ground.

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Why should she compete with a woman who can use high heels as a weapon?

 “All women love high heels, you...”

Qi Jingci looked her up and down teasingly, with a smile in his light gray eyes.

 What does  mean? Is she not a woman?

Li Jiu laughed, let go of Qi Jingci's hand, lifted up her skirt, and walked forward.

After taking only a few steps, he staggered and almost fell over.

Thanks to Qi Jingci's sharp eyesight and quick hands, he reached out with his long legs and scooped her into his arms, holding her steady with both arms.

 “Okay, I’m sorry, it’s my fault.”

Li Jiu withdrew from his arms, looked up at him, and said, "I can't tell, Third Master really understands women."

We all know that women like high heels, which is very different from the wooden pile in the rumors.

The smile on Qi Jingci's face froze, "I don't like women getting close, but I'm not an idiot." There was no common sense at all.

 What image does he have in her eyes? !

Li Jiu curled her lips and looked around casually, only to see everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at her and Qi Jingci in shock.

 Li Jiu: “…”

So just now, they all saw the way she almost fell to pieces?

 (End of this chapter)

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