She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 402: Ning Feng: Don’t be so deceptive.

Chapter 402 Ning Feng: Don’t be so deceptive

Li Jiu looked at the phone that had been hung up in his hand, smiled and shook his head.

 “Boss, what’s wrong?”

Ning Feng, who was sitting opposite her, was a little surprised when he saw Li Jiu suddenly curling up his lips and smiling softly.

It seems that it is rare to see Li Jiu so happy.

Li Jiu threw the phone aside, with a smile on her fair face, which was particularly moving under the light. Even the tear marks at the end of her eyes were a little more vivid.

 “It’s okay, a clingy spirit will be here soon.”

As soon as these words came out, ambiguous laughter burst out from the box.

Ji Huai had a bad smile on his face, "Hey, boss, what kind of clingy person can make you so embarrassed? Aren't you a clingy person with one punch?"

 Everyone laughed.

Li Jiu squinted his eyes and cursed: "Do you believe I can punch you?"

Ji Huai feigned fear and shrank his neck, leaning back. The person behind him slapped him away with a look of disgust.

"Ji Huai, I haven't seen you for a while. Why are you becoming more and more plump? Is it possible that you are the emperor's bread to keep you fat?"

The man looked Ji Huai up and down, showing disgust.

Ji Huai was furious when he heard this, "Liu Yige, your sister! You are the mellow one! Your whole family is mellow!"

He goes to the gym almost every day and maintains a very good figure. He has a standard golden ratio. Why does he say he is fat?

The woman known as Liu Yige curled her lips, blinked her passionate peach blossom eyes, and showed an innocent look. She turned to ask the two people opposite: "Did I say something wrong?"

 The two men looked at each other and laughed louder.

 Bai Ye slightly hooked his thin lips and smiled indifferently. A small stream of light flashed across his narrow eyes, "No, Yige, you were right. Ji Huai is indeed fat."

Lancer's blue eyes narrowed to just a slit, and he sided with Liu Yige without hesitation, teasing Ji Huai without mercy at all, "Hahahaha, that's right, he obviously lived a good life after being transferred to the Imperial Capital by the boss. ”

Including Liu Yige, they were all members of the legendary MZ veteran group who founded MZ with Li Jiu.

Since meeting Shan Mingxi at MZ a few days ago, Li Jiu asked Ji Huai to notify a few people who were still at MZ headquarters to come to Imperial Capital.

After receiving the news, they all put down what they were doing and hurriedly gathered in the Imperial Capital today.

Li Jiu and Qi Jingci said that dancing in the bar was just to catch up with them and wash away their dust.

Ji Huai: “…”

 Let me go to you mmp.

I haven’t seen him for a long time, but when I meet him, I **** his heart and grab the bamboo shoots.

Ji Huai sneered twice and decided not to be acquainted with these barbarians.

 He snorted arrogantly, picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

 The barbarians in Ji Huai’s mouth,

“Mr. Xiao Ning, to be fair, is Ji Huai fat?”

Liu Yige saw Ji Huai's unconvinced face and hummed softly. He held the wine glass and twisted his waist to sit next to Ning Feng. His charming peach blossom eyes were rippling with water. The tail of his eyes raised up and he smiled seductively at him.

“…” Ning Feng silently stayed away from her.

Liu Yige noticed his little movement, raised his eyebrows slightly, and approached him again.

Seeing that he was about to be pushed to the ground, Ning Feng looked up helplessly and met her teasing eyes.

 “...Sister Yige, stop making trouble.”

He was suddenly called out by Li Jiu today and made a special announcement. He thought it was something important, but he thought he was being dragged over to accompany him for a drink.

Ning Feng helplessly held his forehead and glanced at Li Jiu rather sadly.

The boss is a bit too cruel. He only asked him to come here alone. Isn't this the rhythm of seeing him being bullied by these people?

Furthermore, if he had known that Sister Yi Ge was here, he would never have come.

 After all, when she was in M ​​State, she liked to pinch her face the most.

Liu Yige: "Who made the fuss? I'm asking you seriously."

Her eyes were fixed on Ning Feng, as if she would never give up until she got an answer. Ning Feng: “…”

Under the intimidation of her eyes, Ning Feng nodded slightly against his will.

Liu Yige suddenly laughed out loud: "Hahaha, Ji Huai, look, Xiao Ning, the most honest person, always says you are fat!"

Ji Huai: "...Liu Yige, do you want face? You have to be honest when you bully Xiao Ning, right?"

 “Yeah, what can you do to me?”


Seeing Liu Yige and Ji Huai quarreling again, Ning Feng took the opportunity to escape, ran to Li Jiu and sat down, breathing a long sigh of relief.

Seeing him like this, Li Jiu raised her lips and smiled, "Is the song so scary?"

It's okay not to mention this. When Ning Feng looked at Li Jiu, his eyes suddenly turned sad, and he complained in a dumbfounded voice: "Boss, I pushed the announcement and a lot of work for you, and you just cheated me like this?"

   Clearly knowing that Liu Yige was the most intolerable to him, he still tricked him into coming here.

Li Jiu spread his hands and said, "There is no other way. Everyone else is on task, but you are the most idle."

Ning Feng: "...As far as I know, fourth brother and seventh sister seem to have more free time than me."

Li Jiu’s eyes were gloomy: “Are you sure you want them two to catch the wind?”


Ning Feng thought about it carefully. Liu Yige seemed to have sold more than half of Qi Sijin's car before. Bai Ye secretly took Ji Yunshu's medicine and sold it at a high price on the black market. Now he is still listed on her murder list. .

Let the two of them come and turn the feast into a murder scene.

Thinking of that scene, Ning Feng trembled all over, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said resignedly: "Okay, I'll do it."

 No, no one else can come, so why does he have to come?

Ning Feng suddenly thought of something wrong.

If you want to tell them about the situation in Dijing, why don't Ji Huai come? He is just a person who works in the entertainment industry all day long. Even if he has a share in MZ, he only has a name and doesn't know much about things in the mall. .

 So even if he comes, it will be of no use at all.

Ning Feng twitched the corner of his mouth in hindsight and looked at Li Jiu silently.



“You couldn’t be more asking Sister Yige to help with something, so you’re using me to please her, right?”

Ning Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. It was no secret that Liu Yige liked to rub his head. If Li Jiu wanted something from Liu Yige, she would really do such a thing.

Li Jiu paused and looked unnatural for a moment, "No way, don't talk nonsense."

  Ning Feng: “…”

  OK, confirmed.

Ning Feng couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “Boss, I won’t lead you to deceive people like this.”

 “Old Shi.” Li Jiu suddenly looked serious.

She stretched out her hand and patted Ning Feng's shoulder, and said in a slightly solemn tone: "As the saying goes, when heaven is about to assign a great responsibility to a person, he must first strain his bones and starve his body..."

Ning Feng interrupted her in time: "Boss, what do you want me to do?"

A smile appeared on Li Jiu's lips that made Ning Feng's eyelids jump. He said in a gentle manner: "It's nothing. I just came to Imperial Capital and I'm not familiar with it. I want you to get her familiar with it."

Ning Feng: "...Boss, if you want me to die, you should have told me earlier."

With Liu Yige getting acquainted with Imperial Capital, I’m afraid tomorrow’s headlines on the front pages of major media outlets will be #Ningfeng’s Love Affair, and his agent and company will kill him.

Mr. Xiao Ning: Today is also a day of being cheated (smile.jpg)



 (End of this chapter)

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