She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 192: Then close the Internet cafe

Chapter 192 Then close the Internet cafe

Bai Muyou chuckled when he heard this, "Ji Huai, it's not that I'm laughing at you. With your little ability, it's weird that you can catch Mo Sang."

Li Jiu ignored Bai Muyou's words and asked directly: "So you approached Lin Yao to find some excuse?"

Ji Huai nodded, lowered his eyes and said, "Aren't I just thinking that if I can catch him, I can bring him down?"

"Mo Sang has been in the Mo family for so many years. When did you say that he could be brought down if he was brought down?" Li Jiu sighed.

“What’s more, the Mo family seems to be in peace now, but in fact it is on the verge of collapse. If Mo Sang loses power, the Mo family will not be much better.”

Ji Huai nodded and understood.

“So boss, is this the reason why you have allowed those old immortals from the Mo family to fight over each other for so many years?”

Bai Muyou hated the iron and gave him a slap.

"Otherwise, what do you think? As the head of the Mo family, is it possible that the boss can tolerate them being so reckless? Isn't it just to let them check and balance each other and cancel each other out?"

Ji Huai covered his head, still puzzled, "But the Mo family has fallen apart now, boss, aren't you going to take action?"

Bai Muyou raised her lips, "Isn't the boss waiting?"

 “What are you waiting for?”

Li Jiu slowly opened his lips under Ji Huai's doubtful eyes and said, "Wait until they reveal the fox's tail themselves."

Ji Huai still doesn’t know why.


Bai Muyou couldn't help but said: "It's only been a few years since the boss took over the Mo family? He hasn't even figured out the roots yet, so what if he takes action rashly and causes them to join forces?"

 It would be better for them to be suspicious of each other because of their own interests, and both sides would suffer in the end.

"I know this, but according to the temperament of those old guys, if they don't get it in the end, I'm afraid they would rather destroy it than let the boss get his wish."

Bai Muyou sneered: "They deserve it! Do you think the boss is just a decoration these years?"

 From the first day he took over the Mo family, everyone's actions were within Li Jiu's control.

 Firstly, it is to protect the foundation of the Mo family from being shaken by the competition of those people, and secondly, through them, Li Jiu also wants to know some things that happened back then.

"If it's such a troublesome thing, the boss might as well just clean up all the Mo family members, and that's all." Bai Muyou was silent and looked straight at him.

Li Jiu’s eyes fell on him and he didn’t speak.

Ji Huai felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by two people like this.

 “Did I say something wrong?”

After a long time, Bai Muyou sighed.

 “It’s okay, it’s normal that you don’t know.”

She paused, glanced at Li Jiu secretly, and found that the latter's expression did not change much, so she felt safe to speak.

“The boss is actually just managing the Mo family on behalf of others, and is not the real head of the Mo family.”

Ji Huai frowned when he heard this. Isn't Li Jiu the head of the Mo family? So who is the real head of the Mo family? Who has such a great reputation that Li Jiu can help manage the Mo family?

However, just as he was about to ask what happened, Li Jiu suddenly glanced at him coldly, making him swallow all the questions in his throat.

 Forget it, let’s not ask. The boss’s expression didn’t look like he would tell him.

"Since Lin Yao has a relationship with the Mo family, you should keep an eye on him and let me know if there is any movement." Li Jiu ordered before leaving.

 She wanted to see what kind of trouble those restless Mo family members could make while she was away!

  “Yes, boss.”

the other side

Qi Jingci and Bai Yuxiu also talked about Szhou in the lounge.

“Third brother, some people are already eager to bite the bait put out by Szhou.”

Qi Jingci raised his thin lips slightly, with a hint of coolness.

 “Really? Then close the Internet cafe.”

 (End of this chapter)

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