She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 469: The president asked me to come to Imperial Capital

Chapter 469 The president asked me to come to the Imperial Capital

When Li Jiu came out of the bathroom, her hair was still half-dry, with water droplets dripping from the ends of her hair and sinking into her collar. She was wrapped in a bathrobe, which was loose and casual.

 She wiped her hair carefully with a towel while sorting out what happened tonight in her mind.

I was really panicked at first, but I calmed down a lot after taking a shower.

 She sorted things out clearly.

 First, the paternity test was true, and there was no need for Dean Liu to lie to her.

 Second, she is the daughter of Li Chen and Wen Wen, who was also Li Xi back then.

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes slightly.

She didn't know much about Li Xi. Even if the old housekeeper of the Li family was familiar with Housekeeper Mo, it would be impossible for him to reveal everything that could be called a scandal. If she was really her, then There must be another hidden reason for the kidnapping back then.

 In addition, there is the most important point.

The expression on Li Jiu's face became solemn.

If she is Li Xi, then her mother... is Wen Wen?

 Just, how is this possible?

Wen Wen is just an ordinary person, and her mother... is a superpower.

Li Jiu's doubts became deeper and deeper, her brows furrowed, and she took out her mobile phone and dialed a video invitation.

The video was quickly clicked, and Mia's delicate and charming facial features appeared in front of her eyes. She bent her eyes and said hello in a good mood: "Hi, little Jiujiu, long time no see."

Seeing Mia, Li Jiu felt a lot more relaxed, "Sister Mia, long time no see."

“Why did you video chat with me all of a sudden?”

Mia winked at her in the video, "Maybe you can't bear the loneliness and miss me?"

Li Jiu was helpless: "Sister Mia, stop making trouble."

 “OKOK, no kidding, what’s the matter with you?”

Li Jiu was silent and asked: "My mother... how is she?"

Mia was stunned for a moment and remained silent.

 Then, the screen went black, and there was a rustling sound, mixed with the sound of high heels stepping on the ground.

After a while, the video suddenly became clear, the camera was flipped, and another picture was displayed on the screen.

This is a ward, surrounded by various sophisticated instruments. In the huge space, only the beeping sound of the machines can be heard clearly, and there is no human life.

 The pipelines extending from the inside of the instrument covered the hospital bed, criss-crossing it, as if weaving into an airtight net, trapping the person lying on the bed.

Looking further up, only one head of the person on the bed was exposed, and the rest of the body was covered by dense circuits of treatment equipment. She wore a breathing mask between her nose, her face was very pale, and the outline of her facial features could not be concealed. Somewhat similar.

Li Jiu’s hand tightened as she held the phone, and her breathing became heavier.

 The woman in the video has a beautiful face and is lying there quietly, giving her a feeling of peace and quiet.

She has been lying there for more than ten years. Since Li Jiu was five years old, he could only look at her like this, lying there, as if she was isolated from the world.

To be honest, if Li Jiu hadn't often put his finger between her nose and felt her weak breathing when she was a child.

I'm afraid I really thought she was dead.

 “Here, do you see it? It’s still the same.”

Mia turned the camera over again, facing her face, "The doctors of the association and the healing power users have tried various methods, but there is still no improvement."

She sighed, "When you were here, she could still react slightly to the outside world. After you left, she returned to her previous isolation state."

Li Jiu's eyes dimmed and he said, "Didn't Lao Qi go back and take a look?"

 “I’ve come back twice, and every time I look frustrated.”

Mia sighed: "I'm afraid the biggest failure in this ghost doctor's life is Aunt Ye."

Li Jiu lowered his eyes and sneered with a hint of mockery: "After all, it has been judged that there is no hope."

"Uh... don't be discouraged, maybe there will be a miracle?" Li Jiu was silent for a moment, and suddenly looked up at her: "Sister Mia, were you familiar with my mother before?"

Mia raised her eyebrows, slightly surprised that she would ask this.

“It’s okay. I met Aunt Ye a few times when I was a child, and later we went on missions together. What’s wrong?”

“Then…did she tell you about my father?”

Mia smiled: "So you want to ask this again. You have asked the president so many times before, why don't you give up?"

Li Jiu didn’t speak.

"About your father, Aunt Ye has never mentioned it to me. After all, I am just a junior, but..."

Mia thought for a moment and said: "I accidentally heard the president mention that naming you Li Jiu has something to do with your father. I think your father's surname is Li, right?"

Li Jiu’s eyes darkened.

  Yes, from this point of view, it can’t be wrong.

 She is indeed Li Chen's daughter, and her mother was indeed as gentle as ever.

So, what exactly happened in the first place.

 Why did her mother pretend to be an ordinary person and marry Li Chen?

Also, she was only one month old when they were kidnapped, but she has been living in the association for a long time since she can remember.

 What happened during this period?

 “Xiaojiu? Xiaojiu?”

Li Jiu suddenly came back to his senses, "What's wrong?"

“The president said, let me come to the Imperial Capital.”

Li Jiu paused and frowned: "What is he going to do?"

“Let me investigate the kidnapping case of the Li family in Dijing.”

Mia has a headache. As the president's assistant, she is usually too busy to keep her feet on the ground. What's more, during this period, Zhong Qing's powers have special circumstances and it is inconvenient to show up. Everything falls on her alone. , is extremely busy.

In the end, Zhongqing thought she was not troublesome enough, so he lightly sent her to the Imperial Capital to investigate a mysterious kidnapping case.

Unexpectedly, Li Jiu's pupils trembled slightly after hearing this, and he suddenly raised his head and asked, "What did you say?"

 How did the president know about this?

Mia was startled by her reaction and asked: "What, what's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Where did he hear about this kidnapping case?"

"This... well, the rules of the mission are that you can't reveal too much information."

 Actually, it’s not that Mia didn’t want to say it, but it was Qi Jingci who asked the president...

Who in the association doesn’t know that the bosses of the first and second supervisory teams are very powerful and want to kill them whenever they meet.

If you tell Li Jiu that this is a mission entrusted by God Q, you may not know what she will do.

 It’s better to keep it a secret.

Li Jiu's eyes were cold and unruly. Her look made it clear that she knew something but didn't want to say it.

“Xiaojiu...there’s nothing to do, so I’ll hang up now. I still have to pack my luggage. Let’s meet and talk when I get to the Imperial Capital.”

  Mia quickly hung up the video when Li Jiu didn't answer.

 After putting down the phone, she slapped herself twice.

What a mouth she has! Why can’t I control my instinct to gossip?

 Mia collapsed and wanted to die.

   Really, I’m so sad. I gave three days’ notice before school started. The school is really a master of time management (>﹏<)



 (End of this chapter)

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