She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 199: layout

Chapter 199 Layout

Looking at this situation, the head of the family is afraid that he will join forces with Mo Sang and others to get rid of Mo Sang and the others.

I really can’t tell that the head of the family, who usually remains calm, suddenly created such a big situation and waited for Mo Sang to get into it.

 Obviously, how could Moissan have any chance of winning?

At this point, he might as well express his sincerity quickly to avoid ending up in a disastrous situation.

“Head of the family, Mo Sang took advantage of your absence and incited most of the directors to join forces to deal with Organization J. The traitor of Organization J was the fault of Mo Sang and the others!”

 Mo Huai told everything he knew.

"Oh? Then tell me, what are their next plans?" Li Jiu said.


Mo Huai's expression immediately became tangled.

 He was just an errand messenger for Mo Sang, how could he know so much?

Li Jiu knew what he was thinking without looking at his expression.

With Mo Sanna’s temperament as an old fox, how could the plan he made be known to someone like Mo Huai, who couldn’t stand the intimidation of others?

Wouldn’t that be stupid!

 Originally, she didn't expect to get anything important from Mo Huai.

 She came today for another matter.

 “Mo Huai, why did you suddenly appear in Ancheng?”

Mo Huai was startled.


Li Jiu said: "This bar... wasn't originally yours."

Although it is a question, the tone is full of affirmation.

Mo Huai couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

It's true, he just got this bar, who would have thought that Li Jiu would come to the door.

"Don't tell me, you came to Ancheng just to buy a shabby bar?" Li Jiu said calmly.

Mo Huai remained silent.

Li Jiu chuckled lightly, stood up, walked to him, and looked at him condescendingly.

  “Are you curious as to why I knew your whereabouts so quickly?” Mo Huai nodded subconsciously.

"Do you really think I'm blind? Just because I didn't say anything about some small movements doesn't mean I don't know."

Li Jiu slowly leaned down and said to him, "Your range of activities is within my sight, do you understand?"

Almost instantly, Mo Huai's whole body trembled, and the chill invaded his limbs along his back, making him unable to move.

 Within sight?

 So, she knew everything they did in Continent? !

When he thought of the crazy plans that Mo Sang had told him, Mo Huai felt as if he had stepped into hell.

If Li Jiu knew everything Mo Sang did, wouldn't it mean that this was a game?

Mo Huai shuddered.

I thought that after the old patriarch died, the new patriarch would be an empty shell, but now that I think about it, I was still too naive.

"Mossan bribed people within the J organization, stole new weapons, sold them to major families in the name of the J organization, and then replaced them with ordinary arms. He could not only make huge profits, but also use those batches of weapons developed within the J organization. The new weapons developed by the personnel with great efforts are taken for themselves.”

Li Jiu clasped his hands behind his back, walked around the box, slowly opened his lips, and revealed the plan they had been planning for so long, and in front of the leader of Organization J.

Every time she spoke a word, cold sweat broke out on Mo Huai's head.

 The last prayer in her heart was still in vain, she really knew everything.


Mo Huai secretly glanced at Qi Jingci and saw that he was not surprised at all. He instantly understood that he also knew.

 However, Mo Sang and the others obviously did it very secretly, how did Li Jiu and the others know?

“It’s a pity that Mo Sang thinks too simply. The J organization is not just empty-handed, and the major families are not without brains.” Li Jiu continued.

“Now that we have a new weapon, how can those old guys who are always greedy for profit let it go?”

 (End of this chapter)

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