Chapter 435

Lu Qingran's face was full of questions. He looked at her and then moved his eyes to the other Qi Sijin, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

 “Why are you all playing with your mobile phones?”

Bai Muyou: "Because it's too boring to stay with you."

 Lu Qingran: “.”

He choked for a moment, and when his eyes touched Ning Feng, he was even more surprised: "Ah Feng, why are you playing too?"

Before Ning Feng could answer, Bai Muyou took the lead and said, "I told you, staying with you is too boring."

  Ning Feng: “.”

  Qi Sijin: “.”

 Lu Qingran: “.”

 It’s terrible, it’s really terrible.

The taunting skill point of Bai Muyou is fully activated. That mouth is really poisonous and makes you doubt your life.

Lu Qingran is indeed doubting life at this moment.

What he didn’t know was that the other three people were chatting in a group behind his back.

 There were four people in the lounge, and three of them formed a group.

 It’s really not just a general target.

    VI: Don’t think that I will let him go. 】

Ning Feng paused and said: [I know, sister, just beat him up, I will never help him. 】

 Bai Muyou: “.?”

If just now she wanted to cut Lu Qingran into pieces, now she is a little calmer.

 Six: Xiaofeng, tell me the truth, are you two really serious? 】

  Why does it sound like he wants her to beat Lu Qingran to death?

   四: I testify that I am serious about this. Otherwise, with Lu Qingran’s temperament, how could he have lowered his dignity and stalked a person for so long? 】

Bai Muyou sneered: "So you knew Lu Qingran was chasing him a long time ago, right?" 】

 So, they all knew that Lu Qingran’s dog was chasing her brother, but no one told her?

ˆ “.”

Qi Sijin was caught off guard and suffered from toothache for a moment.

 Miscalculation. In fact, he was at most aware of Lu Qingran's grandson's actions earlier than Bai Muyou.

Who made him cause such a big fuss? All the entertainment headlines in Dijing were about his scandal with Ning Feng.

This is a cool operation. If he can't guess it again, he would be really stupid.

It happened to be a coincidence that when Lu Qingran and Ning Feng were involved in the scandal, Bai Muyou happened to be on a mission in Country H and was chased by the Duke. She had no idea what was going on in the country. When she came back, the scandal and everything else had been covered up. Cleaned up.

Qi Sijin complained silently in her heart. Even God didn't want her to know about this. Who's to blame?

Bai Muyou gritted her teeth, she shouldn't have stayed abroad for so long.

 When I came back, all my pigs were taken away by other pigs.

   四:Hey, Sixth, that’s about it. Don’t forget what day it is today. If you mess up the boss’s situation, she won’t let you go. 】

Li Jiu and the others haven't arrived yet. If Bai Muyou makes a fuss now, the reception might be ruined.

 When the time comes, none of them will be able to escape when the fall is settled.

Bai Muyou took two deep breaths and tried to calm himself down.

  Okay, for the sake of the boss, she endured it.

   6: Okay, I can ignore what you are hiding from me. 】

Ning Feng and Qi Sijin breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, but the next second, the breath got stuck in their throats, neither rising nor falling.

 Because, Bai Muyou asked another question immediately.


Qi Sijin squirted out a mouthful of water.

 “Cough cough cough!”

Ning Feng's face suddenly turned as red as a ripe shrimp, spreading from his neck to the base of his ears.

 “A Feng, what’s wrong?”

Lu Qingran was startled and quickly walked over and patted his back gently.

"Why did you choke all of a sudden?" He frowned and said in a helpless tone, "You must have been too careless."

Ning Feng turned off his phone a second before he approached, so Lu Qingran didn't see anything.

Bai Muyou on the side watched Ning Feng being half-hugged and patted by Lu Qingran, and her heart suddenly went cold.

No matter how you look at it, her Ah Feng doesn’t look like the one above!

 (End of this chapter)

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