She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 343: let me stay

Chapter 343 Let me stay

Li Jiu put the phone aside, quickly lay down, and watched Qi Jingci come in with a bowl of porridge, his eyes flashing.

"You haven't eaten since you fainted. Let's drink some porridge first to fill your stomach."

Qi Jingci put the porridge on the bedside, leaned over and helped her up. He wanted to feed her himself, but was refused.

 “I’ll do it myself.”

Li Jiu took the porridge and took a sip. The taste was okay, but it was mixed with a mushy taste.

 She frowned and asked, "Who did this?"

Are all the chefs in J organization at this level?

Qi Jingci's eyes trembled slightly as he looked at her seriously, not missing any subtle expression, "Isn't it delicious?"

He endured it three times, and the kitchen trash can was full of the products of failure. This was considered relatively passable.

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, guessing something from his tone, and took another bite.

At this time, even if she couldn't taste it, she could feel the hard rice grains crunching between her teeth.

 Obviously, not cooked at all.

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Aware that he was staring at her with particularly serious eyes, Li Jiu didn't want to undermine his self-confidence too much.

He could only comfort him: "It's not bad, the workmanship is good."

Hearing this, Qi Jingci breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, as long as she didn't dislike it.

 After a moment, he suddenly realized something was wrong in Li Jiu's words, and looked at her in surprise, "Do you know it was me who endured it?"

His expression succeeded in amusing Li Jiu. The corners of her mouth raised slightly and she said, "I smell of oily smoke, and you looked nervous when you just watched me drink, without blinking. I guess it was you who did it." ”

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows at Qi Jingci and said jokingly: "Master Qi, may I ask how it feels to be in the kitchen for the first time?"

Looking at him like this, he must have failed countless times before serving this bowl of porridge, right?

The first time Li Jiu saw Qi Jingci's embarrassment, he suddenly wanted to laugh, but gradually he couldn't laugh anymore.

Is it possible that he has been in the kitchen making porridge for her since he went out just now?

Thinking of this, her eyes trembled slightly, her long fingers gripped the sheets slightly, and there was a trace of unnaturalness in her eyes.

Qi Jingci curled his lips and did not tell her that this was not his first time in the kitchen.

If you really count, the first person to taste what he made should be Zhong Qing.

However, since he almost lost half his life after eating him, he has never been in the kitchen again.

 Li Jiu was the only one who could make him spend so much time and food to take it seriously.

He smiled, held a tissue with his knuckled fingers, stretched it to her mouth, and gently wiped away the rice grains stuck to the corner of her mouth.

Li Jiu was dazed, startled by his action, her eyes trembled suddenly, and a slight itching sensation came from the corner of her mouth. Her whole body seemed to be electrocuted, and she subconsciously wanted to avoid his touch.

However, Qi Jingci grabbed his chin and gently lifted it up, unable to move no matter what.

His movement just forced her to look at him. The distance between them was so close that their breathing was so close that it made her heart skip a beat.


Li Jiu's pupils shrank suddenly, and she was about to blurt out to tell him to stay away.

Unexpectedly, the next second, he let go of his grip on her.

"..." The words he was about to say suddenly got stuck in his throat, and Li Jiu swallowed them back, then glared at him fiercely.

 Don't think that she can't see that he is deliberately taking advantage of her while she is temporarily weak!

Li Jiu snorted and began to drive people away without politeness, "I've finished the porridge. You can go out. I want to rest."

“…” Qi Jingci was speechless, “This is my bedroom. If you let me out, where will I sleep?”

Li Jiu rolled his eyes and didn't care about it. "Sleep wherever you like, but if it doesn't work, you can just squeeze in with the two dogs outside."

Er Gouzi, the watchdog of Organization J, was picked up when he was wandering on the street and has been raised until now.

What she loves most is wagging her tail at people. When Li Jiu came here for the first time, she was often rubbed by it until she couldn't walk. It is a genuine dog leg.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes dangerously, his eyes darkened, and he stretched out his hand to scoop her into his arms. His long arms tightly held her waist, and said in a dangerous tone: "Let me go and talk to you." Dog sleeps?”

“At any rate, I have taken so much trouble to take care of you, and you drive me to the doghouse, tsk tsk tsk...”

Qi Jingci shook his head and sighed: "Jiujiu, you are so cruel."

Li Jiu was choked by him and couldn't breathe. She reached out and pushed him, trying to break away from his control, "Stay away from me."

Qi Jingci snorted coldly. Not only did he not let go, he hugged her even closer. He leaned directly in and put his head in the crook of Li Jiu's neck. He said angrily, "No!"

 The neck was one of the most sensitive parts of Li Jiu's body. Now that he was touching her like this, his whole body suddenly froze.

However, Qi Jingci was not honest enough to rub her back and forth. The slightly hard broken hair was tied into her fair and delicate skin, which caused a tingling sensation and almost made all the hairs on her body stand up.

Li Jiu almost blew his hair off and ripped off his head instantly.

She gritted her teeth fiercely, and a few syllables came out from between her teeth, with a very gritted tone, "Get up!"

Qi Jingci buried his head in the crook of her neck, took a deep breath, smelled the comfortable and fresh mint smell on her body, slightly hooked his thin lips, and said, "Unless you let me sleep here, I will Sorry."

Li Jiu’s back teeth were grinding loudly.

 Sleep here?

 He is just thinking nonsense!


Qi Jingci continued to hug her, feeling as if he would never let go.

 “Qi Jingci!”

Li Jiu couldn't bear it anymore.

 Changing cities is like this for others. No matter how weak she is, she can still make that person who does not care about life or death immediately not see the sun tomorrow!

A dark smile flashed in Qi Jingci's eyes. He raised his head and pressed it against her ear, exhaling hot air like a mischief, and said with an evil smile: "I'm here, what did Jiujiu want me to do?"

Li Jiu's auricles were immediately stained pink visibly to the naked eye. His whole body was extremely stiff, and he had completely lost control of his expression.


Li Jiu's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and he was about to reach the edge of going berserk.

But Qi Jingci didn't seem to notice the approaching danger at all, and still hugged Li Jiu and rubbed him shamelessly, like a big two-dog.

 If you add two ears and a tail, it will look more like it.

“Jiujiu, let me stay and sleep, okay?”

Somehow, Li Yan heard a little coquettish in Qi Jing's tone, and the whole person was a little messy.


Qi Jingci did not give up, "With me here, it will be easier to take care of you."


Qi Jingci sighed, "Don't you want someone to accompany you when you sleep?"

“…I don’t want to.” Li Jiu’s mouth twitched. She doesn’t have that special habit. Thank you!

Qi Jingci blinked, "Then what do you want?"

Li Jiupi smiled at him without a smile, which sent a chill down his spine.

 “I want you to stay away from me, thank you.”

After saying that, she stretched out her straight long legs and kicked him to the ground cleanly.

 (End of this chapter)

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