She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 465: Are you Xiaoxi?

Chapter 465 Are you Xiao Xi?

 Suddenly, Li Jiu stepped forward quickly and snatched the report from his hand at an incredible speed.

  Qing Qian's eyes could not suppress their anger at this moment, and they quickly scanned the report. Their expression gradually changed from suspicion to shock, and even the hand holding the paper could not stop shaking.

Qi Jingci felt a pain in his heart, and immediately hugged her in his arms, saying softly: "Jiujiu, it's okay. Where is I?"

 No matter what happens, he is still by your side.

do not be afraid.

Li Jiu couldn't tell how he was feeling now. His thoughts were in a mess, and the aura on his body was getting increasingly violent.

With her head pressed into Qi Jingci's arms, she bit her lower lip and struggled to speak out: "This is impossible..."

 Absolutely impossible!

Qi Jingci's eyes dimmed, his face suddenly darkened, and his heart felt as if he had been pricked by needles.

 This was the first time he saw Li Jiu with such an expression.

 “That’s not true…”

Li Jiu raised her head in his arms, the ends of her eyes were slightly red, and her tone was choking: "...Qi Jingci, this is not true."

 How could her father be Li Chen? !

 This thing is so incredible!

Qi Jingci was stunned for a moment, then immediately held her in his arms and caressed her, "Okay, if you say no, it's not."

 He kissed the top of her hair.

 “I’m by your side, don’t worry.”

"Dad..." Li Chen rolled his throat and spoke with difficulty: "What on going on?"

 Why, why did Li Jiu suddenly become his child?

Mr. Li sighed: "I...don't know either."

 He raised his head and looked at Li Jiu who was being held by Qi Jingci, feeling sour in his heart.


 Before, he was fully expecting that Li Jiu was his granddaughter, but when the truth was revealed, he really couldn't be happy. Even, I don’t know how to face her.

Mr. Li took a step forward and said in a trembling voice: "I'm sorry Xiaojiu, grandpa asked Dean Liu to do the appraisal. It was just an unrealistic guess. Grandpa, grandpa didn't expect you to be...Xiao Xi."

Xiao Xi, his granddaughter who had been buried in the fire a long time ago, is now standing in front of him intact, and has been with them for a long time.

 And they actually just recognized it now!

He wanted to slap himself.

 Hate myself why I didn’t continue to investigate further when I felt that there was a shadow of Wen Wen in Li Jiu.

If they had studied deeply at that time, wouldn't they have been able to recognize her earlier?

Mr. Li felt a dull pain in his heart at this moment.

Li Jiu clutched Qi Jingci's clothes tightly, his knuckles turning white. He could clearly feel that the person in his arms was shaking slightly.

Qi Jingci's breath became cold, and he wished he could take Li Jiu away from this place immediately.

However, this is not the case.

 Although Mr. Li and Li Chen are the main reasons for Li Jiu's emotional loss, he cannot get angry.

Qi Jingci glanced at the report in Li Jiu's hand, and narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the identification results.

 After all, they are really Li Jiu’s relatives.

"How could this could this happen!" Li Chen stood there, covering his face with his hands, and growled in a broken voice.

  Li Jiu…Xiao Xi, Xiao Xi…Li Jiu.

 The sudden change caught him off guard.

 My thoughts are in a mess, my rationality and calmness have gone away, and my whole person is on the verge of losing control.

Suddenly, he raised his head with red eyes, his face was full of sadness, there was a dull pain in his heart, and there was a fishy sweetness in his throat, and he spoke with difficulty: "...Xiao Xi?"

 “Are you Xiaoxi?”

 His daughter? !

Once one hole has been filled, will the remaining holes be far away?



 (End of this chapter)

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