She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 368: Third child! Get down here!

Chapter 368 The third child! Get down here!

"I didn't plant it." Mr. Li explained: "Your uncle got it from nowhere when he had nothing to do. The climate in the Imperial Capital is not suitable for growing roses. Your uncle has been busy recently, and those flowers have withered without anyone taking care of them. I thought it was a pity, so I helped him raise him.”

Li Jiu then understood. She curled her lips. She didn't expect that Li Chen was quite romantic at his age. Wasn't his eldest aunt coaxed into her like this when she was young?

"Xiaojiu, how are you doing abroad? Did you have fun with Xiaoci?" Mr. Li asked her about her situation.

 “It’s okay, pretty good.”

Li Jiu considered it carefully and said, "Grandpa, have you and Grandpa Qi... made an appointment to play together recently?"

"Lao Qi, I haven't seen him for a long time. He usually likes to go fishing and listen to operas. I don't like those things. How can we make an appointment together?" Mr. Li said.

“Then…do you want to get together with Grandpa Qi?”

 “Okay, I’ll be idle anyway...”

The voice stopped.

A flash of light flashed in Mr. Li's eyes. He didn't know what he thought of. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "Xiaojiu, where are you now?"

Li Jiu's heart skipped a beat, she was still guessed, and she knew that if she asked this question, the old man would definitely feel something was wrong.

 But if you don’t say anything, how can you invite the old man to Qi’s house?

With desperation, she had no choice but to tell the truth, "I'm at Grandpa Qi's place."


When Mr. Li heard this, he immediately said angrily: "So, when you returned to China, instead of coming back to see my biological grandfather, you went to Old Man Qi's place instead?"

"Grandpa, that's not the case, listen to me..." Li Jiu hurriedly tried to explain, but was interrupted.

"I won't listen!" Mr. Li snorted heavily, "Xiaojiu, you disappoint me so much. In your eyes, I can't even compare to Old Qi?"



Mr. Li hung up the phone angrily and decided to ignore his granddaughter.

   The forced white-eyed wolf·Li Jiu: “…”

 What should I do if grandpa is jealous and ignores me? Waiting should be quite urgent.

When Li Chen came down from upstairs, he saw Mr. Li sitting on the sofa and sulking. He couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Dad, what's going on?"

Mr. Li glared and snorted coldly, "Ask your niece!"

What a useless granddaughter, he doesn’t want it anymore!

Li Chen: “…?”

It took Li Chen a while to realize that he was talking about Li Jiu.

“Didn’t Xiaojiu go abroad to play with the third child of the Qi family?”

"came back?"

Li Chen was surprised: "You're back? When? Why is there no news at all?"

Mr. Li glanced at him lightly and said coolly: "How do we know? He got off the plane and went directly to Qi's house."

That tone exuded deep resentment.

Li Chen: “…”

Oke, I know why the old man is so unhappy.

He laughed and said, "Dad, maybe Xiaojiu just has something to do."

"What's so important that you can't even come back?" Mr. Li suddenly felt aggrieved.

Although he did not watch this granddaughter grow up, he was very kind to her. However, he did not expect that he would forget about his grandfather once he had a man.

Fortunately, he had tried so hard to set her up with the third child of the Qi family, including getting engaged and living together.

It's good now. His goal was indeed achieved, but Li Jiu didn't bring him a grandson-in-law, but was kidnapped instead!

Li Jiu sneezed and felt a little warm behind her ears. She knew without even thinking that Mr. Li was scolding her.

She sighed helplessly and called Mr. Li again.

Mr. Li raised his eyelids, glanced, turned his head slightly, and did not answer. The phone rang three times.

In the end, Li Chen couldn't stand his childish behavior and took over for him.

 “Grandpa, I was wrong, don’t be angry.”

As soon as the call was connected, Li Jiu immediately admitted his mistake sincerely.

Li Chen coughed lightly, covered up the smile on his lips, and said, "Xiaojiu, I am your uncle."

“…Uncle, please help me tell grandpa that it’s really not that I don’t want to go back to see him.”

 The smile in Li Chen's eyes became even greater. He looked at Mr. Li and replied, "Okay."

When Mr. Li saw Li Jiu apologizing, his expression softened a little, but he was still unhappy. He mouthed to Li Chen and asked her why she didn't come back.

"Ahem...Xiaojiu, I have to say something to you. Since you have returned to China, why don't you come back? Do you know how much your grandpa misses you during this time and talks about you every day?" Li Chen said.

"I wanted to, but Grandpa Qi called me over as soon as I got off the plane. He asked me to stay at Qi's house today and wouldn't let me go back." Li Jiu complained aggrievedly.

Mr. Li exploded when he heard this. Regardless of whether he was having trouble with Li Jiu, he directly raised his voice: "What did you say? Mr. Qi won't let you go?"

 Is this okay?

A successful smile flashed across Li Jiu's eyes, and her tone became even more pitiful, "Yes, I said I wanted to go back to see you, but Grandpa Qi said there was no rush and asked me to rest at Qi's house for one night and then talk tomorrow."

 “That’s not true!”

Mr. Li was so angry that he stood up. Li Chen was so frightened that he quickly supported him.

"Is that old man Qi going to stir up trouble?" Mr. Li brushed Li Chen's hand away, picked up his cell phone and started yelling: "My granddaughter wants to come see me and he won't let me go? Is his family living by the sea so strict?"

Li Chen: “…”

Mr. Li frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "No, Xiaojiu, just wait there. Grandpa will pick you up right away."

 With that said, he asked Zhou Ma to get his coat, and he was about to go out and rush to Qi's house.

Li Chen's eyelids twitched. Seeing his old man's menacing look, he didn't want anything to happen in the middle of the night.

Moreover, if word gets out that Mr. Li rushed to Qi's house in the middle of the night and had a big fight with Mr. Qi, someone with ill intentions will definitely say that the Li and Qi families are at odds. By then, Li Jiu and Qi Jingci's marriage contract will probably be broken. It is also said to be a superficial relationship of forced marriage.

Thinking of this, he quickly put on a coat and chased after him.

At the Qi family, Li Jiu hung up the phone, threw himself on the bed and rolled back and forth twice, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.


At this time, the servant knocked on the door and said: "Miss Li, the old lady asked you to come down."

Li Jiu responded.

 After going downstairs, she did not see Mrs. Qi. Instead, she was suddenly hugged from behind.

Qi Jingci pitifully put his head on the crook of her neck and rubbed it back and forth, as if coquettishly complaining, "Jiujiu..."

Li Jiu was tickled by him, so she pushed his head away with her hands and said disgustedly: "Go away."

 The more she said this, the tighter she hugged her.

Qi Jingci refused to let go, hanging on her like a large koala, which made her eyelids twitch.

 “Let go! Don’t let others see it!”

Li Jiu pulled his hand around her waist hard.

“Don’t let go, they can watch it if they want.” Qi Jingci hummed, this is his home, he can hold her however he wants!

"Third brother! What are you doing? You have the nerve to hang on Xiaojiu with such a heavy person? What if you crush her? Get off me quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mrs. Qi's roar immediately sounded.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

 (End of this chapter)

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