She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 241: Go to MZ (first update)

Chapter 241 Going to MZ (first update)

“Teacher Qi, there is braised pork in the canteen today…”

 The door was suddenly pushed open.

The words stopped suddenly and disappeared in his throat when he saw the situation in the office.

The two people who had been frozen turned their heads to look at the door at the same time.

He Yao raised her eyebrows. The person coming was an English teacher in the same grade group and also the grade director. He was one of the few people besides the principal who knew about her relationship with Qi Anyan.

 She cast her eyes between the two of them in horror, her eyes full of disbelief.

 The next second.

 “Sorry! Sorry to bother you! Keep going!”

 After saying that, the door was slammed shut.

She turned around and pressed her back against the door, taking a deep breath.

These two people are so exciting, in broad daylight, in the office, so...

He Yao is not yet an adult!

 Teacher Qi, are you so hungry?

Inside the door, Qi Anyan helplessly turned his gaze back to look at the postures of the two of them. The woman was on top of the man and the man was on the bottom. It was full of ambiguity.

No wonder the female teacher misunderstood.

“Ayao, can you get up first?”

Qi Anyan was afraid that someone would come back later and see this scene, which would have a bad impact.

"No!" He Yao shook her head willfully and looked at him: "Will you agree or not?"

“Ayao, the other teachers will be back later, it’s not good to be seen.”

He Yao’s lips curved and she said nonchalantly: “If you are seen, you will be seen.”

As she spoke, she stretched out her slender fingers and slowly touched the collar of his shirt, gathered up the slightly open collar, and tied the top button to his Adam's apple.


Qi Anyan took a breath. The blow just now almost strangled him to death.

He Yao rolled her eyes and pouted: "Brother An Yan, don't think I don't know, but you are liked by those female teachers."

 Every time she looked at him, he was like a wolf seeing flesh, making her want to dig out their eyeballs.

 The dark light in He Yao's eyes flashed away.

Qi Anyan chuckled helplessly: "Okay, stop messing around, lunch break is almost over, you should go back to class."

  No. 1 Middle School has always been very strict about students' work and rest time, and the lunch break is not long. While she and Qi Anyan were having an ambiguous atmosphere in the office just now, other teachers and students had finished their lunch and came back from the cafeteria one after another.

Although He Yao likes to make trouble, she also knows how to behave and gets down from the chair obediently.

 But she had been standing on one leg for a long time, with the other leg kneeling on a chair, which caused her calf to suddenly become numb and she almost fell down.

Qi Anyan quickly supported her with quick eyes and hands, frowned and asked, "Are you okay? Why are you so careless?"

He Yao raised the corners of her mouth, arched her eyebrows, and wrapped her arms around his neck, saying coquettishly: "My legs are numb, I need a kiss to heal them."

Qi Anyan glared at her slightly, then lowered his head and massaged her calves with his hands.

 After a while, he asked: "How is it?"

He Yao looked at his handsome profile and was entranced. She suddenly heard his words and came back to her senses in a daze, "Ah? Ah, okay."

 She jumped out of Qi Anyan's arms, quickly kissed him on the face, and said, "Brother An Yan, I'm leaving first. See you after school."

As soon as He Yao turned around, she heard Qi Anyan's gentle voice coming from behind her, "Ayao."

She turned around and glanced into Qi Anyan's gentle eyes, which seemed to fill the sky with stars. He was looking at her deeply and said, "I'll wait until you grow up."

Upon hearing this, He Yao was startled and did not realize what he meant. The next moment, her eyes suddenly lit up and she said excitedly: "Really?"

Qi Anyan nodded.

The corners of He Yao's mouth immediately raised, revealing an uncontrollable smile. The joy in her eyes could not be concealed, and she immediately flew towards him, wrapping her two slender legs around his waist.

Qi Anyan was caught off guard and subconsciously stretched out his hand to steady her body, frowning, "Ayao, stop fooling around!" How dangerous!

He Yao stuck out her tongue, rubbed his nose with her nose, and said affectionately: "Then it's settled! Future boyfriend!" He Yao no longer knew how to describe her mood, her heartbeat was calmly beating in her heart. After hearing his words, I started beating like a drum.

 Wait until she comes of age.

 There are only three months until her eighteenth birthday, which means that Qi Anyan will respond to her on her birthday.

 She originally thought that after she confessed, she would have to chase him for a long time before he could change his feelings for her.

However, she didn't expect that he would actually say such a sentence, which showed that he still had feelings for her in his heart.

He Yao was almost crazy with joy after learning this.

After getting off Qi Anyan, He Yao was so excited that she couldn't find Bei, "Brother Anyan, I'm going to class first!"

 She needs to calm down.

With that said, Qi Anyan turned around and ran out, leaving Qi Anyan shaking his head helplessly with an unconcealable smile on his lips.


"Hello? Sister, where are you? You promised to pick me up."

Shan Mingxi was wearing a formal suit, squatting on the curb, holding a briefcase in one hand and holding a nearly burned out cigarette in the other.

This nondescript behavior aroused strange looks from passers-by around him, but he didn't care at all.

Suddenly, there was the sound of braking not far away, and a silver-white Maserati stopped steadily in front of him.

 The car window lowered, revealing Li Jiu's stunning face.

Shan Mingxi's eyes lit up and she stood up suddenly, "Sister!"

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, looked him up and down, and said jokingly: "You look quite human-like in what you are wearing."

Shan Mingxi chuckled, "Aren't we going to your company, sister? We should dress more formally, I can't embarrass you."

Li Jiu hummed softly and raised her chin at him, "Get in the car."


Shan Mingxi got into the back seat, Li Jiu stepped on the accelerator, and the car flew out like an arrow.

“Sister, is this car yours? I remember it wasn’t the same car before?”

Li Jiu said calmly: "That car is useless."

Shan Mingxi said oh, it was quite expensive for her to travel.

 Ten minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of MZ.

Li Jiu put the black backpack placed on the passenger side on his shoulders and entered the MZ with Shan Mingxi.

“Hello, do you have an appointment?”

 The girl at the front desk showed a standard professional smile.

Li Jiu took out her phone and glanced at her lightly, "I'm waiting for someone."

“Okay, then please go to the rest area over there and wait.”

Li Jiu nodded and walked straight over. Shan Mingxi followed her obediently.

After a while, the elevator dedicated to the president opened, and Liu Tesuke hurried towards the rest area with a serious expression.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at Li Jiu with a man in the rest area, drinking coffee and reading a magazine with a twitching look in his eyes.

  Liu Teshu stepped forward cautiously and said softly, "boss" in a respectful manner.

Li Jiu raised her eyelids and recognized him as the person who came to pick her up when she delivered documents last time.

"It is you."

Seeing that she still remembered him, Liu Tesuke smiled slightly.

“Yes, boss, the president asked me to pick you up.”

 (End of this chapter)

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