She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 418: They all regard her as a tool

Chapter 418 Treat her as a tool

"I don't know if the surveillance from four years ago is still there, and there are hundreds if not thousands of bars in the entire Imperial Capital... Boss, you are making things difficult for me." The corners of He Yao's eyes kept twitching, and her expression was a little stiff.

Li Jiu tsked lightly and glanced at her lightly, "It's not difficult. Why should I find you?"

“…So you gave me a Thanos level of difficulty?”

He Yao looked sad and felt that Li Jiu was a god.

Li Jiu was silent for a moment and told her what Shan's mother had just said.

After hearing this, He Yao was filled with disbelief, "Is Li Yun so bold? How old was she at that time?"

Still a student, even doing this kind of beast is not as good enough.

“Li Hong was so stressed out about things back then that he couldn’t find many things, so I came to find you.”

 It is estimated that no one except He Yao can find out those information.

He Yao nodded, understanding why Li Jiu had to find her.


“Boss, haven’t you asked Sister Yige to investigate?” He Yao asked.

Although she did not go to pick up Feng Yan, she had already learned the news that Liu Yige and others had come to the empire.

 “Did she tell you?” Li Jiu asked.

 “No, she posted it on WeChat Moments.”

He Yao took out her mobile phone and pulled out Liu Yige’s latest news: What the **** kind of road is this! Two pairs of my high heels are broken!

 The accompanying picture shows a muddy village road.

 The tone was full of disgust and complaints, everyone knew that Miss Liu's princess disease had returned.

“Now everyone knows what you asked her to do, boss.”

Li Jiu’s eyes twitched slightly. I asked her to do things, but there was no progress yet. Instead, it was so high-profile that I wanted the whole world to know that she really was there.

"It's not enough to investigate alone with a song." Li Jiu said.

"Isn't this enough?" He Yao was immediately startled, "If Sister Yi Ge can really find evidence, then Li Hong will be in bad luck."

As for the immoral things he has done, once he is found guilty, the jail sentence will be light.

Li Jiu's lips curved with a hint of ridicule, "What I want is not just Li Hong paying the price."

He Yao raised her eyebrows slightly and clicked her tongue twice. What she meant was that she wanted Li Yun to accompany her father?

 You are truly worthy of being the boss.

However, she was not familiar with Li Hong and his daughter. They were none of her business, but if Li Jiu wanted to kill them, she would still be willing to contribute.

"Okay, I'll try my best, give me a week." He Yao curled her lips and accepted the job.

Li Jiu nodded, "Hurry up."

"I see."

After explaining this to He Yao, Li Jiu left without staying any longer. He Yao stood there and watched her leaving back, sighing helplessly.

  Qi Sijin asked her to investigate a dark bar before. She had just finished it, and in the blink of an eye, Li Jiu came to her again.

 Everyone regards her as a tool.


He Yao angrily stamped her feet on the spot to vent her resentment.

Now the time she spends with her brother An Yan has been greatly reduced. She goes to class every day with dark circles under her eyes and can't concentrate at all. Qi Anyan called her name several times, which almost made him wonder if she was doing something sneaky at night. .

Honestly, she couldn't concentrate in class, and it was definitely because of these deceitful guys!

 (End of this chapter)

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