She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 252: Looks like it’s not easy to mess with (second update)

Chapter 252 Looks like it’s not easy to mess with (second update)

Qi Mowei's eyes lit up, she smiled at Xue Cong, ran over and sat next to her, held her arm and said, "It's better for you, Sister Congcong."

Xue Cong stretched out his slender jade finger and pointed at Qi Mowei's smooth and white forehead, with a smile in his eyes: "But this is not the reason why you forgot today's welcome banquet. Tell me, how do you want to be punished?"

Qi Mowei’s mouth immediately dropped.

 Several other people laughed like crazy.

 “Hahahaha Qi Xiaowei, you have today too!”

“That’s it, I let you show off your power in normal times. Is your retribution coming?”

“Sister Congcong is our eldest sister. You dare to be late for my eldest sister’s welcome banquet. Don’t you want to mess around?”

Qi Mowei narrowed her eyes and glared at them. She picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it down in one gulp, instantly winning applause.

Ye Wanxin sat next to Qi Mowei, raised her eyebrows meaningfully at her, and asked: "Qi Xiaowei, your third sister-in-law... really knows how to come?"

  When Li Jiu was mentioned, everyone fell silent and looked at Qi Mowei with bated breath.

"Of course, we don't care who invited them." Qi Mowei gave them reassurance.

Everyone cheered, finally getting a glimpse of the woman who could steal the third master's heart.

 Only Xue Cong frowned, with some concerns in his eyes, "Weiwei, is this okay? Today is not a formal occasion. We haven't prepared any greetings. It's too rude."

What should Li Jiu do if he thinks they are rude and disrespectful? What they will lose is their family's face.

Qi Mowei waved her hand nonchalantly: "It's okay, Sister Congcong, don't worry, Ajiu never cares about this, she's easy to get along with."

"Really?" Xue Cong's brows were still furrowed, as if he couldn't believe what she said.

In a big family, everyone's actions represent the family. Although they are wealthy daughters, they all represent the face of their own family. Calling Li Jiu out so hastily today may leave a bad impression on her. impression.

 Seeing what Xue Cong was worried about, Qi Mowei sighed secretly. A person like her was obviously a socialite who was carefully cultivated by a big family. She was a perfect lady in terms of personality and demeanor.

This is the most pitiable thing. She lives without herself in a wealthy family and wears a mask all day long. She is tired just looking at her. If it had been anyone else, she would have been mentally disturbed. Fortunately, Xue Congzi looks quiet but is actually very talented. Girls with perseverance will not be overwhelmed by those things.

  Despite this, Xue Cong still has a comprehensive style of doing things.

Qi Mowei patted her shoulder and said, "Sister Congcong, Ajiu doesn't like the behavior of rich families, so you don't have to do this in front of her."


Ye Wanxin became a little curious. She blinked her clever eyes and asked, "What kind of person is your third sister-in-law?"

 Qi Mowei thought for a while.

"Ajiu, she is nothing like you wealthy daughters. She has no airs and doesn't like to play around. She is more casual and irritable. If anyone messes with her, it is impossible not to be beaten with a hammer."

 Some people covered their mouths in surprise, "Oh my god, I heard that she has a bad temper and is the school bully of Imperial University. It turns out it's true!"

"It's true, so I remind you, be careful and don't talk nonsense." Qi Mowei glanced at them and said.

 Everyone nodded, their eyes full of seriousness.

After a long time, Qi Mowei suddenly laughed and said, "Don't be so serious. In my opinion, Ajiu may not lose his temper when he sees you."

Xue Cong frowned and asked in confusion: "Why?"

Qi Mowei: "Because she likes beauties."

It's no secret that Ajiu is a Yangou, and she doesn't care whether she's male or female, as long as she's good-looking, it doesn't matter whether you're male or female. As these ladies from the imperial capital, their looks are naturally not that bad, especially for girls like Xue Cong, who are quiet and generous and can make people feel protective. She remembers that Ajiu likes this the most.

Just as Qi Mowei was thinking about it, the person in the box was suddenly pushed away.

In an instant, everyone’s eyes fell on the thin figure of Qing Jun at the door.

Li Jiu was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt with tight jeans underneath, which made her thin figure stand out. Her long black hair was hung casually behind her because of the drizzle outside, and the tips of her hair were wet. Twisted into strands.

The whole face was shrouded in moisture and became more delicate and white. The thick and curled long eyelashes were illuminated by the lights in the box, casting a shadow on the eyelids. There was a coolness between the brows and eyes. The eyes were piercing and the aura was compelling. People feel as if they are in the harsh winter, with lingering fears in their hearts.

Xue Cong's hand holding the wine glass trembled, and the wine almost didn't spill out. He was shocked by Li Jiu's eyes, a chill rose up his spine, and his finger knuckles began to turn white.

Others are not much better. I originally heard Qi Mowei talk about her and thought she was easy to get along with, but now when we meet, it is extremely difficult to even look at her.

Ye Wanxin and Xue Cong secretly looked at each other, and both saw a hint of a wry smile in each other's eyes.

This is what Qi Mowei said was easy to get along with?

  Doesn’t look like a big boss who can get along well with others.

Qi Mowei suddenly jumped up from the booth, frightening everyone present to tremble again.

Immediately afterwards, she flew towards Li Jiu under the horrified eyes of everyone. Ye Wanxin and Xue Cong, who were sitting next to her, could not even stop her in time.

Just when they thought Li Jiu would just get out of the way and let Qi Mowei fall to the ground, they vaguely saw the corner of Li Jiu's mouth slightly raised, and then immediately reached out to catch her.

 “Ajiu! You are here!”

Qi Mowei was like a cheering bird, excitedly holding her arm and introducing her to everyone, "This is the Li Jiu I told you, my future third sister-in-law!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Jiu narrowed his eyes, raised his finger and struck her on the back of the head mercilessly.

 “What are you talking about?”

Qi Mowei covered her head in pain, turned around and looked at her aggrievedly, and said, "I'm not wrong..."

 She was originally the future third sister-in-law.

Watching the interaction between Qi Mowei and Li Jiu, everyone looked at each other. Finally, Xue Cong took a deep breath, stood up from the booth, walked up to Li Jiu gracefully, showed a gentle smile, and said: " Hello Miss Li, first time meeting me, I’m Xue Cong.”

Li Jiu looked at her, then nodded.

 With Xue Cong's opening words, the atmosphere next became much more relaxed, and there was no condensation like when Li Jiu first entered.

“Hello, Miss Li, I’m Ye Wanxin, nice to meet you.”

Ye Wanxin also stood up and walked to Li Jiu, showing a friendly smile.

The people behind him also said hello.

Li Jiu knew that they were all friends of Qi Mowei and nodded to them one by one.

Qi Mowei took Li Jiu's hand and sat in the middle of the booth. Next to her sat Xue Cong and Ye Wanxin.

Xue Cong is obviously the protagonist today, but when Li Jiu arrives, everyone's attention is focused on her, but Xue Cong is not annoyed.

 After all, she was also curious about what kind of person Li Jiu was.

 (End of this chapter)

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