She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 37: He has seen that card

 Chapter 37: He has seen that card before

The waiter froze on the spot and took it carefully for a long time.

 After swiping the card, he returned it to Li Jiu very carefully.

The back and forth only lasted a few seconds, but several people present widened their eyes in surprise.

 “Damn it! I’m not dazzled!”

Lu Qingran didn’t know when he came behind Li Jiu.

 Looking at the purple gold card that Li Jiu took out, he almost jumped three feet high.

 “Zi, Zijin card!”

Lu Qingran looked shocked and turned to look at Qi Jingci.

“I’ll go, Third Brother, you’re the only one in the entire imperial capital who has this Zijin Card, right?”

Qi Jingci remained silent, but his eyes fell on Li Jiu unconsciously.

Lu Qingran is so excited now.

Li Jiu actually has a purple gold card?


 Since when did Zijinka become like Chinese cabbage?

 Do you know how precious this is?

 Compared with it, black cards and so on are simply weak!

 Because it is not only unlimited, but also comes with other permissions.

Qi Jingci doesn’t go out much, so he hardly uses his card.

He has never seen Qi Jingci take it out.

 Today is a feast for the eyes.

If Lu Qingran hadn't seen so many people at the scene, he might have just knelt down and hugged his thigh and called Li Jiu's dad.

 My heart is full of doubts.

 Isn’t she really here to show off her wealth?

 The necklace I spent so much money on just changed hands and was given away.

 You even took out your Zijin Card to settle the bill?

Li Jiu is really unjust.

 If possible, she wouldn't want to be so ostentatious.

But her black card is still in Ji Yunshu's hand.

 I don’t have any other cards with me.

 That’s why I took this one.

But fortunately, when Li Jiu took out his purple card, he was blocked by the waiter and was not seen by other people present, otherwise it would cause another commotion.

No one noticed that the moment Li Jiu took out the purple card, Qi Jingci's light gray eyes trembled.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Jiu carefully.

 I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

 He always felt that Li Jiu and that woman were really similar.

 Although my age is not right.

 But maybe the two people are related?

He was thinking, with a dark light floating in his eyes, making it difficult to understand his thoughts.

That card.

 He seems to have seen it before.

 Four years ago, that woman once took out a purple gold card in front of him.

  But I’m not sure.

 All purple gold cards are the same, and he cannot guarantee that they belong to that woman.

But that's okay.

 When applying for a Zijin Card, you must present your identity certificate.

 There are not many people who have the ability to apply for a card.

As long as he checks...

 It is natural to know whether Li Jiu is the woman from four years ago.

If so…

Qi Jingci pursed his thin lips into a straight line and his eyes were cold.     That's really where you can't find anything after wearing iron shoes.

 He searched for it for four years to no avail.

 She delivered it to the door herself.


 When the auction ended, it was almost half past nine.

 According to Li Jiu's usual work and rest schedule for an elderly person.

 At this time, he was already sleeping in bed.

But tonight, she was very energetic.

  Came to attend an auction and slept twice.

Although it’s not that exciting, it’s better than nothing.

 After all, she has to "work" later!

 Before leaving, Qi Mowei was still insisting on returning the necklace to her.

Finally, she took the trouble and said coldly: "What I gave to you is yours. If you give it back to me, there's nothing I can do about it, but I don't understand this kind of thing. Look, this gem is quite big, otherwise I'll take it back." Cracking walnuts?”

Qi Mowei finally managed to shut up.

 Although she doesn't usually wear these expensive jewelry.

 But we can’t stand someone who wastes natural resources.

Hash a walnut with such a big piece of sapphire!

 Besides, given the relationship between Li Jiu and her, it’s nothing to give these.

 At worst, I’ll give her a gift next time.

Li Jiu has already said this, and it would be really hypocritical to say that he wants to return it.

So Qi Mowei readily accepted it.

On the way back, Qi Mowei was sitting in the back seat of the car, humming a tune so happily that she almost stopped singing.

Had it not been for Qi Jingci sitting next to her, she might even have wiggled her **** and sang loudly.

  “Did I say that’s the problem for you?”

Lu Qingran looked at Qi Mowei with disgust.

I really don’t understand. Isn’t it just a broken necklace?

 Oh, it’s still a necklace I bought for more than double the price.

 Happy to be so happy!

Qi Mowei was so happy that she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

 After hearing Lu Qingran's words, she rolled her eyes.

 “You don’t understand, this is Ajiu’s full love for me!”

As she spoke, she hugged the box in her arms tighter, treating it like a treasure.

Lu Qingran had goosebumps all over her body, and her whole body felt bad.



 “Do you know what you look like now?”

Qi Mowei didn’t know why, “What does it look like?”

 “Like a pure little white flower kept by a rich man.”

  …I think you are just jealous of me.”

Qi Mowei made a sound, and she smelled a strong sour smell from Lu Qingran's words.

“Don’t think I don’t know, you must have felt sad when you saw Ajiu’s purple gold card.”

 She still knows a thing or two about Lu Qingran's frivolous ways.

Lu Qingran became interested when mentioning this.

"By the way, how come she has a purple gold card? That's really not something that ordinary people can get."

 And even if you have money and power, it may not be easy to use.

 Like him, he doesn’t have it.

"Are you envious? Are you jealous? I won't tell you!"

 (End of this chapter)

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