She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 340: You be careful, I will pass the position to my apprentice.

Chapter 340 Be careful, I will pass the position to my apprentice

Downstairs in the kitchen, Qi Jingci frowned at a pile of pots and pans, as if thinking about how to use them.

 The chef and servants next to him were frightened, fearing that he would accidentally demolish the place.

“Chief, chief, what do you want to do, why not let us do it.” The chef said without tears.

With Qi Jingci's pure demeanor, even stepping into the kitchen felt like a mistake, let alone seeing how he looked like he had to do it himself!

 “How to make porridge?”

Qi Jingci rolled up his sleeves a little, stretched out his knuckled hand to hold the kitchen knife, and flexibly turned it around in his hand, and the cold light appeared.

  Everyone’s legs suddenly became weak and they all swallowed their saliva.

This man doesn’t look like he’s cooking, he looks like he’s killing someone!

The chef's eyes fell on the sharp and shiny blade that was sharpened not long ago. His heart beat like a drum and his voice trembled unconsciously: "Bake porridge. I'm good at this. Chief, why don't you go out first and I'll finish it." Can I bring it out to you?”

Qi Jingci frowned and refused: "No need."

 When the chef heard this, he wanted to cry even more. What on earth are you going to do?

 Can you let his kitchen go?

 He is just a cook, so it is easy for him!

Qi Jingci held the kitchen knife, his eyes swept over everyone, and finally settled on the chef, which sent a chill down his spine and an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, the next moment, Qi Jingci said: "Teach me."

 “Huh?” At that moment, the chef thought he was hallucinating.

Qi Jingci frowned and repeated, "I said, you teach me how to make porridge."


 Everyone: “…”

Yaoshou! Can today’s kitchen be saved?

 “What? No?”

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes and glanced at them.

 Everyone immediately shook their heads, "No!"

 “Then hurry up.”

The chef shrank his neck, looking at the gleaming kitchen knife in his hand and his eyes that were sharper than the kitchen knife, he could only bite the bullet.

 Fortunately, although Qi Jingci's manual ability was not directly proportional to his IQ, it was not inversely proportional either. With a little bit of patient "teaching" from him, he finally made the porridge.

Qi Jingci looked at the porridge in the pot and raised his eyebrows. It seemed that cooking was not that difficult.

 In the future, you may consider learning to cook a Manchu-Han banquet. I don’t know if Jiujiu likes it. If you don’t like it, you can also learn to cook Western food.

 “Hey! Chief, the porridge is almost burnt!”

 The chef exclaimed, instantly disrupting his thoughts. His eyes darkened, and he immediately turned around to check the situation.

However, it was too late. A burning smell filled his nose, making him frown even more.

How long did it take to become confused?

The chef looked sad and said: "Chief, how about I do it?"

 His pot! His ingredients!

Qi Jingci snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes dangerously, and said in a deep voice, "Come again."

He still doesn’t believe it. It’s just a small pot of porridge, and it can’t be cooked well?

“But chief, you have used up all the ingredients.”

 “Buy it after you use it up.”


 Half an hour later, Qi Jingci stood in the kitchen, still struggling with the porridge.

 At this moment, a video invitation suddenly came.

 The mobile phone displays: President.

 Qi Jingci frowned and nodded in agreement.

The next moment, a handsome baby face appeared on the screen. He looked like a boy in his early twenties. However, when he opened his mouth, he sounded like an elder: "Aci, what are you doing?"

Qi Jingci took the phone away in disgust, not wanting to see this eye-catching scene.    "Is your power out of control again?"

 The "boy" smiled and said, "Yeah, I lost control again."

Qi Jingci switched his cell phone to his left hand, picked up the spoon in his right hand, and carefully stirred the porridge in the pot, while saying, "Since you've lost control, why don't you go to retreat, why are you looking for me?"

“Hey, you kid, you haven’t contacted me for a long time. I, my senior brother, should pay attention to you. What’s wrong with you?”

Qi Jingci chuckled, "If you have time to care about me, you might as well deal with more association matters."

The "boy" was silent for a moment, and after a while, he sighed heavily, with a forlorn expression, and angrily accused him: "Oh, you won't let me go even when I'm about to retire, it's so disrespectful of the old and the young! "

Qi Jingci twitched the corner of his mouth and resisted the urge to throw the phone into the pot. He gritted his teeth and said, "Can you not say this with such a face?"

He looks younger than him now, how dare he say this?

This old and disrespectful man is now the president of the United Association of Superpowers, Zhong Qing. His superpower is to control time.

As he grows older, his abilities gradually become out of control, and he will "rejuvenate" from time to time, returning to his youthful appearance.

This kind of loss of control has no impact on him, but the frequency is difficult to control. Therefore, in order to avoid sudden situations while working, he is currently in a semi-retired state.

However, after a person "returns to youth", his mentality becomes a lot childish. He cannot bear the loneliness and likes to look for him when he has nothing to do.

Zhongqing smiled and touched his face and said, "How are you? Are you envious? I'm more handsome than you now."

“…You lost control of your powers and were blind by the way?”

Zhong Qing snorted and rolled his eyes, "You brat, why are you talking to your senior brother? He's not big or small."

Qi Jingci twitched his lips expressionlessly, "Then what does senior brother want from me?"

Zhongqing: "Actually, it's nothing..."

 “Then I’m dead.”

 “Hey wait!”

Seeing that he was really about to hang up, Zhong Qing quickly stopped him, "You kid! Why are you so impatient? I haven't finished speaking yet!"

Qi Jingci said expressionlessly: "If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly. I'm very busy."

“I heard that the people on the council have been restless recently. They are also fueling the revival of the Cha League. Is this true?”


“You bastard!” Zhong Qing cursed angrily: “They are all scoundrels who eat everything inside and outside the home! The association raises them just to keep them from doing human work?”


Zhong Qing suddenly looked at Qi Jingci and said, "Don't be merciful and deal with them all quickly. How can they still have the energy to jump around when they are all old and immortal!"

Qi Jingci clicked his tongue, "You are older than them, aren't you still jumping around?"

"That's bah! How dare you compare me to them, you brat? Who are you talking about?" Zhong Qing was immediately furious and pointed at Qi Jingci with a trembling finger. He could feel his pain through the screen. fly into a rage.

“I’m telling you, deal with them quickly, otherwise you won’t be the vice-president!”

Qi Jingci said nonchalantly: "I didn't think about it at first."

“…Qi Jingci, do you think I can’t beat you now that I’m not in front of you?”

Zhong Qing's baby face turned red with anger and roared: "Let me tell you! You are not the only junior brother of Laozi. Laozi's apprentices are more capable and smarter than you. If you dare to anger me again, believe it or not, I will take the position of president Pass it to her!"

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows, "Apprentice? What kind of Nine Gods are you talking about in the second team?"

Zhong Qing hummed arrogantly, thinking that he finally realized the sense of crisis.

However, I didn’t expect that his next sentence would be:

“You can pass it on if you want, I’m not interested anyway.”

 Zhongqing: “…”

 (End of this chapter)

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