She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 190: I can't act anymore

Chapter 190 I can’t continue acting

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, Lin Yao sneered: "Hey, Mr. Ji, you seem to be very self-sufficient. I'm afraid you can't do anything unclear with other women in front of your girlfriend." Do less?"

 At the end of the day, the two of them are just one and a half pounds and the other is eight ounces. No one should laugh at the other.

Ji Huai's eyes suddenly darkened, he grabbed Lin Yao's wrist and pulled her over.

Because his movements were too rough, Lin Yao grunted in pain and fell unsteadily into his arms.

Lin Yao struggled twice and wanted to leave, but was tightly restrained by Ji Huai's hands.

 In the eyes of other people, this is a very affectionate gesture between lovers, but only the person involved knows what turbulence lies beneath this ambiguity.

Ji Huai lowered his head, his lips almost touching Lin Yao's ear, and said slowly: "I agree to cooperate with you, but it doesn't mean that you can fight with me."

Lin Yao tried his best to raise his head and look at him, his eyes not to be outdone.

“Then don’t forget, I still have something you want in my hand!”

Ji Huai chuckled and suddenly released his grip on her body. He instead clasped her shoulders with his hands and said, "Of course I haven't forgotten, so..."

He was slightly closer. From the perspective of others, it looked like he was kissing Lin Yao. The lingering affection between the two made many women present jealous.

That’s President mz!

 A truly tall, rich and handsome man!

His face alone is enough to make many women flock to him, let alone his net worth.

It was just taken into Lin Yao's pocket, and he didn't give others a way to survive.

How can you not be envious and jealous?

However, only Lin Yao knew that sometimes this man was not as simple as he seemed.

 For example, right now.

  A devilish voice sounded in my ears: "You'd better not wear out my patience."

 At the last word, he deepened his tone, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

Lin Yao couldn't help but feel his whole body tense up, and a chill ran down his spine.

At this moment, a burst of regret suddenly emerged in her heart.

Why did she provoke this man at that time? He is not as easy to deal with as he appears!

Lin Yao laughed at himself and silently despised his own eyes.

 Why does she regard the dignified CEO of mz so simply?

 Those who can sit in that position are not ordinary people.

 But she made a fatal mistake and underestimated him, which made it difficult for her to escape unscathed.

Ji Huai's demonic voice still sounded in her ears: "Remember, be obedient."

Like the tender words whispered between lovers, but mixed with a heart-stopping chill.

Ji Huai showed an extremely gentle smile towards Lin Yao, his eyes were full of doting, but there was no emotion in them.

He suddenly bent down and carefully and thoughtfully straightened the folds on Lin Yao's dress.

Lin Yan, who was not far away, looked at this scene with a smile on his lips, secretly thinking that Xiao Yao had a good vision this time and chose mz's thigh. Now, with this relationship, it will definitely be more convenient for him to do things in the future. many.

Lin Yan never thought that everything he saw was an illusion that Ji Huai could act out.

After beating Lin Yao, Ji Huai took her to the lounge and said to her: "You stay here, I have something else to do."

 “Where are you going?” Lin Yao asked.

Ji Huai glanced back at her, "This is not something you should care about."

Listening to his cold and ruthless tone, Lin Yao unconsciously clenched his hands and dug his slender nails into his palms.

 She bit her lip, her eyes filled with anger.

Ji Huai's attitude towards her has changed since she took the initiative to talk to Third Master just now.

  Can’t even pretend to be in love anymore.

 Just left her here.

 (End of this chapter)

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