She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 289: Brother An Yan, why are you so funny?

Chapter 289 Brother An Yan, why are you so funny?

Although He Yao is not afraid of the female teacher's revenge, she is afraid of being called into the office by Qi Anyan.

“Ayao, what’s going on between you and Teacher Yu?”

Qi Anyan looked at He Yao and frowned slightly.

 “She complained to you?”

He Yao curled her lips in disdain and sneered in her heart. She was still waiting for her revenge, but it turned out that she could only snitch?

Qi Anyan's eyes became helpless, "She said you didn't respect the teacher in class, and you went out to confront her."

He Yao raised her eyebrows, sneered, and asked, "Brother Anyan, do you believe it?"

"Do not believe."

Their Qi family has raised children, and he watched what kind of temperament he grew up. Isn't he clear?

  Need that Teacher Yu to make irresponsible remarks?

He Yao raised the corners of her mouth, with a smile on her face, and threw herself into Qi Anyan's arms. She put her head on his shoulder and said coquettishly, "I knew brother An Yan was the best."

The girl's soft hair stuck to the crook of her neck, almost hanging on her body like a koala. Qi Anyan slowly raised the corners of his mouth in a corner where she couldn't see, but quickly put it down again and stretched out his hand. Pull her away.

He Yao reluctantly stood in front of him and glanced at him aggrievedly. Her eyes were full of regret. She hadn't hugged him enough.

Noticing the obvious look in He Yao's eyes, Qi Anyan coughed lightly and tried to make his voice more serious, "You haven't made it clear yet, what exactly happened?"

He Yao's expression froze, she lowered her head and said vaguely: "That's it..."

 “What kind?” Qi Anyan asked.

He Yao sighed and said: "I...I was chatting with someone and accidentally made a complaint, but the person named Yu said that I scolded her."

 After saying that, she secretly glanced at Qi Anyan's face, and as expected, the latter's face turned dark immediately.

"He Yao! How many times have I told you not to use mobile phones in class!" Qi Anyan said sharply.

He Yao winced, her eyes averted, and she called her by her first and last name. She was really angry.

It's so miserable, every time he gets angry it takes a long time to calm him down.

He won't go without talking to her for several days this time, right?

He Yao lowered her eyelashes and did not dare to say anything.

Seeing her lowering her head and not speaking, looking guilty, Qi Anyan tried hard to suppress the anger in her heart, gritted her teeth and asked, "What next?"

He Yao looked up at him, then quickly looked away, raised her hand and pinched her earlobe, and said: "Then she asked me to go up to solve the problem. I didn't want to go, but what she said was too unpleasant, so I got angry. Go up and solve the problem."

Qi Anyan narrowed his eyes while listening, "Well, so you did the questions?"

 The next moment, he suddenly reacted and looked at her in surprise, forgetting even his anger for a moment.

 “You said you finished the question?”

He Yao nodded.

Qi Anyan's eyes lit up with joy, and he put the criticism of her behind him. He turned around, took out a pen and paper from the drawer, put it into her hand, and said, "Show me the question and the answer you wrote."

He Yao looked at the blank A4 paper in her hand, and the corner of her mouth twitched. How could she remember the questions she had solved?

However, seeing Qi Anyan's serious expression, He Yao pondered for a while and wrote another question on the paper that was similar to her "level".

Qi Anyan picked it up and read the questions, and then took a look at her solution to the problem. His eyes lit up, and a look of joy suddenly appeared on his face, and he said appreciatively: "Ayao, yes, you have made progress."

 Knowing how to write a proof and having a clear idea is a huge improvement for He Yao.

Qi Anyan couldn't help but feel relieved, "As long as you continue to work hard, your grades will definitely improve."

 He Yao: “…”

He Yao smiled at him, very far-fetched.

It's just that Qi Anyan didn't notice anything strange about her at all, and was immersed in great joy at this time. He was happy for a while, and then he took on the role of the class teacher and began to use the tone he usually used when talking to other students, "Ayao, I have told you a long time ago that you are not stupid, you just don't want to learn. You see, working hard now is not Is there any reward?"

“Effort and learning are directly proportional. There is no such thing as a born genius, only an acquired lazy person.”


He Yao’s expression was stiff and she could hardly hold back the smile on her face. How does it feel when your boyfriend talks to you like a class teacher?

 It’s exciting and confusing anyway.

He Yao didn't want to listen anymore. She was afraid that she would go crazy, so she immediately interrupted his thoughts.

 “Who says there is no such thing as a natural genius? I’ve seen it.”

Qi Anyan was stunned and asked subconsciously: "Who is it?"

He Yao looked at him with bright eyes and said seriously: "You!"

Qi Anyan: “…”

"Brother An Yan, look, you are an honorary professor of Imperial University at such a young age. This is a height that many people will never reach in their lifetimes. Moreover, you have been excellent in both conduct and learning since you were a child. You are a typical kid from other people's families. You have received many awards. A room in the old house is filled with piles. Even Grandpa Qi said that you are a rare genius in the Qi family, and..."


Qi Anyan interrupted her. She really couldn't bear to hear these compliments coming out of her mouth.

 It sounds weird.

And I didn’t feel it just now, but now I feel that it is particularly awkward to speak to her in the tone of the head teacher.

It seems that my girlfriend has been scolded, and she even feels a little uncomfortable.

 Even though the person who taught her was himself.

Qi Anyan's eyes instantly turned strange. What kind of weird feeling is this?

Moreover, you haven’t agreed to be her boyfriend yet? Why did you directly take in your boyfriend's emotions?

 “Brother An Yan.”

He Yao secretly observed his expression, and seeing that she had successfully changed the topic, she immediately continued her efforts, stretched out her little finger to hook his palm, and said coquettishly: "I know what you mean, I will work hard in the future."

The last "La" sound was dragged out extremely long, and she dragged it out into a delicate and artificial sound.

Qi Anyan felt that the palm of her hand that had been touched by her felt hot, and she subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but her body did not move at all.

Hearing her coquettish tone, my eyelids twitched, I felt very uncomfortable, and my ears gradually turned pink. Despite this, my face was expressionless and she said: "Speak to me properly."

He Yao stared at his face for a few seconds, and then burst into laughter.

 How could she not know that he was shy after living together for so long?

So He Yao teased him even more, "Brother An Yan, I'm just talking nicely. Isn't it nice? Why are you such a bastard!"

Qi Anyan's face immediately turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

He Yao couldn't help it and burst into laughter.

 “Hahahaha, brother An Yan, why can’t you help being so funny!”

Qi Anyan looked at her expressionlessly, hummed softly, suddenly stretched out his hand, and pulled her into his arms.

He Yao was still smiling one second, and the next second she was in someone's arms, and she didn't react for a while.

 She heard a burst of warm breath spraying on her neck.

 “Who did you call funny just now?”

 (End of this chapter)

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